CuteOldGuy's Avatar
0zombies want blood... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That is scary, and true.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
how many people want to "pop" you IvanThePimple?

The TEAM is coming together...
The TEAM is coming together... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are YOU actually bitching about links?

Maybe you ought to post one from time to time, Junior. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
yo stinky! yes .. you Assup the stinky! guess what!?!?! The Donald wowed the jewcrowd!

they cheered him. got that? your fake "love" of your heritage is disgusting! you stink!

you on the wrong side of this train fuckface. the Trump Train!

Donald Trump plays the politician and wins cheers from pro-Israel group

Donald Trump addresses the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C., Mar. 21, 2016. (Photo: Joshua Robers/Reuters)

Donald Trump supplicated himself before the largest pro-Israeli advocacy group in America Monday evening, and they loved him for it.

“I didn’t come here tonight to pander to you about Israel. That’s what politicians do: all talk, no action,” Trump said.

Yet pander is exactly what Trump did before an audience of several thousand members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who were gathered to hear presidential candidates speaking Monday inside the Verizon Center in downtown Washington, D.C.

Trump, reading from teleprompters for the first time as a presidential candidate, lambasted President Obama and promised that if he is elected president “the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.”

Trump promised to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “immediately.” He vowed to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. He said that any peace-agreement negotiations must start with the Palestinians “knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable.”

“I love the people in this room. I love Israel,” Trump said. “I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel. … My daughter Ivanka is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.”

More than half of the audience did not clap at all when Trump entered the enormous hall. But by the end of his 25-minute speech, many were standing, applauding and cheering. He received several standing ovations.

Trump’s performance marked a new phase in his campaign. A candidate whose stump speech consists of an hour of unconstrained rambling read a prepared speech, his campaign sent out the text of his remarks while he was speaking, and he recited a laundry list of promises custom-designed for the interest-group audience before him.

At moments, Trump sounded like a student giving a book report, reciting statistics about Iran having test-fired ballistic missiles “with a range of 1,250 miles,” and name-dropping “Prime Minister Barak” and “Prime Minister Olmert” in his retelling of the last two decades of peace talks.

It was one of the few times as a presidential candidate so far that Trump has followed the conventions of what traditional politicians do. But it could become more common for Trump as he seeks to broaden his appeal to clinch the Republican nomination and become a general-election candidate.

There was no mistaking Trump’s ability to hold the crowd,even one that greeted him skeptically like this one. But he also stumbled at times. In one instance, Trump lamented that “in Palestinian society … terrorists are treated as martyrs,” but then he went off script, and promised that he would change Palestinian minds.

“It is a horrible, horrible way to think,” he said. “That will end, and it will end soon, believe me.” He did not share details about how he would accomplish this.

Sen. Ted Cruz, who appeared moments after Trump, began his speech with a shot at the GOP frontrunner. Trump referred three times to “Palestine” in his speech, but the U.S. government does not recognize the Palestinian Authority government as that of a sovereign and independent state. Cruz noted that it “might come as a surprise to the previous speaker [that] Palestine has not existed since 1948.”

Trump’s solicitous speech to AIPAC came just hours after he had told reporters at a D.C. press conference that Israel is one of many countries that should pay the U.S. back for its foreign aid.

“I want them to pay us some money,” Trump said. “I think Israel will do that also, yeah. There are many countries that can pay.“

But moments later, Trump also told reporters of Israel: “They help us greatly.”

Cruz also hit Trump for his comment earlier this year that he would be “neutral” between Israel and the Palestinians.

“Let me be very clear. As president I will not be neutral. America will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel,” Cruz said.

Speaking just before Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan noted that within two months of his taking the job of speaker, the House “voted to fund every penny of our security assistance commitment” to Israel.

“Israel does not fund terror in other countries, but it does help the New York police department fight terrorism in our country,” Ryan said.

Ryan, who has diplomatically but firmly denounced Trump at times over the past months, also noted that Americans are “going to make a big choice in 2016,” but he did not follow that with praise for any presidential candidates, or even a denunciation of any Democrats. Instead, he noted that in the House, he and others are going to “try to help crystallize that choice” and to “set the agenda for the next president.”

so assup you despicable traitor to the Jewry, how many standing ovations did this bitch get from your "Tribe"? NONE.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
get ready bitches .. the train is a rollin' now.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are YOU actually bitching about links?

Maybe you ought to post one from time to time, Junior. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you like links do ya? well .. you'll LOVE THIS one! the HildeLiar spoke to your tribe today. told them all the stuff they wanted to hear. did she really mean it? NOT!


and yet .. you'd vote for this jew hating bitch? and you have the unmitigated gall to call me a racist? fucking ignoramus

Hillary's Emails: Hating Israel

Released emails reveal just how deeply Clinton and her advisers despise the Jewish State.

There are many reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton. For one, she’s an unrepentant liar, fabricating everything from her Brian Williamesque brush with death in Bosnia to her parent’s pedigree to her claim that she believed a video caused the deaths of four heroes in Benghazi.

She is also unethical, having accepted large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation from countries and entities working on behalf of foreign governments impacted by her decisions as secretary of state. There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting that she may have been influenced by these rather large contributions. In one well publicized case, Russia was able to acquire 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America’s strategic assets. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did. The FBI has now expanded its Emailgate probe of Clinton to include whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business violated public corruption laws.

Hillary Clinton, who fancies herself as the champion of human rights and women’s rights, is also a serial hypocrite. Records show that the Clinton Foundation accepted funds from countries with abysmal human rights records where misogyny is regularly practiced and the principles of due process are routinely trampled upon.

She gives new meaning to the term flip-flopper, changing her views on various issues on multiple occasions. On everything from gay marriage to NAFTA to the Keystone Pipeline, Hillary is all over the map. Depending on the prevailing winds and the target audience, she’s either for it or against it. With Hillary, it’s all about expediency while principle plays little if any role. When asked by Chris Matthews about the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat, Hillary, ever the professional panderer, sidestepped the issue and predictably, a pliant Matthews from the uber-left MSNBC, let the matter pass without protest. As an aside, there is no longer any difference. Both parties believe in big, intrusive government and “redistribution” of wealth.

She is more than likely a felon having committed numerous transgressions in connection with her usage of private, unsecured servers to send classified State Department emails which likely fell into the hands of the Russians, Chinese and God knows who else.

In fact, Hillary’s crimes are likely far greater in scope and scale than those committed by General David Petraeus. At least with Petraeus, the damage was limited and contained. Not so with Clinton’s malfeasance. We may never know the extent of the damage caused by her deliberate circumvention of law and government protocol but it is a virtual certainty that government secrets were compromised and national security was placed at risk.

Bob Woodward compared Hillary’s server scandal to that of Watergate, which brought down the Nixon administration. Woodward is not some far-right tea-bagger but an accomplished and well-respected Washington insider and investigative journalist who brought down an American president.

These examples by themselves should give pause for thought before one entertains the notion of pulling the lever for an unprincipled liar and possible, nay probable felon but unfortunately, there’s more, a lot more.

If you hate Israel and wish to see nothing but misfortune for the Jewish State, stop reading because Hillary is your candidate. If you care about Israel and its relationship with the United States, read on

YOU STILL READING ASSUP?? GOOD! Here's the TRUTH about your bitch Hildebitch ..

Hillary’s email scandal has unleashed a treasure trove of information pertaining to the former secretary of state’s views on Israel as well as those of her closest advisors, Sidney Blumenthal, Anne Marie Slaughter and Thomas Pickering. The latest email exposé involves Thomas Pickering.

Pickering has never been known to be friendly toward Israel but what he suggested to Hillary in a 2011 email is frankly shocking, even by anti-Israel standards. He hatched a scheme to foment unrest in Israel through mass Arab demonstrations to pressure the Israeli government and arm-twist it into making damaging concessions. The nefarious plan, Pickering advised, would require the assistance of third parties and NGOs so that the U.S. could not be linked to it in any way. Apparently, even Pickering, the author of this malevolence, understood its negative implications for the U.S.-Israel alliance should the U.S. role in it ever come to light.

One would think that Hillary would have dismissed such an outrageous suggestion outright but instead, she ordered an aide to print the email providing keen insight into the extent of Clinton’s disdain for the Jewish State. It only gets worse from there.

One of Clinton’s closest advisers was Anne Marie Slaughter. She served as Clinton’s director of policy planning at Foggy Bottom from 2009 until 2011. In 2010, she sent an email to senior Clinton staffers hatching a ludicrous plan involving a pro-Palestinian fundraising initiative that would have had the net effect of “shaming” Israel into submission.

Another miscreant and perhaps the most troubling on the list of shady anti-Israel characters advising Clinton is Sidney Blumenthal, father and defender of the notorious anti-Semite, Max Blumenthal. Max has never met a Hamas or Hezbollah terrorist he didn’t like and subscribes to every single anti-Israel calumny and conspiracy theory winding its way through the blogosphere. So extreme are his views that even the German Communist party washed its hands of him.

Sidney Blumenthal is a passionate defender of his son’s unscholarly, anti-Semitic dung and has passed much of it along via email to a very receptive Hillary. Among the articles forwarded was a lengthy conspiracy piece written by Max for the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar. Rather than rejecting it outright, Clinton responded, “interesting reading.” Shmuley Boteach provides brilliant insight and analysis on the pernicious Sidney Blumenthal-Max Blumenthal-Hillary Clinton axis and its ramifications on the U.S.-Israel alliance should Clinton be elected.

Perhaps Clinton’s closest adviser is Huma Abedin. She has wisely kept her views on Israel close to her chest but her past flirtations with the fascist Muslim Brotherhood are undeniable as noted by FPM’s Joseph Klein. Abedin and her Saudi-connected parents have held high-level positions with various Muslim affiliated organizations that have openly adopted extremely hostile views toward the Jewish State. While Abedin is not on record making anti-Israel remarks, it is safe to assume that given her past affiliations and those of her closest relatives, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

The Obama administration is in its twilight year and Israel has endured and survived eight torturous years of open hostility from a virulent Israel-hater. The next president will determine the trajectory of the U.S. Israel alliance. David Petraeus has insightfully noted that despite some differences and disagreements that may arise between Israel and the U.S. from time to time, we would be wise to focus on the big picture. He states:

The simple reality is that Israel and the United States are long-standing friends and allies in an increasingly dangerous world – and we ought to treat each other as such. From an American perspective, Israel has proven itself to be an exceptionally capable, resourceful and valuable ally to the United States in a very important and treacherous region. We share many fundamental interests, and we face enemies that wish to do both countries harm. Just as importantly, we share core values and we therefore wrestle with many of the same questions – about how to keep our people safe from the forces of terrorism that seek our destruction while preserving our respective democratic freedoms, rule of law, and respect for fundamental and eternal human rights, which define who we are.

Should Clinton become president, it is safe to assume that she will disregard Petraeus’ advice and employ the same destructive policies championed by her predecessor, placing the final nail in the coffin of an alliance that has endured for 68 years and causing tremendous harm to the interests of two great democracies. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Let's repeat this part, just for YOU, Assup the TRAITOR

In one well publicized case, Russia was able to acquire 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America’s strategic assets. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did.

yo stinky! yes .. you Assup the stinky! guess what!?!?! The Donald wowed the jewcrowd!

they cheered him. got that? your fake "love" of your heritage is disgusting! you stink!

you on the wrong side of this train fuckface. the Trump Train!

Donald Trump plays the politician and wins cheers from pro-Israel group

Donald Trump addresses the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C., Mar. 21, 2016. (Photo: Joshua Robers/Reuters)

Donald Trump supplicated himself before the largest pro-Israeli advocacy group in America Monday evening, and they loved him for it.

“I didn’t come here tonight to pander to you about Israel. That’s what politicians do: all talk, no action,” Trump said.

Yet pander is exactly what Trump did before an audience of several thousand members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who were gathered to hear presidential candidates speaking Monday inside the Verizon Center in downtown Washington, D.C.

Trump, reading from teleprompters for the first time as a presidential candidate, lambasted President Obama and promised that if he is elected president “the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.”

Trump promised to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “immediately.” He vowed to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. He said that any peace-agreement negotiations must start with the Palestinians “knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable.”

“I love the people in this room. I love Israel,” Trump said. “I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel. … My daughter Ivanka is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.”

More than half of the audience did not clap at all when Trump entered the enormous hall. But by the end of his 25-minute speech, many were standing, applauding and cheering. He received several standing ovations.

Trump’s performance marked a new phase in his campaign. A candidate whose stump speech consists of an hour of unconstrained rambling read a prepared speech, his campaign sent out the text of his remarks while he was speaking, and he recited a laundry list of promises custom-designed for the interest-group audience before him.

At moments, Trump sounded like a student giving a book report, reciting statistics about Iran having test-fired ballistic missiles “with a range of 1,250 miles,” and name-dropping “Prime Minister Barak” and “Prime Minister Olmert” in his retelling of the last two decades of peace talks.

It was one of the few times as a presidential candidate so far that Trump has followed the conventions of what traditional politicians do. But it could become more common for Trump as he seeks to broaden his appeal to clinch the Republican nomination and become a general-election candidate.

There was no mistaking Trump’s ability to hold the crowd,even one that greeted him skeptically like this one. But he also stumbled at times. In one instance, Trump lamented that “in Palestinian society … terrorists are treated as martyrs,” but then he went off script, and promised that he would change Palestinian minds.

“It is a horrible, horrible way to think,” he said. “That will end, and it will end soon, believe me.” He did not share details about how he would accomplish this.

Sen. Ted Cruz, who appeared moments after Trump, began his speech with a shot at the GOP frontrunner. Trump referred three times to “Palestine” in his speech, but the U.S. government does not recognize the Palestinian Authority government as that of a sovereign and independent state. Cruz noted that it “might come as a surprise to the previous speaker [that] Palestine has not existed since 1948.”

Trump’s solicitous speech to AIPAC came just hours after he had told reporters at a D.C. press conference that Israel is one of many countries that should pay the U.S. back for its foreign aid.

“I want them to pay us some money,” Trump said. “I think Israel will do that also, yeah. There are many countries that can pay.“

But moments later, Trump also told reporters of Israel: “They help us greatly.”

Cruz also hit Trump for his comment earlier this year that he would be “neutral” between Israel and the Palestinians.

“Let me be very clear. As president I will not be neutral. America will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel,” Cruz said.

Speaking just before Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan noted that within two months of his taking the job of speaker, the House “voted to fund every penny of our security assistance commitment” to Israel.

“Israel does not fund terror in other countries, but it does help the New York police department fight terrorism in our country,” Ryan said.

Ryan, who has diplomatically but firmly denounced Trump at times over the past months, also noted that Americans are “going to make a big choice in 2016,” but he did not follow that with praise for any presidential candidates, or even a denunciation of any Democrats. Instead, he noted that in the House, he and others are going to “try to help crystallize that choice” and to “set the agenda for the next president.”

so assup you despicable traitor to the Jewry, how many standing ovations did this bitch get from your "Tribe"? NONE.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yes Sir, Train be Rolling...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How has WaKKKo not been banned yet?

He's just like the redneck kid in "Porky's" who was too stupid to be an anti-Semite until the Jewish kid kicked the shit out of him.

WaKKo is too stupid to get his story straight.

SLOBBRIN is too stupid to be allowed to roam the grounds unattended.
lustylad's Avatar
Are YOU actually bitching about links?

Maybe you ought to post one from time to time, Junior. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It's duck hunting season, assup. You know what that means. Bend over!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How has WaKKKo not been banned yet?

He's just like the redneck kid in "Porky's" who was too stupid to be an anti-Semite until the Jewish kid kicked the shit out of him.

WaKKo is too stupid to get his story straight.

SLOBBRIN is too stupid to be allowed to roam the grounds unattended. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

ahahah. you try hard old man, but you fail every time. you are what i call the "inadvertent racist" you are simply too stupid to realize you hate yourself!