Odds on Trump's Impeachment

themystic's Avatar
President Pence wouldn't bother me either. But I am confident that not far into a Pence presidency, the Liberals would really wish they had Trump back. I was not a Trump supporter, I chose him over Crooked Hillery and am glad that I did. Away from the Liberal dooms day spin and propaganda, I think he has done a decent job.

Trump, if you bothered to look, has a history of being much more moderate than Pence. I was a Cruz supporter, but given the choice between Trump and the Clinton Crime family foundation choosing Trump was a no brainer.

Had Bush won the nomination I would have voted protest vote, as I will not vote for another establishment Rino like Mcain ever again they are no better than the Liberal Democrats..

If Trump leaves tomorrow his presidency will have been a success simply by keeping Crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime family foundation out of the White house. A accomplishment that has enraged the Liberal media and their followers for taking the Crown from their Queen. Originally Posted by goodolboy

As a moderate democrat, i would take Trump over Pence any day of the week. Pence is far right in my opinion
  • grean
  • 05-19-2017, 11:20 AM
I wonder today how many people who voted for Trump because they felt they didn't have a better option, which I completely understand, would still do so not considering anything else. That is to say based on his current performance and only that without considering any other option.
goodolboy's Avatar
I wonder today how many people who voted for Trump because they felt they didn't have a better option, which I completely understand, would still do so not considering anything else. That is to say based on his current performance and only that without considering any other option. Originally Posted by grean
According to the WP poll on April 27, the latest I have seen on this 96% would vote for him again if election was today. I would do the same and I know of no one who would switch to Hillery. Pretty black and white decision really.

Poll: 96 percent of Trump voters would vote for him again http://www.wkyt.com/content/news/Pol...420195623.html

Media spin and propaganda is a interesting thing. Back when they were pushing gay marriage many polls showed that many people thought that Gays comprised around 25% of the population, instead of the reality of around 2%. They had been bombarded with the issue so much from the media they just assumed there must be a lot of gays in America. http://www.gallup.com/poll/183383/am...y-lesbian.aspx

The Liberal media are using this same old tactic on Trump, but with far less success. Repeat something again and again until people believe it, without offering any real evidence to back the claim.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
i will say this up front i am not a great writer so flame me if you wish.
PeterBota's Avatar
Smart very smart. Wow. I'm just woah ^^^^^^^^^^
TexTushHog's Avatar

[B]Poll: 96 percent of Trump voters would vote for him again http://www.wkyt.com/content/news/Pol...420195623.html

Originally Posted by goodolboy
So now instead of losing by 3 million, he'd now lose by 5.5 million votes!!! (62,000,000 * .96 = 59,520,000). And that assumes that not one of those who don't vote for Trump vote for Hillary, but simply stay home. If you add them to her 65,000,000, she win by 9 million instead of 3 million!!!
i will say this up front i am not a great writer so flame me if you wish.
DRAGS OUR ASSES INTO A WORLD WAR THAT NO ONE CAN WIN Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Too late: North Korea launches another mid-range ballistic missile, officials say. Kim In Ryong told reporters that the U.S.’ hostile policy towards North Korea is “the root of all problems” and that regardless of U.S. sanctions, Pyongyang would never abandon its “nuclear deterrence for self-defense and pre-emptive strike capability.”




themystic's Avatar
So now instead of losing by 3 million, he'd now lose by 5.5 million votes!!! (62,000,000 * .96 = 59,520,000). And that assumes that not one of those who don't vote for Trump vote for Hillary, but simply stay home. If you add them to her 65,000,000, she win by 9 million instead of 3 million!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog

TexTushHog don't you know anything about Alternative facts? There were 5 million illegal voters that voted for Hillary. Trump really had 2 million more popular votes than Hillary. He would still win by 500,000 votes. NOT ONE SINGLE TRUMP voter would ever Vote for Hillary

Isn't he in Saudi Arabia telling all those Muslims they cant come to America right now that he has a ban on All of them, until we can figure out what the hell is going on

Then hes heading to China to devalue the Chinese currency

Next stop after that. North Korea to personally tell Kim to dismantle all the nukes

On the way home, one last stop in Mexico to tell the Mexicans, I want the check for the wall before I leave

He may become the worlds greatest foreign policy double agent ever!

Scheduling trip to Russia soon
goodolboy's Avatar
So now instead of losing by 3 million, he'd now lose by 5.5 million votes!!! (62,000,000 * .96 = 59,520,000). And that assumes that not one of those who don't vote for Trump vote for Hillary, but simply stay home. If you add them to her 65,000,000, she win by 9 million instead of 3 million!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Are you sure? "The poll, taken April 17-20, showed President Trump leading 43 to 40 percent on the question of who voters would pick if the election were held today"

.( "And that assumes that not one of those who don't vote for Trump vote for Hillary, but simply stay home. ") LOL, interesting how you assume Hillary would gain the same votes and no one would stay home.
goodolboy's Avatar
TexTushHog don't you know anything about Alternative facts? There were 5 million illegal voters that voted for Hillary. Trump really had 2 million more popular votes than Hillary. He would still win by 500,000 votes. NOT ONE SINGLE TRUMP voter would ever Vote for Hillary

Isn't he in Saudi Arabia telling all those Muslims they cant come to America right now that he has a ban on All of them, until we can figure out what the hell is going on

Then hes heading to China to devalue the Chinese currency

Next stop after that. North Korea to personally tell Kim to dismantle all the nukes

On the way home, one last stop in Mexico to tell the Mexicans, I want the check for the wall before I leave

He may become the worlds greatest foreign policy double agent ever!

Scheduling trip to Russia soon Originally Posted by themystic

Y'all have it bad. Your drinking and popping pills again aren't you.

"In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. Life resembles a dark fairy tale in which the villain – Trump – is an amalgam of all the worst tyrants in history, past and present, while the heroes –Trump’s critics – are akin to the resistance fighters of World War II."

themystic's Avatar
Y'all have it bad. Your drinking and popping pills again aren't you.

"In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. Life resembles a dark fairy tale in which the villain – Trump – is an amalgam of all the worst tyrants in history, past and present, while the heroes –Trump’s critics – are akin to the resistance fighters of World War II."

http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed...226-story.html Originally Posted by goodolboy

GOB. That was funny. Not drinking or pilled up. Just poking fun at Trumps lies and back tracking. I give him credit when he deserves it. Hes bound to have done something I like, I just don't know what.

Every time I ask a Trump supporter to point something out, they go silent. No ,the pipeline and other lifted restrictions on big business are not making America Great Again

One more time GOB, what has the man done?. He does like taking credit for what other people had already done. But What has He Done to Make America Great?
One more time GOB, what has the man done?. He does like taking credit for what other people had already done. But What has He Done to Make America Great? Originally Posted by themystic

Just think, guys....if DJT keeps doing absolutely nothing....NOTHING at all...the Norwegian Nobel Committee will have no other choice but to award him the Nobel Peace Price.
Just think, guys....if DJT keeps doing absolutely nothing....NOTHING at all...the Norwegian Nobel Committee will have no other choice but to award him the Nobel Peace Price. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Trump deserves 3 or 4 Prizes by now, doesn't he?
themystic's Avatar
Just think, guys....if DJT keeps doing absolutely nothing....NOTHING at all...the Norwegian Nobel Committee will have no other choice but to award him the Nobel Peace Price. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I agree CB. We dont need another Republican War. I hope DJT makes it all 4 years. Pence will be the new George W

When I read the headline I thought it was referring to a real rock.