Young girls with LOW prices?

This has been an entertaining thread but, I would have liked to hear a few more ladies weigh in with their opinions... Originally Posted by In the Country
The rest of the quality providers around here aren't dumb enough to do what BD is doing. They understand full well how bad it makes her look to prospective clients and they want no part of it. It's why she is going it alone. She has a degenerative case of GPS and there is no cure except time. She continues to boast about moving on to something else after whoooring, but if she displays the same level of customer service and respect as she does here, good luck making that enterprise a success.
Or up services or - most of all - get an attitude transplant. I've paid 300 often and even more a few times, but I wouldn't give 10 cents to feed that disdainful attitude. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
This should speak volumes right here. Rigged is a respected member of this board, who offers insightful advice. If he sees it, it's there and it's a problem. He doesn't just talk to hear himself speak.
InTheCountry's Avatar
Even though my first post to this thread prompted a reply from BD saying that, I should keep my opinion to myself. I didn't take it personally. This being an open forum. Welcome and encourage the views and, opinions of all members. What ever they may be...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Even though my first post to this thread prompted a reply from BD saying that, I should keep my opinion to myself. I didn't take it personally. This being an open forum. Welcome and encourage the views and, opinions of all members. What ever they may be... Originally Posted by In the Country
We aren't allowed to say anything negative else we get blacklisted in the man cave.

So as far as I'm concerned everyone is great and business is booming
InTheCountry's Avatar
I have no way of knowing but, it would be my guess that the ladies room can be just a brutal to us fellas...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Most girls don't talk shit about yall on here because most have Pimps who tell them how to run their whole those pimps make those girls do everything they say!
most of the girls here are pimped? hmmmm of the ones ive seen i cant say i have ever seen or dealt with a pimp, but then again, who knows i dont but thats a real bold statment.
Honestly it wouldnt matter what see charges or what her services are.A very arrogant attitude, does not interest me...
BabyDallass's Avatar
You think your going to see the pimp or have her tell you about him?? Lol dummy
Most girls don't talk shit about yall on here because most have Pimps who tell them how to run their whole those pimps make those girls do everything they say! Originally Posted by BabyDallass
And how the pimps make the girls think that they're actually not being pimped is the true trick of being in the pimp game.

Pimped? No way, he loves me!
Pimped? Fuck to the naw!
Pimped? Nope, he's in between jobs!
Pimped? He's a stay at home baby daddy!
Pimped? Fuck you, I live on my own terms!
Pimped? No sir, he's a Beta Tester, for PlayStation!

Only the smart ones escape!
Of which you did. Salute!

And a good pimp is never seen by the trick. That's the trick!
so how would you know most of the girls are pimped on here. this is interesting i know im not gonna see the pimp i just wonder how you know they are, most girls on here huh.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Honestly it wouldnt matter what see charges or what her services are.A very arrogant attitude, does not interest me... Originally Posted by TX Guy
Goes both ways...I turn down dick attached to money all the time...
BabyDallass's Avatar
so how would you know most of the girls are pimped on here. this is interesting i know im not gonna see the pimp i just wonder how you know they are, most girls on here huh. Originally Posted by jeffycisme
Oh yes most! & I know who most are, but wouldn't ever tell..I like seeing them get ducks like you
so a pimp is any guy the provider is supporting, im just asking if he doesnt have a job and she pays the bills hes her pimp?
ducks? hooker term for what