
It doesn't bother me but they really should follow the rules. I never rtm Wakeup like the snowflakes have done to me many times. They want to censor me because they don't like my opinion. They put it in their posts. Every time WU says to stop something in a thread I stop posting in that thread because I respect him for doing a thankless job. I never personally belittle them. I just point out when the don't know their stuff. That's a frequent occurrence with these snowflakes on the right. They pride themselves on being deplorable morons and even make T Shirts that they sell at their Rally's. They call Democrats " dims", "dimtards,"dimwits" etc. but cry foul when you call them snowflakes. They talk about the MSM as the enemy of the people. If you point out that this is the tactic of autocratic governments they cry foul and act like snowflakes. There are a lot of similarities to Trump and Nazi Germany but in NO WAY AM I COMPARING TRUMP TO HITLER. The snowflakes on the right will bomb me with Hitler bullshit just because I point out the obvious. I feel sorry for them that they have lost their sense of values and character but that's just values as I see them. Hell who knows, maybe they are right. But until they convince me other wise, I agree with their self description of themselves, they are deplorable morons Originally Posted by themystic
You are a VERY condescending individual...would you like a SHIT load of examples??
Please tell us the Lefts values...because their social ideology doesn't follow any commonsense.
I DON'T want to censor you...the more you post the more we see your love of the left wing ideology!!
I know everyone LOVES SKY HIGH taxes and MASSIVE Gumment regulation along with massive Gumment.
The best is "the great society" LBJ.s trillion dollar baby...SJW on STERIODS!!
It's worked get...that's why we need to spend trillions more!!
I got to give it to one does class warfare better!!