Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

Thinck real never rtm a post of mine ??, then we have a rogue last ban came from a response I made to YOU.....and I was told I would get 1 yr ban...outing a friend/relative of YOURS, in that post.....
I didn't thinck you slighted me I thought you had some deal going with a mod....because a mod here wouldn't have an agenda to ban a member without a reason....I would hope.....
but I saved all the emails and pm's Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Point of order:
Anyone who us offended at your comment can hit the rtm, or if a mod is cruising the thread and deem your comment out of line they don't need the rtm. Just because someone hit the rtm doesn't mean it was me, or maybe it was... who the hell cares? You know what you posted. No one controls your keyboard so maybe you should take some accountability for what you post and lay the blame where it belongs... on you and the comment you made. Just a thought.
Linck, please. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
To bring it back might possibly reoffend him, but you know, you post it you own it.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Point of order:
Anyone who us offended at your comment can hit the rtm, or if a mod is cruising the thread and deem your comment out of line they don't need the rtm. Just because someone hit the rtm doesn't mean it was me, or maybe it was... Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus

you post it, you own it. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus


This thread need some comic relief.. you wanna see a mf who looks like a horse? here you go. And wtf is a piece of burger?

spit it American Pharoah....
[QUOTE=Hottentot Venus or maybe it was... who the hell cares?[/QUOTE]
thought so........that's enough for me you can tell the story as you need to

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
like your post about someone in the ladies private lounge??? most hookers woul be banned.....
but you must be better than all wouldn't take much for a REAL mod to find her post
There is a fine line in between -
ELUDING to information's locations & actually giving away precise information. Some people are aware of that line & how to navigate it (tip-toe it lol) some people.... not so much. (And I would have to think some Mods out there agree, lest-wise I would have gotten my formal invitation to the Banapalooza list, eh?)

And as another note.... a hypothetical (as above) "maybe I did, maybe I didn't" is not equivalent to a "I DID IT."
"I" would assume it means, "Frankly that's none of your damn business, so quit trying to blame me for your own actions & the consequences there-of."
But I guess some people ASSume a lot....
Heh, I do on occassion, but I never claimed perfection.
I know I think I am a Miss. SmartyPants, so it happens. Meh.
So sue me.

SideNote: BTW, Post counts..... Look who got the lucky #666 .... 0_o heh.
chicagoboy's Avatar
tought you were the linck/thread master/scribe Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
I am the Sultan of Search, but why should I exert myself when Tony Goombah can more easily remind us which post earned him his latest (not "last") ban?
........... did that work out for you? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Obviously great, as usual.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Linck, please. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I am the Sultan of Search, but why should I exert myself when Tony Goombah can more easily remind us which post earned him his latest (not "last") ban? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
the thing is you asked or suggested, however it's to be taken. so he could say the samething about exerting himself. besides, you came through anyways. ha, ha (didn't click the link so just guessing. my bad if it's to something else)
like your post about someone in the ladies private lounge??? most hookers woul be banned.....
but you must be better than all wouldn't take much for a REAL mod to find her post Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
she already answered. my thoughts reading this were she wasn't specific enough in the info though she obviously divulged that there is private info about a specific member in a specific private area. it's no longer speculation. she went as far as to make an assumption based on the information which was wrong. so you aren't the only one assuming. who knows, maybe she got some of those chicken tasting points instead.

interestingly enough -
#20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.

we'll have to assume the underlined part is being handled as it does state 100% and states Revealing ANY content. I would think alluding to info is just as wrong from that alone. I know I now know something is posted I wouldn't have otherwise known. and then there is that pesky case-by-case basis thrown in to give leeway
This thread need some comic relief.. you wanna see a mf who looks like a horse? here you go. And wtf is a piece of burger?

Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
That video is to fucking funny!! Anna Star must have gave her make up lessons.. TFF
maybe she got some of those chicken tasting points instead. Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG

Nope, not a one.

Not yet. Although, I got one reversal a while back....
Now I know better.

Perhaps morally, you are right....

I will try to watch it, looking back, I can see how it is ALMOST saying something... And could be a potential problem down the road (which is why I understand there ARE rules in place for REASONS such as preventing issues, i.e. snowballs/shit-balls roll downhill...) I just hope it was NOT close enough to do so.... Honestly, when I do wrong; Please check me.
I'm not here to rain on parades.... or start shit-storms... I will leave that to the "Pro's*" ..... *You know who you are.

As much as I love to provide free entertainment (hey, I get bored, too. I can admit that. I'm not a back-to-back puppy-mill style hooktard... low volume, so I have plenty of down time.... I don't mind being comedic relief or joining a fiery debate... ) I just don't want to be THAT kind of entertainment...
The BSC line-stepper kind...

...Anna Star must have gave her make up lessons.. TFF Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
That video is to fucking funny!! Anna Star must have gave her make up lessons.. TFF Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
My fav line from that video: "and the result is this poor officer doesn't know if his life is going to continue to make it or if he's just gonna tap out."

That's his way of saying "fighting for his life" or "badly injured".
