Favorite Witty Quotes

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

-Marilyn Monroe
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

-Marilyn Monroe
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"Many men have laid me down but none have wanted to pick me up!"

Seeking ~P
-paraphrasing Eartha Kitt
The most
~Powerful position
on your knees

~Seeking ~P
What is your WE day inspiration?? ~A.K.~
Love You!
So someone else
can too

When you get, give.
When you learn, teach.

"You gotta want
it more
than they don't
want you to
have it!"

Sometimes people try to destroy
you, precisely because they
recognize your power - not because
they don't see it, but because they
see it and they don't want it to exist.

DO not wash your hands during a Thunderstorm!
Life is too short
to be waiting for
somebody to act right

If you give them the power to feed you, you're also giving them the power to starve you.

~Seeking ~P
"What Kind of Fool Is You?"

-Dick Gregory
"Money is not power,
Education is not power....
Information is power"

-Dick Gregory