NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

.... Jacoby is usually no help, Walter likes to disappear.... Originally Posted by Daddio
Exactly. I can't believe the contracts those two have either. They are at best a WR4 on most other teams.

I'm not begging for the circus to come to town but if TO is healthy, why not give him a shot? Without Dre, we are basically down to passing to out TEs and RBs.
Rubchasertx's Avatar
I'm convinced that Jacoby has never watched film in his life. Aside from the fact that he often gets the dropsies, his routes are terrible. He sees to have no clue how to figure out where he is supposed to be. His only success has been a result of being fast as shit and on the other side of the field from Dre. The kid has so much potential but doesn't seem to understand how to make something out of it.

I have to admit I love watching him return punts though. Seems like he is always 1 missed tackle away from taking to the house.
Since I am not much of a fan of the UT sports scene and/or the Dallas Cowboys, I normally listen to the Sirius NFL broadcast while in Austin and on road trips. After reading the posts in this forum I could not help but wonder if there was something new and dangerous in Htown's water, which happens to be the town that this old timer called home from the late 50's until two years ago.

Admittedly, I am having difficulty following the logic (or lack thereof) that 15-16 points per game from TJ is somehow better than 27-28 points per game when my gf's brother takes the snaps from center. I find it quite humorous that Dude Daddio seems to overlook the points per game aspect but proudly boasts about TJ's superior running skills, as if that was the only determining factor of qb superiority. I suppose when there is no other statistical advantage, you take what you can get. In any event, it can only be viewed as an open and shut case of mistaken priorities!

The analysts on the NFL network were near unanimous in saying that the Texans were a legitimate Super Bowl contender while Schaub was in the lineup but when he went down for the year to injury, all bets were suddenly off. By the same token, this morning I had the opportunity to listen to Sports 610 for the first time in quite some time and I was relieved to hear that the sportscasters on that channel, as well as most of the callers, were echoing the same sentiments as I have been on these pages. That being, TJ has done an adequate job in a difficult situation but the Texans would be in a much better situation if Schaub were still available. Through no fault of our own, we have been forced to rely upon a rookie qb drafted in the 5th round.

I am quite relieved to know that it is not the water in Htown as a whole, just the water in this forum that seems to be quite murky.

Word of caution: Please don't drink water while in this forum (or the Kool Aid). It may be extremely hazardous to your sanity.

The bad news: Those who have been sippin' from the water hole are now certifiably crazy!

The good news: Even though crazy, they are quite entertaining!!!!!

But even at that they are not so crazy that they can still recognize that T.J. is better running the ball than Schaub. It just goes to show that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn occasionally!
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Schaub I can't wait until you get better. When you aren't playing, you are on the forums bragging about yourself too much.

gnadfly, I'd gladly try out the circus if it means less drops. I felt bad Mason didn't work out but I guess it's just his time.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

too damn busy to post on tuesday but here it izzzz....

Total Offence: 10th(343yds/g) | Total Points: 8th(343) | Points/game: 8th(24.5) | Time of Pos/game: Tie@1st(32:56) |TO: 6th(+7)

Rushing: 2nd(151.8yds/game) 2,125 so far this season & passed the 2k mark

Total defence: 2nd(277.9yds/g) | Int: 4th(17) | Sacks: 5th(38)

W-L: 10-4

As a result of the HANGOVER, stats took a big hit!.. But honestly, stats are not as big as they were. For the simple fact, WE ARE NOW PLAYOFF BOUND!
These next games are confidence builders only and may or may not get us a 1st round bye. However, they are NOT MUST WINS!!
in other words, I want w's but could give a shit if we get L's I got my early Christmas present from the Texans already!

However, I bet Kubes and the team will want to finish strong and get TJ ready for the biggest game(s) of his life come JAN!

YOUR TEXANS ARE 3RD IN AFC!**** However,,,
IF WE WIN OUT and have NE loose at least 1 we can still finish 1st...

Some good Karma after a bad game: BAL & PIT both loose!!! Therefore we are tied @10-4 to both BAL and PIT.
Right now we are the 3rd seed. However when season finishes, if we are ALL knotted up @ 12-4, WE GET 1ST SEED!

If you care to see how the Texans are progressing, check wk 14,, wk13,,,wk 12, wk11 BYE, wk10,

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-21-2011, 11:23 PM
Don't forget boys, our Texans play Thursday night at 7:20 pm. Also don't go looking for any NFL games on TV on Sunday, all you will see is the NBA. All the games this weekend will be on Saturday instead. There is only one Sunday night game of Chicago vs Green Bay.

We need to hope for Miami to upset New England, Cleveland to take down the Ravens & the Rams to beat the Steelers...(yeah right)...,

Right now we're seeded 3rd and would be playing the Jets. I would love that. Mark Sanchez sucks and we would kick Rex Ryan's fat ass.

Daddio, Indy is ranked 28th in total defense, 28th against the run & 24th against
the pass. They suck pretty bad but still can be dangerous in their own stadium.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
BT, Daddio.... U guys are nuts!!
But nevertheless, very entertaining!

Satin... I agree that they are dangerous, However, the Smurfs without big papa are the least dangerous. We have never won there. So, I believe the Texans will be hungry once again and it will be an epic performance by the rook and company...

Instead of posting predictions for the Texans vs Smurf game, I would like to focus matchups and predictions for MIA vs NE game...
(Texans smash IND ALL ACROSS THE BOARD) <--- in icase u live under a rock. So, let me just say I hope to see the Texans' lawnmower runover the little smurf ant bed... hehehe or for the
Who would have known Texans w/out 3 probowlers in Dre, Dopey, Super Mario and starting a 3rd string rook, COULD still put up more W's than the Colts w/out Manning... Damn what a QB!
Joyful as a Texan but sad for the NFL.. I hope Papa Smurf gets well soon.. I'd like to see the Texans pound on him some more...hehehe
Texans @ Colts Preview


NE dominates across the board. However, this is also a division rivalry! AND MIA has been improving as of late, winning 5 of their last 7. I can't honestly say that MIA has any kind of edge. However, since there playoff hopes are now crushed, they may decide to unleash their fury on NE's poor defense.. Matt Moore has been throwing a lot better lately and Reggie Bush has been running strong as well (ran for 203 last Sun).

I'm hoping for an upset in colder-than-Eskimo-pussy Foxboro which will put the Texans back in their right full place!
chrissy's Avatar
ok so does this mean escorts can look forward to a very slow football night?...Dayyyumm and I chose to tour Tx this time of year! lol....
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Hello there Chrissy, Welcome to H-Town!!

and i'ts all good... There are many Cowboy fans here in H-Town and they don'y play Thurs... Also, some of us Texans fans are developing a Texans' cheerleader fetish.. If you could some how cater to that (sexy outfit, etc.), let us know where the line starts..
BT, Daddio.... U guys are nuts!!
But nevertheless, very entertaining!
Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I am just sharing with (Dopey) Dude Daddio and Bb05 the same information that the rest of the football world already knows. During the 2011 NFL season, a healthy Matt Schaub (injury notwithstanding) has been a much better NFL starting qb option than a healthy T.J. Yates. With the notable exception of T.J. being a better running qb. LOL The stats don't lie! Why it seems to escape those two is anybody's guess.

I made a personal decision to try to help the mentally challenged transition into the real world. (Dopey) Dude and Bb05 were my first projects. Earth to (Dopey) Dude Daddio and Bb05 (the guy who proudly proclaims that he loves to hate Matt Schaub): Thus far during the current NFL season, Schaub is in fact a 12 point per game better qb than TJ. Hopefully my gf's brother will be good to go by next years training camp. That does not necessarily mean that Schaub will always be as good at running the Texans offense as he was during the first 10 games of this season. Five years from now, who knows?

Barring further injury, my gf's brother (damn you Satin for outing me) will be our starting qb in 2012! I am so certain that will be the case, I am more than willing to place a five lap dance wager with each to the girl of the winners choosing (that's 100 smarackaroos each to the mentally challenged), payable at a strip club picked out by Satin. Hmmm, I wonder if (Dopey) Dude and Bb05 will decide to dance for each other! That's not my business, whatever floats their boat!

Obviously, injuries and age will eventually factor in for both. But I can assure you of one thing, if Kubes were foolish enough to start a 16 point per game T.J. Yates over a healthy 27 point per game Matt Schaub next year, 31 NFL teams would be thrilled with the decision. But Kubes is much smarter than that. And that is why Kubes is the Head Coach of the Houston Texans and not (Dopey) Dude Daddio or Bb05.

And I am willing to bet on it! Are they?
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-22-2011, 10:35 AM
Chrissy, feel free to drop in whenever, no matter what you have to say. You should consider coming to do a football viewing party for us guys. Like Cat-Man says, as long as you wear a cheerleader outfit, it's all good.

Man, I'm considering dropping a moratorium on the Dopey talk. It's starting to get repetitive and redundant. The dude is hurt, so he can't do shit this year. Regardless of whether you hate the guy or love him, he's not playing. Some people feel he sucks, some feel he's the second coming of Jesus, but either way, he has a boot on and can't play, so let's move on.

Lets talk about who IS playing and WHO we're playing for now. Right now it's the Rook's show. Next year is next year. We're trying to win games this year.

One thing I find very ironic. When someone like TJ makes a few mistakes, they're referred to as "rookie mistakes." Well what about when Big Ben throws 2 picks in the first quarter or Brady throws picks in the end zone? Are those "rookie mistakes" too ? TFF...
I am very tired of BT's worthless repetitive drivel about Schaub as well. I hope Kubes opens up the QB comptetition next year but we all know he won't because in the long run Kubes is pretty nutless. Table the bet until after the year, let's see if TJ survives the season as some tough playoff matchups loom. Also you will have to provide 3 to 1 or 5 to 1 odds for me if I accept the bet as we all know Kubes is Mr. Conservative. Let's remember to make this bet for next year however BT, I bet that the fleet foot Dope does not make it through the season without getting injured again. Brittle Boy Dope, has alot of heart and i do like the guy but he has no mobility and is too fucking slow making decisions, thus the nickname that sticks, "Dopey".

I have yet to tag my boy TJ with a nickname yet as the jury is still out on him but a couple of earler nickname contenders are "Champ" and "Winner". Those seem a little gay so they prolly wont stick. Still perculating on the nickname for TJ for now. How about "Satin's Slinger", no that's sounds like Satins package, scratch that, sorry bro. Fuck still perculating.

I agree the moratorium starts now, take notice BT!!! Let's move forward with our "Great White Shark" TJ.

Big Ben makes mistakes becaues he is a fucking Gunslinger. TJ needs some fucking recieving help badly or his numbers will not be too impressive, he is really handcuffed by the lack of talent at WR. I think he could be a great Gunslinger too with Andre and another good WR. Remember we could have had Dez Bryant instead of Kareem Jackson. Just win TJ, just win baby!!
One Eye Willy, major major props to you on the Stat N Snatch post today. Number 69 is my new favorite Texan!! Who is that?

Go Texans!! Beat the Shit out of the F ing Colts!!!
kerwil62's Avatar


__________ Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
Yesss LAWWDD!!!!!!!!!!!

As y'all were............. C'mon Texans!!!!!
blowpop's Avatar
My goal for tonight: No injuries. A win would be nice, but we need guys healthy for the playoffs. I'm glad that Kubiak is sitting Dre tonight - if we need him against Indy, we're done.

Agreed that we need another good receiver. Walter is skilled enough, but he's not a big play guy. After Dre, our receiving threats are the TEs and RBs. Jacoby is just too inconsistent to be depended on.

Dre's return will make TJ look better. Also, the RBs having a breakout day will help; everyone looked flat against the Panthers.

Tonight: 27-13, Texans.