Failed immensely? Seems you've birthed another lie right before our eyes. Half of America supports it. That seems to call bullshit on your 'immense' failure to persuade.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
Polling is another area where you show immense ignorance, sewer rat. Here is the link to the Pew poll conducted Sept. 3-7 on a random sample of 1,004 Americans. Pew summarized the results as follows:
"Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement, while three-in-ten (30%) offer no opinion."
Pew Research Center is a highly reputable polling firm. The link contains plenty of details regarding their methods and sources. People who understand polls respect them. But go ahead and call them liars if it makes you feel better, you ignorant cunt.
By the way, isn't it revealing how support for the Iran deal has steadily eroded over the two months since it was announced? Seems like that "conversation" Odumbo wanted us all to have isn't going too well for him, is it sewer rat? Maybe that's why he is letting Senate Democrats filibuster the deal instead of having a "robust debate" followed by an up-and-down vote on the Senate floor. If the conversation doesn't go his way, Odumbo wants to shut it down. That's real leadership for you!