The Southern Baptist Minister gets it. Why can't you?

dirty dog's Avatar
No, it's not. It's an attack on not doing what your fucking ordered to do as part of your goddamn job. If you can't do it, fucking quit. She is not the President or the DOJ. They are not equals. That's why you cannot draw a parallel between them. It's all an attempt to neuter the president, because you don't like him because he's black. It's the same old thing of trying to rob the black man of his vitality and virility. You're scared of it. You need to emasculate him. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You can play the race card somewhere else. No one can pick and choose what laws to follow, if that concept is to simple for you I am sorry. I don't like the president because of his policies, but like most liberals you got to make it about race. Since my son is black and my grandsons are black I am hardly scared of his vitality and virility and by the way this conversation was about Ms. Davis, why are you making it about Obama and then playing the race card. Your a fucking idiot. If you want to take his vitality and virility and slide it down your throat go ahead, but don't be mad when others chose not too. Like most conversations with liberals, it soon becomes about race and other deflections from the conversation.
You can play the race card somewhere else. No one can pick and choose what laws to follow, if that concept is to simple for you I am sorry. I don't like the president because of his policies, but like most liberals you got to make it about race. Since my son is black and my grandsons are black I am hardly scared of his vitality and virility and by the way this conversation was about Ms. Davis, why are you making it about Obama and then playing the race card. Your a fucking idiot. If you want to take his vitality and virility and slide it down your throat go ahead, but don't be mad when others choose not too. Like most conversations with liberals, it soon becomes about race and other deflections from the conversation. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Because I search for another reason to have the problems and I find none. White Devil!
You really are clueless. So it's all because he's black. How fucking sad is that anytime you can't defend him on principle you play the race card. I agree Davis was wrong. Obama is wrong as well by not enforcing laws of this country that he disagrees with. I don't give a shit if he is the president. For you to claim that there is no comparison is fucking ridiculous. For your information Obama is not doing what is job calls for you fucking pinhead. Originally Posted by Budman
His job calls for him to police city of San Francisco? I guess I missed that in the constitution. As it stands, The President is allowed to enforce the law or not enforce the law as he sees fit. Ms Davis does not enjoy this right, so to make the comparison, is utterly ridiculous. You are completely wrong in this instance. And unlike you, I provide citation.
You really are clueless. So it's all because he's black. How fucking sad is that anytime you can't defend him on principle you play the race card. I agree Davis was wrong. Obama is wrong as well by not enforcing laws of this country that he disagrees with. I don't give a shit if he is the president. For you to claim that there is no comparison is fucking ridiculous. For your information Obama is not doing what is job calls for you fucking pinhead. Originally Posted by Budman
Dudman, are you a hunter? Do you fish? Do those activities require a license from a regulated governmental authority?

What if the issuing authority for those activities was a vegetarian and/or vegan and made a unilateral decision to refuse to issue hunting or fishing license because they personally did not believe in harming animals and/or only eating fruits, nuts and veggies.

Would the public be better served for the issuing authority to quit their job as opposed to refusing to issue a perfectly legal hunting or fishing license?

Or, are you going to take the idiots way out and try to make a feeble claim that it is once again Obama's fault that the issuing authority refused to issue a hunting or fishing license.

Budman's Avatar
Dudman, are you a hunter? Do you fish? Do those activities require a license from a regulated governmental authority?

What if the issuing authority for those activities was a vegetarian and/or vegan and made a unilateral decision to refuse to issue hunting or fishing license because they personally did not believe in harming animals and/or only eating fruits, nuts and veggies.

Would the public be better served for the issuing authority to quit their job as opposed to refusing to issue a perfectly legal hunting or fishing license?

Or, are you going to take the idiots way out and try to make a feeble claim that it is once again Obama's fault that the issuing authority refused to issue a hunting or fishing license.

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex

Jesus fucking Christ you have a comprehension problem. For the last time Davis was wrong. I believe she should have followed the law and issued the fucking license. Is that clear enough for you. As far as the president goes he should follow and enforce the laws as well. You libs have no problem with "sanctuary cities" but you want to send this idiot Davis to prison. Marijuana possession is against federal law and yet many cities have made it legal. The federal government should change it's law or enforce the current ones and sue the cities that have made it legal.

Would you be OK if a city decided to make Gay marriage illegal and then refused to issue or honor any gay marriage license or are you only concerned with enforcing laws you agree with?
Jesus fucking Christ you have a comprehension problem. For the last time Davis was wrong. I believe she should have followed the law and issued the fucking license. Is that clear enough for you. As far as the president goes he should follow and enforce the laws as well. You libs have no problem with "sanctuary cities" but you want to send this idiot Davis to prison. Marijuana possession is against federal law and yet many cities have made it legal. The federal government should change it's law or enforce the current ones and sue the cities that have made it legal.

Would you be OK if a city decided to make Gay marriage illegal and then refused to issue or honor any gay marriage license or are you only concerned with enforcing laws you agree with? Originally Posted by Budman
You are the fuk'n Idiot blaming Obama for Davis' actions and you tell me I've got a "comprehension problem."

Perhaps a quick trip to a Pre K introductory level reading skills class are in order for the Dudman.
Budman's Avatar
You are the fuk'n Idiot blaming Obama for Davis' actions and you tell me I've got a "comprehension problem."

Perhaps a quick trip to a Pre K introductory level reading skills class are in order for the Dudman. Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm not blaming Obama you fucking dumbass. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Davis is a horrible person for not following the law and yet you have no problem with the other laws that are not enforced by the administration or by cities because you agree with there agenda. I have never blamed Obama for the Davis bullshit. I have said from the beginning that she was wrong.

Try reading real slow and maybe you can understand what you are reading.
I'm not blaming Obama you fucking dumbass. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Davis is a horrible person for not following the law and yet you have no problem with the other laws that are not enforced by the administration or by cities because you agree with there agenda. I have never blamed Obama for the Davis bullshit. I have said from the beginning that she was wrong.

Try reading real slow and maybe you can understand what you are reading. Originally Posted by Budman
Yep, they teach 'em in Idiotville ISD that it's always Obama's fault.

Therein lies the extent of Dudman's reading comprehension skills.
Budman's Avatar
Yep, they teach 'em in Idiotville ISD that it's always Obama's fault.

Therein lies the extent of Dudman's reading comprehension skills. Originally Posted by bigtex

It's pointless to have any conversation with you. You are like a 2 year old. The exact same reply every time regardless of what is said. Grow up bitch.
It's pointless to have any conversation with you. You are like a 2 year old. The exact same reply every time regardless of what is said. Grow up bitch. Originally Posted by Budman
Let's take this from the top, shall we?

It is the Muslim POTUS from Kenya's fault that Dudman does not know how to read.

That is the way they teach 'em in Idiotville ISD!

Duddy, did you graduate from Idiotville ISD with honors?

Muslim POTUS from Kenya does not know how to read.
Originally Posted by bigtex


It's pointless to have any conversation with you. You are like a 2 year old. The exact same reply every time regardless of what is said. Grow up bitch. Originally Posted by Budman
Hypocrisy exists on both sides. Why do you feel the need to point out the obvious? Thanks for pointing out that human beings have the capacity for deceit. Jesus Christ, we would have never known if you hadn't told us

I'm going to start calling you Captain Obvious.
Let's take this from the top, shall we?

It is the Muslim POTUS from Kenya's fault that Dudman does not know how to read.

That is the way they teach 'em in Idiotville ISD!

Duddy, did you graduate from Idiotville ISD with honors? Originally Posted by bigtex
He was too busy giving handjibbers under the bleachers, to graduate. Missed way too many classes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He was too busy giving handjibbers under the bleachers, to graduate. Missed way too many classes. Originally Posted by WombRaider
did you say something, puss in boots?

The Kenfukn'tucky County Clerk has now decided to look the other way.

Imagine that, she has finally adopted the ultra liberal concept of live and let live.

Apparently her self-righteous faith was not worth additional jail time.

Amazing, simply amazing!

Poor ol' Dudman must be disappointed.

Duddy is still trying to wrap his arms around the ridiculous notion that the POTUS actually has more authority than a lowly County Clerk in Kenfuk'ntucky.

Only in Idiotville!