Tucker Carlson reports

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I didn't leave out any significant facts. You're misrepresenting the facts. You left out the fact that Thursday normally has 8 shows on to get to 30-35 mil..(4 CBS, 2 ABC, 2 NBC on a Thursday night). The 13 million is for basically 1 show (broadcast networks) with commentary from 3 networks.
A televised Trump rally has never come near 4.5 million viewers.


... You left out the FACT that the broadcast networks' usual
Thursday shows OUTDRAW those numbers.

They were looking for 30-35 million.

I think Trump's last rally drew Newsmax a 4.5 million share...
One network - not five! ... But who's counting?!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
.... You still misrepresented the facts, munch.

The Thursday shows there STILL out-draw the shit show...

And WHY you gotta use wuss words "significant" facts??
Is that like "massive" voter fraud?... Facts ARE facts and
any amount of voter fraud is voter fraud....
Get yerself a backbone, mate... Say what you mean.

If ya voted for Biden - just say so...
I can understand you being ashamed - but just admit it.

#### Salty
You still won't admit your 30 million number is for 8 shows.
That's why I include links and you don't.
One show got 12 million plus.
Eight shows got 30 million-ish.
It's like you claiming a Trump rally got 4.5 million.

You make stuff up. Everybody knows that.
If you ever want some credibility you'll need to supply a source.
It's like your claim Trump was going to send N. G. troops to the Capitol. How funny Hannity blamed Schumer when Mitchell was majority leader in the senate. The president was in sole command of the DC guard. He didn't order them in. Both Trump and Hannity lied.
Here is the proof.

"Donald Trump authorized up to 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol" before Jan. 6, 2021, but was "rejected" by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer."

"There’s still no record of any such authorization being made, or of Pelosi standing in the way. The D.C. National Guard reports "solely to the president of the United States," per its website.

No congressional official, or body, has the authority to activate the National Guard to the U.S. Capitol. Only the president," added Jane. L Campbell, president and CEO of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society. "If the president calls the National Guard to the U.S. Capitol, no congressional official has the authority to decline its service."


You know you'll never catch the number of lies Trump told, right?
You won't even be able to catch bambi.

.... You still misrepresented the facts, munch.

The Thursday shows there STILL out-draw the shit show...

And WHY you gotta use wuss words "significant" facts??
Is that like "massive" voter fraud?... Facts ARE facts and
any amount of voter fraud is voter fraud....
Get yerself a backbone, mate... Say what you mean.

If ya voted for Biden - just say so...
I can understand you being ashamed - but just admit it.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
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you can't make this shit up

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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Actually, munch - Why won't Pelosi answer any questions
on her NOT listening to President Trump and approving the Guard?

And WHY wouldn't Pelosi let the Republicans pick the two
spots for the committee... Why did SHE pick them??
how is the committee fair without true Republican representation?

But that's ok, munch... Why are you so afraid to admit that
YOU voted for Biden and Sky-High petrol-gas and energy prices?

#### Salty
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How Woke People Evolved To Be Superior


scientific analysis of stool droppings of Hollywood celebrities along with carbon dating Molotov cocktail shrapnel from downtown Portland has proven that what's more true than survival of the fittest is survival of the outraged ....

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Is Comerade Carlson whacking off again?

Seriously, TWK, if people wanted to watch Tucker .Carlson, do you think they’re gonna be tuning into ECCIE?

Jeez, you’re almost as bad as bambino posting the daily release from Twitler.