Yssup Rider's Avatar

Just like your "peacemaker of the world," Donald J. Drumpf.

bambino's Avatar
i'm certain you don't. PIG.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yssup Rider's Avatar

I wonder how long it will be before Baboono starts begging for "peace" again. That will be the third time.

Let's face it. He's another stupid slovenly Hillbilly who thinks he's attacking my ethnicity by using imagery of pigs.

Indicates his total ignorance of the world's cultures.

The fat piece of shit rightfully has earned a place on my ignore list.

Baby Huey retard motherfucker. no wonder the Pissburgh whookers hate him so much.

So glad that ECCIE promotes this type of freedom.

I wonder how long it will be before Baboono starts begging for "peace" again. That will be the third time.

Let's face it. He's another stupid slovenly Hillbilly who thinks he's attacking my ethnicity by using imagery of pigs.

Indicates his total ignorance of the world's cultures.

The fat piece of shit rightfully has earned a place on my ignore list.

Baby Huey retard motherfucker. no wonder the Pissburgh whookers hate him so much.

So glad that ECCIE promotes this type of freedom. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'll pay for little homomo to give you one, down at y'alls "Glory Hole" if you put me on that list too...


  • DSK
  • 03-23-2016, 07:29 PM
If anyone knows hate it is Trump.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I think that is a deliberate misrepresentation and factually without basis.

I've noticed lots of hatred directed at Mr. Trump from the Democrat's frontrunners, though.

The hypocrites.
Enough Is Enough – Bobby Jindal Walks Away From #NeverTrump Camp…

Posted on March 23, 2016 by sundance

Political battles are not that much different from traditional wars and battles. Most of the attention is always focused on what’s visible, what you can see, the consequences.

However, it’s far away from the geography where the real stakes are determined. Three levels: #1) The actual fighting, the battle space. #2) The assembly of Generals at HQ. #3) The cloistered closed-door meetings where the politicians decide.

The media keeps everyone focused on #1, it’s easier – there are “sides” etc. But the GOPe roadmap, and the eye-opening “Splitter Strategy”, was found by focusing intense sunlight upon #3.


…When the stakes are at their highest, anyone is expendable. As a consequence no-one is not expendable.

Remember that.

Focusing on the safer battle space of #1 – Bobby Jindal came out publicly and told the Never Trump folks, they were going too far:

The GOP establishment is done for…this race shows that. Voters are angry and frustrated…Donald Trump should serve as a wake-up call.

When huge chunks of your base are telling you something, you have to listen to them…let’s let the voters speak.

[…] The reality is, you can do the math. He has done very, very well. It is exactly what is wrong with the GOP establishment and it ignoring the will of the voters.

[…] If it comes down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I would certainly support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. (link)

Woven between the words expressed by Bobby Jindal is a tactical reality few are paying close attention to. The visible battles are being waged without anyone looking to see who exactly is orchestrating those battles, and for what larger benefit?

Here’s the sequential drop out order from the 2016 Presidential Race:

Governor Scott Walker
Governor Rick Perry
Governor Bobby Jindal
Senator Lindsey Graham
Governor George Pataki
Governor Mike Huckabee
Senator Rand Paul
Governor Jim Gilmore
Governor Chris Christie
Carly Fiorina
Senator Rick Santorum
Governor Jeb Bush
Dr. Ben Carson
Senator Marco Rubio
Leaving a two-year (Jan ’13 – March ’15) Senator, Ted Cruz, and milquetoast Governor John Kasich to oppose, and coordinate against, candidate Donald Trump.

What the media hide:

With the over-the-top help of the GOPe Generals (#2), Kasich won Ohio; therefore he has to stay in.


Because if Kasich dropped out according to Ohio election law all of his 66 delegates become bound to the second place finisher, Donald Trump.

John Kasich cannot exit the race without helping Donald Trump. Senator Ted Cruz knows this. Senator Ted Cruz does not want Governor John Kasich to leave the race because of it. Yet Ted Cruz goes on TV demanding a Kasich exit.

When you accept these fundamental truths, you clearly see, yet again, the GOPe scheme involves Ted Cruz.

The political battle space (#1), as it is being sold via media, is a Potemkin village.

But most of you already know that by now.

How do you know?

Because you have focused on #3, where the real decisions are being made.

Today, surprise, Governor Jeb Bush endorsed Senator Ted Cruz…. We’ll talk about that.


Because, well, I don’t want to be Michael Hastings.
You are becoming a second butt boy for the Donald like whiffy, little Trumpazoid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

We don't even want you, little homomo...

hocuspocus13 says:
March 23, 2016 at 4:30 pm
A Poll taken recently in which both Cruz and Kasich supporters were asked:

If your Candidate dropped out of the race who would you vote for?

Vast majority on both sides answered Trump

Trump is their 2nd choice
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jeb endorsed Cruz. Any doubt that Cruz is just another Insider Establishment candidate? Nope.
will he get more pussy in the oval office than Bill did?
will he get more pussy in the oval office than Bill did? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Trump prolly won't waste a good cigar on them if so ! And won't mind if they wear a BLUE dress !!!!
bambino's Avatar
Bump Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Poor Asswipe Ziffle. Getting his pig snout stuffed in his own shit all day. Again.