Daughter of Random Thoughts

Understand we all dealing with inflation but GOT DAMN!! Who you fooling
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Thinking about hard dicks and airplanes
austin88998833's Avatar
I’m thinking about a career change and becoming a pilot. I’ve got the other part covered, believe it or not
austin88998833's Avatar
They both make you stupid!! I don’t play video games, so at least there’s that.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Remember Jeff Foxworthy, you may be a redneck? I guess cancel culture got him, anyway you may be a redneck if the cops chase you on your bike and you crash and run.They chase you and you got a bottle of gas in your backpack they use a taser and you go up like a Roman candle. Actually happened in nlr a few weeks ago or you may just be stupid. Here your sign.lmao.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Instant Karma is going to get you,knock you right on your head...John was a very wise man.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Think I wanna put on my strap-on and have some fun
You are fun
Trinity Kane's Avatar
You are fun Originally Posted by Johnsson
how would you know?
Trinity Kane's Avatar
thinking about going outside in all black tofuck with my nosey ass neighbor since he can't stay out of his window. Happy Halloween!! BAHAHAHA
Glad my t-shirt doesn't fit, otherwise I'd dress in black. Love your neighbor
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Caught a stray cat in my backyard, going to tie three cans to his tail and send him across my neighbor's yard by the dog pen
Trinity Kane's Avatar
wonder if "A" will let me suck him to sleep tonight..
Can't argue if she wants to keep the scary costume on.

Have to praise the girl, we'll meet again!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
I smell fuck shit