Other Hobby Sites

This is such a long but quite informative thread! Thanks guys!
I had heard of a different sight which might be a little friendlier. Is friendlier a word? Originally Posted by lilylivered
Is that where Good Boys Bad Girls have a CLUB in NY get together. COM
Guest072118's Avatar
No, your job is to educate your members that they're only allowed to discuss your site in one existing thread, located in one forum...it's a violation of the guidelines to do it anywhere else... Originally Posted by Wakeup
No, thats your job snookums, Im not admin here so exactly why do I have to educate people about Eccie rules?

Also I dont have a site, admin doesn't not equal its my site. When you became admin here did you take ownership of Eccie?

You have issue take it up with the owner Jack, use the contact form and file your complaints. Or better yet go complain in the forum with your hiding out coward handle there.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So Wakeup is now "snookums"?
That does actually work, for several reasons.

But for the thread, I haven't seen


mentioned recently (Mid-Atlantic and Southeast).
Is there a "dark side" forum link or do I have to wade through all of this? Would like to find the place with reviews of "NO REVIEW" AMPs in San Antonio, Bandera Road area.
She has been posting since the 10 th to be of Fred and 410. Just saying.
Sorry wrong thread. Dammit
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Obviously we all know of the norm, ecc, bp ,p411 etc.

But like what are other sites everyone uses to hobby? I loved NR until they completely changed it.
It's like from when I started the websites were fun, as time goes on they get like "typical". I don't know if that's the word to use lol.
Btw updated a couple pics on showcase
I used to rely on usasex guide extensively; not so much anymore as the admin on there is a real prick who boots people off for the silliest of reasons. Just ask Kira!
I'm also a long time member of usasexguide and want to make a response to your comment about " the admin being a prick in booting people off the site . Just ask Kira ". I know first hand on what a moderator does and has to deal with on that site and on eccie . It's not an easy or appreciated job . I have always found that admin - A-2 - to be a reasonable person to deal with in his handling of issues over the years . RARELY have I seen him have to ban someone. There are two ( or more ) sides to every story . You obviously are only hearing Kira's side . Something must have been said to push the admin to actually ban Kira . You & I don't know the details .
August Black's Avatar
I used to rely on usasex guide extensively; not so much anymore as the admin on there is a real prick who boots people off for the silliest of reasons. Just ask Kira! Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
I concur with that statement Warren. I check in occasionally to see if there is any new intel that's not on this site but the Admin can come off as a dick. . His "responses" to posts that are deemed "against the rules" or a violation are more negative and argumentative that what the board members post.
I fully agree.. he's a constant crab. He put me on forever moderation because I was supposedly disagreeing with another member's review. So now I just go there to take and no longer share.
Is 411 worth the fee?
Loki Pk's Avatar
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.
Moved from Albany co-ed
Can one link to an ad on another board in a review if that's the only place a provider posts?