Assholes's Speech

So let me get this straight- you want me to check MY facts - when a couple of paragraphs up you just made up stuff that I called you out on? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Right, so if I was wrong for making up facts. Wouldn't it make you wrong too for making up facts? Or is it ok for you and wrong for me. Gotcha.

I love it when old people try to be cool using GIFS and memes. It's so adorable.

Right, so if I was wrong for making up facts. Wouldn't it make you wrong too for making up facts? Or is it ok for you and wrong for me. Gotcha.

I love it when old people try to be cool using GIFS and memes. It's so adorable. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Lol Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Here's a way we can see how the White House truly feels about a fair investigation

Since Mueller didn't represent anyone involved personally. And it's not like he's an scorned ex-employee who would try to get back at the firm through their clients.

If the White House tries to block Mueller with this or they force the DOJ to deny the waiver, then you know that they don't want a true investigation into Russian collusion. Only someone with something to hide would prevent a highly credentialed person from clearing their names. Better to have everyone think it happened and deny it, than to let Mueller open his mouth and let us know it's true.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Don't you think that if there were any evidence of collusion it would have been leaked by now? The temptation would be irresistible.
Don't you think that if there were any evidence of collusion it would have been leaked by now? The temptation would be irresistible. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
No because it's an ongoing investigation. The only people who would have the evidence now would be those involved and they have good reason not to leak that.

Again I ask, if there's nothing there and Trump wants to clear his name for the millions who voted for the other person, a lot of who want to know if there was collusion. He did say he wants to unify the country and that won't happen without an independent party clearing his campaign of collusion. If he or his DOJ prevents Mueller from investigating, that looks like a guilty conscience.
gfejunkie's Avatar
No because it's an ongoing investigation. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
That hasn't stopped any leaks. Ask "anonymous" and "un-named". They're out there every day. They're given real credence by the press. Just like real people. They are real people. Right?
That hasn't stopped any leaks. Ask "anonymous" and "un-named". They're out there every day. They're given real credence by the press. Just like real people. They are real people. Right? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So you're saying the people who may have colluded with Russia are going to leak that they did? No.

And the people investigating won't leak it. They didn't leak that an investigation was going on before the election, why would they leak now? Makes no sense if they are out to get Trump.
gfejunkie's Avatar
So you're saying the people who may have colluded with Russia are going to leak that they did? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Why not. They're leaking shit that's just as bad every fucking day. Or, is the media just making that shit up?

Come on. There has got to be someone out there who is dying to be the next "Deep Throat" of Watergate fame. They're "anonymous" and "un-named". They can say anything they want. Without fear of retribution.

The book deal alone would be worth a fortune. Not to mention the movie rights. Besides, it would be "for the good of the country." Right?
Ah, come on. There has got to be someone out there who is dying to be the next "Deep Throat" of Watergate fame. They're "anonymous" and "un-named". They can say anything they want. Without fear of retribution.

The book deal alone would be worth a fortune. Not to mention the movie rights. Besides, it would be "for the good of the country." Right? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So for you the absence of leaked evidence = no evidence???

That's weird. And I guarantee you in a few months if someone did leak some evidence Trump and his people would again be crying foul.

Apparently it's no evidence unless it's leaked and it's terrible to leak, and Trump wants leakers prosecuted. So you're screwed either way.
gfejunkie's Avatar
No. There has to be "evidence" or there would be no investigation to find it.

What'cha got?

All I've seen so far is baseless accusations.
No. There has to be "evidence" or there would be no investigation.

What'cha got? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Let me write it right for you because it's true. There has to be evidence or there would be no investigation. Unless you think the Republican Party would waste time and resources in Congress and then the DOJ would waste time and resources with the FBI investigation. There is a starting point (it's a fact Russia intervened in our election), there's reason to be believe collusion: they hacked both parties and only released information about one. The timing started when Trump needed it most with the Access Hollywood tape. The campaign used them as talking points (but now WikiLeaks, and leaks of Trump are evil). There were multiple undisclosed meetings between campaign persons and Russia. Mike Flynn and his stuff (which I guess you want to forget). There is stuff. Now Mueller needs to investigate and connect the dots. Mueller who oddly as soon as he was announced WikiLeaks tried to dirty with a leak. Weird that it leaked then. But yeah, nothing going on.

You would make for a terrible police detective. Walk into a crime scene and walk out. "Welp no evidence, no crime" "No need to investigate, it wasn't in my face and no one is leaking the information I need."

It's an investigation, you work the info you have and build on that. And then you talk to people and build from there. It's gonna take time. But you don't want the investigation to work.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's an investigation in search of a crime that never even happened.

Not a single vote was changed.
If it were a T.V. show it would be called - "Much ado about nothing."

It's an investigation in search of a crime that never even happened. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It's an investigation in search of a crime that never even happened.

Not a single vote was changed. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Never happened? So you know for a fact that no one involved in the campaign was colluding with Russia? Please tell me how you know that? Give us the evidence it didn't happen.

No Russia didn't hack machines to change votes. But you can't say it didn't factor into someone who may have voted for Clinton deciding to sit the election out. Also, if the stuff that was leaked by Russia via WikiLeaks wasn't effecting voters, why did Trump read all them every time at rallies? Why did he talk about them more on debates and in public than he did policies?

It had an effect on some. Keep pretending it didn't. That it was leaked just to be leaked by a foreign government.