Why do you hobby instead of random hookups?

Hahahaha... all about me me me me me me me. I love it. Hi Mijo!

Not important just annoying and predictable, zarah always says its just a hooker board but it must be something special to her since she keeps coming back I guess she isn't getting enough love on the other boards she lives on. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
You're like a stray cat. I really feel sorry for you. Did you post the email in spider hole yet? I expected you to do that like weeks ago.
And you call me predictable? "heh".

+1 Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Ok ......I'm in lol.

I'll let you guys continue the love fest without me. Enjoy your night
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hahahaha... all about me me me me me me me. I love it. Hi Mijo!
I'll let you guys continue the love fest without me. Enjoy your night Originally Posted by hiddenrose
Holy crap, I'm embarrssed for you now ..I'll no longer be a party to your self humiliation, you just look like a fool now

Good luck & all the best
Holy crap, I'm embarrssed for you now ..I'll no longer be a party to your self humiliation, you just look like a fool now

Good luck & all the best Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Sweetie, Remember when you used to call me AND London every night drunk on your ass? Or do you not remember that? I was embarassed for YOU. Still am. Everyone knows you have a problem. Hope you've gotten help. How does that compared to a few silly posts on a hookerboard? Stop taking me too seriously. Don't want me here? Ignore me ...but I see you and your crew don't know how to. Maybe I would give a damn if I were still providing. Amazing how one person gets everyone's panties all in a wad. I'm going to go have a life now. You go find a new dick to suck like a good little hooker. ta ta
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I hobby because it's easier than going through a civie relationship.
Seriously, demeaning a person because they are a prostitute while on a hooker board is the lamest thing I've ever seen.

But then again I guess some people find charging 2.35 a minute for their time is a more suitable avenue for someone who like to berate hookers.
dearhunter's Avatar
A rose by any other name is still a rose.........come to papa
pyramider's Avatar
$141/hr??? Originally Posted by pyramider
I did the math and came up with the same thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one who was confused by that.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.........come to papa Originally Posted by dearhunter
You don't want me there, DH.
$141/hr??? Originally Posted by pyramider
I did the math and came up with the same thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one who was confused by that.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Bitch has me confused too.
Don't know a gfe escort that charges less than $200 an hour.
I think Skylar is stuck on my camgirl past. She talks about it so much as if it is something
I am ashamed of. I've posted about it over and over again on eccie and on other sites.
Oh Skylar.. why don't you just leave me alone. There was never any competitiion between us.
You will never be as great as me. Ever noticed the same guys that reviewed us always gave you a lower score and this was before we ever had any "beef". You try ...you really do and we all laugh about it. So you have a few jaded motherfuckers on your team and you think you're winning - ha!

Skylar, You're the one that was prostituting yourself in your mother's basement at the age of 1*.And you REALLY think you're better than me or anyone here? I also hope to God you plan on being a hooker
for the rest of your life because no one's going to hire you after your dumbass showed your face in that documentary. So... hmmm.... being known as a child prostititue or being known as an ex camgirl? I'll take the ex camgirl. You just bought a car for crying out loud and you've been hooking for years. Aren't you a winner? Your pussy must be broke. My Goodness.

Don't flatter yourself Zarah, you can guarantee I definitely did not have you in mind when you emailed me asking for a truce only to try and insult me in the American Courtesans thread a week later after you got butthurt since I didn't give you the time of day to reply. Because I want nothing to do with you.

Here's the difference between you and me, I don't insult people thinking I am better than them especially if they do they same thing as me.

We have only one client in common, so don't think you are special because if your hooking career was so awesome you wouldn't have to change your name every three months and start to get new reviews from scratch.

I especially don't act like as if I know what going on in someone's back account, or how good or bad that person is doing in the business. I am doing just fine honey, maybe I don't shove my rates in everyone's face and talk about how upscale my hotels are, but it seems like you are the only one concerned about my business.

It's hilarious how Zarah will try to "air out some dirt" that has already been public for months. It's great to see that you are so concerned about the well-being of my business after the documentary but it is far from needed. Trust me, my face was shown before the doc and it will continue to be shown because I don't give a fuck.

You don't have shit on me. If you want me to stop calling you out, stop giving me such great material to work with.

I have been hooking for so long because I LOVE BEING A HOOKER (unlike a certain someone who looks upon her "former" career with disdain and shame). I'm fucking fabulous at what I do and I will keep doing it until I get bored or the phone stop ringing and that won't be happening anytime soon. So why don't you run off and and leave the SHMB to the hookers and their unattractive johns, since you life is soo wonderful and you got so much going for ya.

I'll see you folks in the hole

Tis All
Naomi4u's Avatar
So why don't you run off and and leave the SHMB to the hookers and their unattractive johns, since you life is soo wonderful and you got so much going for ya.

I'll see you folks in the hole

Tis All Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Only part worth reading.

I guess I just love fucking with you as much as you love fucking with me.

And it's funny how you get on me for doing the same thing YOU do like bringing up my camgirl past after it's been
all over the boards. Hypocrite much?

My changing my name had nothing to do with my reviews... I think you ALL know that I had top notch reviews.
It had more to do with my personal issues/safety/family. You missed big time on that one.

Skylar, I've never been concerned about you or your business. You're the one who started all of this.. remember?
You were (and still are) a nobody. London and I didn't even know who you were when you started with your attacks trying
to be somebody.

This is just something for me to do. It's nice to be able to log back on and see that you're still a bitter bitch.

"Tis All"

Have a great day!
The only part worth reading or is it the only part your shallow mind will comprehend?

Welcome back.

No one fucks with you, you fuck with yourself. You are just mildly entertaining fodder for the board because we love so see you ignorantly contradict yourself over and over again.

I'm not the one who emailed me asking for a truce especially after threatening physical violence , I am not the one going into threads under another alias trying to insult people for participating in a project.

If you never would have bothered me you could have easily slipped my mind, heck I didn't know you were rose until your unmistakeably nasty attitude popped up again.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I have been hooking for so long because I LOVE BEING A HOOKER (unlike a certain someone who looks upon her "former" career with disdain and shame). I'm fucking fabulous at what I do and I will keep doing it until I get bored or the phone stop ringing and that won't be happening anytime soon. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Of course.

Why wouldn't you say you love being a hooker on a board your clients frequent. That would be very stupid to say otherwise... wouldn't it? Don't know who that "certain someone" is but I've always been proud of every. single. title I've held in the adult industry and those that know me know that. You don't know as much as you think you do. You tell yourself you're "fucking fabulous" at what you do hoping that one day ... maybe.. just maybe you WILL be.

Wannabes and snakes aren't fabulous. Fakes aren't fabulous. Also nothing fabulous about a backstabber and one that spreads lies and rumors. Nothing fabulous about a pretender and manipulator. Absolutely Nothing. And you know what I'm talking about.
That lip ring? not fabulous. ha! Trying extremely hard to be popular...? not fab.

Glad you enjoyed my email btw. You're just too small that I knew you wouldn't respond. Would have been funny if you did.

Now I'm REALLY done here. enjoy.

Fakes aren't fabulous. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
And we both know just how original you are.
Sure you are done Zarah, you will always come back. Until then ignore, ignore, ignore and deny. Just because you hated being hooker doesn't mean every prostitute feels that way. It's easy to think another hooker couldn't love her job especially when you look at the occupation with such disdain.