Young girls with LOW prices?

Ducks = guys that attempt to use reason and logic on those who don't comprehend reason and logic and can't figure out that they are turning off 99% of their potential customer base. Those that just keep digging a deeper hole in the hope that they are going to hit some sunshine on the other side if they just keep digging.
BabyDallass's Avatar
You've been talking about all the dick/business you have been getting lately yet I've only seen one review. On the other hand, your counter parts, I mean the young girls that you and your posse have be picking on have been getting reviews left and right. They must be doing something right. Originally Posted by cluefinder
My clients are not even on eccie you guys count for about 2% of the whole hobby....
"My clients are not even on eccie" - that might explain some things.
Her clients are on the ever trusting and never pimped site of Backpage...isn't that right BD? Lol
My clients are not even on eccie you guys count for about 2% of the whole hobby.... Originally Posted by BabyDallass

That means we can expect 98% LESS, posting, bitching, moaning, griping from you!!

(please, no response is necessary)
so your upscale not smelly, fat, bald clients are on bp, now thats some funny shit i dont care who you are, and you only post to let them know its dinner time, see in my day we would text when we wanted to eat aand the cook would say if dinner was on or not but your way is much more reasonable lol lol. derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr, maybe i just still need some pussy lol, after i get some you will still be saying some of the stupidest shit i have ever seen posted on this board lol..
thanks watch on the def or duck, im assuming thats a hooker term she was taught by the skank at di who for some odd reason isnt in business anymore, things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm
BabyDallass's Avatar
Jeff dude your dumb your shit makes no sense
your dont understand logic or reason, its been said countless times just in this thread.
Jeff dude your dumb your shit makes no sense Originally Posted by BabyDallass
You have exhibited not one iota of intelligence, reason or understanding in this thread. Watch has made several spot-on comments and you just don't get it.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-04-2015, 03:26 PM
She's got a Bad Ass Shovel !!

Good Luck, BD... Please smile more often in your photos... You're very pretty when you do!!

That's my last comment in this KLUSTERPHUCK of a thread!!
dude she gets it, 300.00 or 250 0r 400 for both, she doesnt compramise on her price from 300 at all, 250 each or 400 for both, lol yeap she gets it, i just dont think its her repsonding, so then who is it, she is a part of the phrase most of the girls on here, right.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Once these braces come off next month I will not stop smiling
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Once these braces come off next month I will not stop smiling Originally Posted by BabyDallass
For some reason I never noticed you have braces