TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Sleepy02's Avatar
It’s hard to imagine how anyone in their right mind could possibly support trump. Dude is a complete imbecile.
Oh this is gonna be fun. Defund the police ( yes, I know what that means). This is another gift from the radical left that will keep on giving till the election. You can't make this shit up.

And btw - there's 60 or so million people that support Trump.
winn dixie's Avatar
Well , wind douche, you have done a good job in uncovering a giant consipiracy that was not to get out until after Trump got drunk on his own pee and lost the election. Yes, we libs, pinkos,fellow travellers, queers and midgits have made a deal with the USPS to return mail in ballots from Dems only. The Repub ballots were to be sent to Iran for them to wipe their asses on. How do we know which ballots are Dem or not? We have a secret mark to put one each ballot that only Dems and the USPS and Masons know.

In total, you're fucked! Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Uncalled for rude and insulting remarks sir!

But thats the lefts way isnt it!
winn dixie's Avatar
Bet crypt doesnt bat an eye. If i posted it it would be at least a five pointer.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Adolph Chump is the most prolific Name-Caller in the History of the World !!

And the Chumpettes ( that's the whinin' cryin' excuse makin' followers who emulate him ) feign such indignation when the tables are turned.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump's problems this time to overcome ;

1.He lost the popular majority vote by quite a bit in 2016. He alleged that voter fraud was the culprit. He formed a panel to look into it and they found nothing.

2.That election he had no political record to help or hinder him. This time he has a record that will probably mostly hinder except his base of course.

3.That race was against a very un-likeable candidate - Clinton.

4.That race had Russian meddling that was in favor of Chump. I'm not saying collusion or conspiracy. This was just recently re-affirmed by a Republican controlled Senate committee.

5.So to not win the majority vote against an un-charismatic Clinton and be boosted by Russian interference while also not having any negative political baggage mostly is very significant for this run.

6.He has bungled the virus thing and now the racial tension as well.

7.He has the worst un-employment numbers in the History of the World !!

8.He will have saddled us and our children with worst deficit in the History of the World !!

9.That brief law and order statement followed by the clearing out of peaceful protesters ( which that was part of his photo-op , he wanted people to see him coming down on the protesters ) and then standing in front of church with a bible was the most weird thing I've ever seen.

These are just a few of the obstacles for Chump to overcome.It's too much.
winn dixie's Avatar

odumber added more to the debt than all the previous presidents combined!
odumber actually did worse with race relations by adding fuel and egging them on
Trump has had to deal with the covid pamdemic that caused the unemployment rate! He had the best employment rate for minorities specifically afro-americans in the history of our economy! No one in the world has done a much better job than Trump! All while dealing with china iran n.korea and the over reaction of the floyd death!
These peaceful demonstrations? You must not see the riots looting and cities on fire! Not to mention all the harassment the police have taken protecting property and citizens. Add to all this travesty all the police that have had major injuries and have been shot by these peaceful protesters!
Had enough yet? These are the facts! I would advise libs to stop with the communistic pc culture and realize the is the greatest country on earth!
winn dixie's Avatar
All of this has happened while sleepy touchy biden has been in his bunker. He comes out for photo ops and gives a readied comment to the public made for him. The dimokrats dont want him to speak. Good logic behind that! Ya'lls own odumber did the same thing by muzzling his idiocy
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh this is gonna be fun. Defund the police ( yes, I know what that means). This is another gift from the radical left that will keep on giving till the election. You can't make this shit up.

And btw - there's 60 or so million people that support Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Biden came out today stating he does not support defunding the police. So Trump gains no ground on this issue.

Trump's approval rating is now -13.6%. 41.1% approve, 54.7% disapprove. Down 3.3% IN ONE WEEK!! Biden's approval rating is above 50%, a level Hillary Clinton never reached.

Trump got almost 63 million votes in 2016. I'm sure he will hit that total in 2020. Unfortunately, I expect turnout in 2020 to be at a much higher percentage than 2016. Clinton won the popular vote by 2% in 2016. Biden leads by 6-7% right now. Whether that translates in an electoral vote victory is to be determined. Trump is not in position to pick up any states Clinton won in 2016. Michigan looks good for a Biden victory. The way Trump is pissing off senior voters, Florida might fall to Biden. Election over.

I'm interested as to your opinion on what Trump can do to turn things around.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

odumber added more to the debt than all the previous presidents combined!
odumber actually did worse with race relations by adding fuel and egging them on
Trump has had to deal with the covid pamdemic that caused the unemployment rate! He had the best employment rate for minorities specifically afro-americans in the history of our economy! No one in the world has done a much better job than Trump! All while dealing with china iran n.korea and the over reaction of the floyd death!
These peaceful demonstrations? You must not see the riots looting and cities on fire! Not to mention all the harassment the police have taken protecting property and citizens. Add to all this travesty all the police that have had major injuries and have been shot by these peaceful protesters!
Had enough yet? These are the facts! I would advise libs to stop with the communistic pc culture and realize the is the greatest country on earth! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nice try.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Obama added some debt mostly to pull us out of a Financial Nosedive precipitated by W Bush actually just prior to the election.That bit about him adding more than all presidents combined is not valid.Even prior to Covid he had been exceeded by Chump.Now at present I don't even think they can compute the deficit yet,but it will be the Biggest in the History of the World !!

I don't recall any race protests outside the WH gates during the Obama administration.

This is where Chump and the Chumpettes lose it. You assert that Chump Had the best un-employment data. He had that. He owns that. Takes responsibility for it. Yet just prior you absolve him of responsibility when it is bad. The Covid pandemic caused that. So he is innocent. He doesn't have this. He doesn't own this. He takes no responsibility for this.

I'm speaking specifically about the peaceful protesters outside the WH that were made fodder for Chump's photo-op.

It has been and can be again the greatest country but not till we fire Chump and rid ourselves of his failed governance.

One other note ; Chump sold people Nostalgia ; Make America Great Again.
Intimating America was once great and we could revert back to that.

If you have not figured it out yet ; you can't go back. The hometown you grew up in is not there anymore. Not the way it was back when. This country is moving forward with you or without you.

Have you had enough yet ? Adolph "Whinin' Donnie" Chump !! Such a drama queen. The most aggrieved Prez ever. What with China,WHO,Obama,Media,CDC,Inte l Community,Governors,Mayors,Cov id,and Race. Let's see did we leave anyone out for Chump to blame ? Oh I almost forgot "Disgruntled Employees". Chump has had a bunch of those. Many he appointed to high positions. Respected Republican figures.

Chump's reign is over. 5 more months to go.
"Uncalled for rude and insulting remarks sir!"

Oh shit! I didn't realize you were so delicate! I will apologize when your douche bag of a president, that you follow around like a little lost puppie, apologizes for some of the nasty shit he has put out there.
Typical ass-hole Trumpista view of reality.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nice try. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Truth and facts shuts em up!
winn dixie's Avatar
"Uncalled for rude and insulting remarks sir!"

Oh shit! I didn't realize you were so delicate! I will apologize when your douche bag of a president, that you follow around like a little lost puppie, apologizes for some of the nasty shit he has put out there.
Typical ass-hole Trumpista view of reality. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
No need to apoligize! I wouldnt accept it! The U.S. problems are the left! Do as i say not as i do! Defund the police, but want all these new pc correct laws. Your attitude would change real quick with a weeks worth of a total blue out!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Truth and facts shuts em up! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Obama took over an economy in the midst of the worst recession since the 1930s. He was forced to spend money to get us out of it and he succeeded. And no, he did not add more to the debt than all presidents before him. Trump took over an economy in great shape (4.6% unemployment) and improved it (3.6% unemployment, a decrease of 1% in 3 years) by giving a huge tax break to the rich and corporations and running up a deficit unprecedented in times of solid economic times.

The rest of your post makes excuses for Trump, which was pointed out. Again, nice try.