"Je Suis Nigeria"?

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 01:49 PM
Just shut the fuck up IB. Just do us all this one GIANT favor.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just shut the fuck up IB. Just do us all this one GIANT favor. Originally Posted by shanm
Why don't you crawl back under your boyfriend and ply your avocation sucking his cock, shamman.

You are wrong as usual. Unlike you I can disagree with some Cherokee practices but still decry the Trail of Tears. You on the other hand are a liar, plane and simple. You have yet to acknowledge that any good Christian southerners could ever do wrong. Just look at all your defences of slavery. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a liar and a hypocrite, Old-THUMPER, and it's fun to watch you squirm -- like the pathetic little worm you are -- under the harsh light of facts: such as the Cherokee driving their African slaves laboring under the burden of packing the property of their Cherokee masters along the Trail of Tears.
lustylad's Avatar
You're just a faggot with unrequited fantasies, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Your characterization is only half right. Yes, undercunt is undeniably a faggot. But his numerous homo-tinged comments indicate his fantasies are often fulfilled:

Good. More dick for me. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I do love a good ding dong. Mmmmm Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
lustylad's Avatar
You on the other hand are a liar, plane and simple. Originally Posted by Old-T
What plane did he lie about, Old Twerp? The missing Malaysian airliner? Be more specific.
lustylad's Avatar
Just shut the fuck up IB. Just do us all this one GIANT favor. Originally Posted by shanm
Hey shanmeltdown, take a deep breath....

i love men that "argue like a girl". . .don't you? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
...or are you flirting with debbie (aka MissedTheTruth) again?
Your characterization is only half right. Yes, undercunt is undeniably a faggot. But his numerous homo-tinged comments indicate his fantasies are often fulfilled: Originally Posted by lustylad
Undeniably. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that before I ever posted in here, I saw by your posts that you were an indefensible cretin. So eaten up with homosexual self-hatred, that the only thing to do was troll you. I will gladly admit to any number of homosexual things in order to accomplish this goal. Because I know they aren't true and what you think or don't think about that point in particular is meaningless to me. You, in your fear and ignorance, were quick to jump in. As I knew you would. So, in closing, congratulations to you, you predictable, self-hating gay bastard. And don't worry about me, I get ALL the dick I want.
lustylad's Avatar
And don't worry about me, I get ALL the dick I want. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Ok faggot, you're out of the closet. Done. Now that everyone knows you are the head of the Little Rock chapter of LGBTs for Obama, what makes you think everyone who doesn't share your cocksucking fetish is jealous? This is a hooker board for straight guys. No one here is competing with you for dick. You're in the wrong place. Do yourself and everyone here a favor and leave.
Ok faggot, you're out of the closet. Done. Now that everyone knows you are the head of the Little Rock chapter of LGBTs for Obama, what makes you think everyone who doesn't share your cocksucking fetish is jealous? This is a hooker board for straight guys. No one here is competing with you for dick. You're in the wrong place. Do yourself and everyone here a favor and leave. Originally Posted by lustylad
You are as dumb as you are ugly. I guess you can't read after all the cum that's been blasted in your eyes for years. I'm not gay, dipshit. You fell for it. You proved yourself a homophobic bitch, just like I knew you would. I hope all the bad things happen to you and only you.
lustylad's Avatar
You are as dumb as you are ugly. I guess you can't read after all the cum that's been blasted in your eyes for years. I'm not gay, dipshit. You fell for it. You proved yourself a homophobic bitch, just like I knew you would. I hope all the bad things happen to you and only you. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

I'm queer, I'm not queer, I'm queer, I'm not queer. Which is it, undercunt? Are you plucking daisy petals? I'm not homophobic but it sure sounds to me like you're either conflicted or in denial. Maybe you swing both ways. As Seinfeld would say - "not that there's anything wrong with that". You just need to make up your fucking mind. Most people who aren't gay don't make constant references to dicksucking like you do.
I'm queer, I'm not queer, I'm queer, I'm not queer. Which is it, undercunt? Are you plucking daisy petals? I'm not homophobic but it sure sounds to me like you're either conflicted or in denial. Maybe you swing both ways. As Seinfeld would say - "not that there's anything wrong with that". You just need to make up your fucking mind. Most people who aren't gay don't make constant references to dicksucking like you do. Originally Posted by lustylad
They do when they know homophobic turds such as yourself are on the receiving end. Not homophobic? Says the guy who still uses the word 'faggot'. What is this, 1984? Jesus Christ. You're the one plucking flowers, dude. I need to make up my mind? Says who? You?

I told you I was done fucking with you. Now move along. I'm bored of you now. I hate to say goodbye, but I DO love to watch you walk away... doh! I've done it again.
lustylad's Avatar
They do when they know homophobic turds such as yourself are on the receiving end. Not homophobic? Says the guy who still uses the word 'faggot'. What is this, 1984? Jesus Christ. You're the one plucking flowers, dude. I need to make up my mind? Says who? You?

I told you I was done fucking with you. Now move along. I'm bored of you now. I hate to say goodbye, but I DO love to watch you walk away... doh! I've done it again. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Ok, I apologize for calling you a faggot. What is your preferred 2015 appellation? I seem to recall you don't like poofter either. How about hoofter? Or woofter? Is swishy ok? Batty boy? Fruit packer? Don't laugh because my gaycabulary is much more limited than yours. Do your gay pals in dogpatch have an endearing nickname for you? Let me know and I will try to make special accommodations for you.

So you're "done fucking with me"? That's funny, I'm just getting started with you. What are you going to do, put me on ignore again? How did that work out last time?

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 10:14 PM

I told you I was done fucking with you. Now move along. I'm bored of you now. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I know right? I am ashamed to say that I was actually expecting better from this piece of shit.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2015, 10:46 PM
What plane did he lie about, Old Twerp? The missing Malaysian airliner? Be more specific. Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh isn't that cute! LL noticed I am not a good speller. I have owned that flaw for quite a long time now. I'm not going to lose any sleep over that one.

By the way, this thread certainly seems to have touched a nerve with you recently.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2015, 10:58 PM
Why don't you crawl back under your boyfriend and ply your avocation sucking his cock, shamman.

You're a liar and a hypocrite, Old-THUMPER, and it's fun to watch you squirm -- like the pathetic little worm you are -- under the harsh light of facts: such as the Cherokee driving their African slaves laboring under the burden of packing the property of their Cherokee masters along the Trail of Tears. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sorry little boy. You can make all the slave references you want, you are not helping your cause at all. There are few Cherokee in Nigeria (remember the title of the thread?), the fact that a confederate general had slaves is no surprise, and the fact that you are pro slavery is no surprise.

And the Trail of Tears was still an atrocity, even though you refuse to acknowledge it. Some envious, greedy Southerners wanting the lands others were rightfully on had no qualms forcing them from their lands at gun point. But to you it was the rightful expansion of Dixieland.

You must be really perplexed: native Americans fighting for the confederacy. Does your support of the confederacy outweigh your hatred for native Americans? That must be a tough choice for you.
lustylad's Avatar
I am ashamed to say that I was actually expecting better from this piece of shit. Originally Posted by shanm

Hey, if it makes you feel better you have yet to dash my expectations, shammy the turd. With every post you make I expect a race to the bottom of the toilet bowl of libtard stupidity and you never fail!