In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

boardman's Avatar
There is a third option. Leave them alone and let them fight each other. They were happy that way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I would like to think that but they are determined to attack us. We are their sworn enemy, the infidels Their religion tells them they must convert or conquer us. That is what they will do or die trying.
Are we willing to die to prevent that from happening? As a population I'd say No.
They want to see their flag flying over the white house.
The establishment of a Caliphate is similar to a second coming and it gives them an even stronger resolve. More Caliphates are going to be established. I don't think most people realize that the implications are enormous.

These people don't wage war on the same field as westerners. Taquiyya is the principle of lying and subversion that is considered honorable in jihad.

They practice it now here in the US and other western countries where they are not in power. Read some FB debates between westerners and Islamic "Americans". Many times you will find them so full of bullshit about not defending the radicals but when you mention taquiyya and call them out they'll deny, deny, deny but then will usually get pissed off and try to change the conversation to Israel.
My "guess" is that during WWII "someone else" was doing "your fighting" ...

.... or were you still struggling to escape someone's ball sack? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It would have been difficult for me to do any fighting during "WWII." If for no other reason than I was not born yet.

Who did "your fighting" for you during "WWII?"
LexusLover's Avatar
It would have been difficult for me to do any fighting during "WWII." If for no other reason than I was not born yet. Originally Posted by bigtex
So, who did your fighting during WWII?

(BigTitsLiarStalker must be starting happy hour a bit early today.)
So, who did your fighting during WWII?

(BigTitsLiarStalker must be starting happy hour a bit early today.) Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, in case you have not noticed, you are still on a need to know basis!

As before, you do not need to know!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL .... in case you have not noticed, you are still on a need to know basis!.... Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't even want to know, and if you answered I still wouldn't know!

But I can see that you have yet NOT FOUND my OMPF, and that, to turn a phrase, is because you don't need to know. Pitiful, you are, amateur at best.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I would like to think that but they are determined to attack us. We are their sworn enemy, the infidels Their religion tells them they must convert or conquer us. That is what they will do or die trying.
Are we willing to die to prevent that from happening? As a population I'd say No.
They want to see their flag flying over the white house.
The establishment of a Caliphate is similar to a second coming and it gives them an even stronger resolve. More Caliphates are going to be established. I don't think most people realize that the implications are enormous.

These people don't wage war on the same field as westerners. Taquiyya is the principle of lying and subversion that is considered honorable in jihad.

They practice it now here in the US and other western countries where they are not in power. Read some FB debates between westerners and Islamic "Americans". Many times you will find them so full of bullshit about not defending the radicals but when you mention taquiyya and call them out they'll deny, deny, deny but then will usually get pissed off and try to change the conversation to Israel. Originally Posted by boardman
They are only determined to attack us because we won't leave them alone. If we got out of their business, they'd be content to kill each other, like they've been doing for millennia.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. But that doesn't mean you're not a dick smoker.
Pitiful, you are, amateur at best. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Pitiful, you are, IDIOT at best.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They are only determined to attack us because we won't leave them alone. If we got out of their business, they'd be content to kill each other, like they've been doing for millennia. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Exactly how many times must they say that they are coming for us does it take for you to understand COG. We left Iraq and what did they do? Would you have us close every single embassy in the world and retreat back to the continental US? Nature abhores a vacuum but that is what you're proposing and something has to fill it. I guess we were wrong in opposing Hitler and Stalin as well.
LexusLover's Avatar
Pitiful, you are, IDIOT at best. Originally Posted by bigtex
Is name-calling all you have to say for your Presidential pick of the Century?

So how is the review of my OMPF going so far?
(BigTitsLiarStalker must be starting happy hour a bit early today.) Originally Posted by LexusLover
So, name-calling is all you have to say for your Presidential pick of the century?

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
So, name-calling .... Originally Posted by bigtex
Did you just edit out my substantive comments to make a no-nothing response?

I recognize that the next two years or so are going to be painful for you, but perhaps laying off the booze and getting some therapy will help you through it.

Still haven't been able to review my OMPF, have you? That has got to be terribly frustrating for you. Keep up the "good work."
Did you just edit out my substantive comments to make a no-nothing response? Originally Posted by LexusLover
What? You consider the following to be a no-nothing response:

So, name-calling is all you have to say for your Presidential pick of the century? Originally Posted by bigtex

Isn't that a very similar response to the one you made a post or two earlier?

Is name-calling all you have to say for your Presidential pick of the Century? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you consider your words of infinite wisdom to be a "no-nothing" response, as well?

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
What? Originally Posted by bigtex
That just about sums you up. "Whhaaaaaaat?

As you post trashy remarks about Bush, YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is giving him credit for PULLING ALL THE TROOPS OUT OF IRAQ!!!!!!

If you dare be seen on the same stage with him, you too guys ought to start a road show in 2017 .... "THE THREE STOOGES" ... conscript HOLDER AS #3.

The latest revelation explains why YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE elected not to lob any missiles into SYRIA ...

...... no target acquisition information!!!!

"Intelligence Failure"?

"Or lack of information from the "intelligence community"?

Must be disconcerting to you in private that YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE just got "bested" by the Junior Varsity Team!!!!!

And he wants to intimidate Putin? He is setting this country back DECADES.

Keep talking "Bush" .... You are simply making a good case for him.
LexusLover's Avatar
There is a third option. Leave them alone and let them fight each other. They were happy that way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

How'd that work out for us?

And from all accounts, ... (lately that is) ...

.... these guys make them look like pussies.