American Mormon Family Massacred in Mexico

rexdutchman's Avatar
The issue is the leadership in Mexico , That's there big export and the guberment makes to much money for them to really try and stop it ,,,, So Lock down the borders and cut off the money ( side not before 2016 Reps and Dems agreed )
rexdutchman's Avatar
And yes people need to be accountable for their own actions what they did was very reckless , I understand that the shooting should not happen .
The real world ( not progressive colleges with "safe places" ) is not rainbows and lollipops its dangerous and can be hard .
LexusLover's Avatar
The issue is the leadership in Mexico. Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Somewhere "out there" is a list of Mexican Presidents sorted by how much money they stole while they were in office ... Their wealth when leaving office was for years tied to the known reserves held by Pemex, which was their cash cow, although not so much anymore.

For decades Pemex had twp sets of books on reserves and production.

A cabby down there told me one time that Echeverría was a good President, because he only stole $160 million.

But there was less to steal. And BTW: His reign is good reading for the U.S. voters for the upcoming 2020 ass-whooping the likes of the Fake Indian and the other Loons WILL BE FACING!
LexusLover's Avatar
And yes people need to be accountable for their own actions what they did was very reckless , .... Originally Posted by rexdutchman
... is that sort of like going to a concert in Vegas?
Chung Tran's Avatar
... is that sort of like going to a concert in Vegas? Originally Posted by LexusLover
not at all.. Bad Orange Man and Apples

A cabby down there told me one time that Echeverría was a good President, because he only stole $160 million.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think Mexicans take theft in stride. every Leader since Tenochtitlan has skimmed money from the till.

I remember accusing a Mexican Stripper of stealing my money, years ago. she took it in stride, denied it, with a sweet attitude. I left the Club to head to my hotel, and while in the Cab, discovered the "stolen" money in my other pocket. I felt bad, and told the cabbie what I thought happened. next night I returned and apologized to my Stripper, she was like "don't mention it".. she got a lot of tip money that night.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Did you get to give her a humming?
LexusLover's Avatar

I think ..... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Racists don't "think"!

I think Mexicans take theft in stride. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
LexusLover's Avatar
Did you get to give her a humming? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No doubt. He thought that was a clit hanging down there.

Hey, Hummer!, ....

... have you figured out English Canadian women don't wear thongs?
I do not consider my self the "Right" - and take no solace or joy in the murder rate/ violence in Chicago.

That horror speaks to the foolishness of long term DPST city management by ideology and graft and corruption, rather than addressing issues constructively. It is Chicago Plantation Politics as usual.

Their policies are unworkable - yet clung to along with the socialist ideology they embrace. Originally Posted by oeb11
Excellent and irrefutable rebuttal.
not at all.. Bad Orange Man and Apples

I think Mexicans take theft in stride. every Leader since Tenochtitlan has skimmed money from the till.

I remember accusing a Mexican Stripper of stealing my money, years ago. she took it in stride, denied it, with a sweet attitude. I left the Club to head to my hotel, and while in the Cab, discovered the "stolen" money in my other pocket. I felt bad, and told the cabbie what I thought happened. next night I returned and apologized to my Stripper, she was like "don't mention it".. she got a lot of tip money that night. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You sure she didn't slip it back in your pocket when you complained - then played you the next night?

I've found that when pretty and skinny Mexican women get naked near me that I can't always think straight.
rexdutchman's Avatar
OEB 11 correct again, My questions
Where's the MSM Outrage , Where's the gun control socialist outrage ,Where our Political Outrage ??????
There's been more outrage on this board then MSM, LSM ?

Oh yea Securing the BORDER would go a long way in stopping the drug people flow Never mind,
The DSPT media will never let that happen,,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
OEB 11 correct again, My questions
Where's the MSM Outrage , Where's the gun control socialist outrage ,Where our Political Outrage ??????
There's been more outrage on this board then MSM, LSM ?

Oh yea Securing the BORDER would go a long way in stopping the drug people flow Never mind,
The DSPT media will never let that happen,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
So your wall didn’t stop those poor women and children from going to Mexico and becoming Mexicans, did it?

And US gun policies are easily the reason why the criminals in Mexico shot the Mexican polygamists in Mexico. That’s a big 10-4 good buddy.

It’s pretty easy to see who here is playing cribbage with a full deck and who rode on the short bus. I think the bus needs to be longer.

Ho hummmm.
  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2019, 08:18 AM
RD- Thank you - you point out the evident MSM disregard and cover - up of black on black violence - no restricted to guns- in chicago. because it does not fit their 'narrative" that guns - not people using guns- kill people - and to condemn gun violence at hands other than white is racist - is the reason the DPST media downplays the chicago carnage.

Am I a political arbitrer - No - just IMHO - You already knew the answer to your question - as do other Conservatives.
  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2019, 08:20 AM
So your wall didn’t stop those poor women and children from going to Mexico and becoming Mexicans, did it?

And US gun policies are easily the reason why the criminals in Mexico shot the Mexican polygamists in Mexico. That’s a big 10-4 good buddy.

It’s pretty easy to see who here is playing cribbage with a full deck and who rode on the short bus. I think the bus needs to be longer.

Ho hummmm. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

The usual DPST downplaying of Chicago black on black violence.

See answer above - and go fix your own socialist country - not that One is Canadian - just a fake id for the Axis of Socialism crawling out from under a "Band" rock. tm/sc/yr
HoeHummer's Avatar
If you’re real quiet, you can hear the sound of one hand fapping. Or is that the sound of two hosers fapdancing? Or a whole fucking Riverdance troupe of fapdancers?

Give your balls a tug, eh?