
First steps first. Admit the country was founded on inequality. totally wrong the country was founded on equality just took a while to get there, but the founding documents blazed a trail to get us there

which the Marxists want to destroy

Reasonable assumption is the key issue.
Once we stipulate a systematic change is necessary for equal justice under the law, then we can work together towards a favorable revolution. But it needs to happen fast. I am extremely encouraged by your seemingly eager goal of an end to this.

a systemic change is not required nor is it warranted nor is it wanted nor would it be beneficial

. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
proper education is the key

we are educating kids to hate and to misinterpret and to envy and project onto others and that America is not nor ever has been a force for good
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 12:22 PM
NGIT - thoughtful - ii suspect 9500 refers to the Founding Fathers - some of whom who were slave-owners - and denied the right to vote to women and slaves and non property holders. Those issues are addressed.

I esitate a bit - to give 9500 a bully pulpit he is likely not aware of - still - with the Civil rights acts of 1964, etc, Who is treated inequitably under the Law ???

Let 9500 answer that question first - then look at if and what needs to corrected, and what should be done.

9500 is bleatinig "inequality" out of White privilege Guilt" - and a complete surrender of thought to the ideology of the marxists and OBLM - a division of Marxists in America.
HedonistForever's Avatar
NGIT - thoughtful - ii suspect 9500 refers to the Founding Fathers - some of whom who were slave-owners - and denied the right to vote to women and slaves and non property holders. Those issues are addressed.

I esitate a bit - to give 9500 a bully pulpit he is likely not aware of - still - with the Civil rights acts of 1964, etc, Who is treated inequitably under the Law ???

Let 9500 answer that question first - then look at if and what needs to corrected, and what should be done.

9500 is bleatinig "inequality" out of White privilege Guilt" - and a complete surrender of thought to the ideology of the marxists and OBLM - a division of Marxists in America. Originally Posted by oeb11

Well said! A law providing equality was passed. Was it perfect? Is any law perfect? But to suggest that nothing has changed since the founding of the country is just asinine.

What else can be done other than passing a law that says you can sue if your rights are discriminated against? What else can be done other than giving every single American that qualifies, Being an American citizen, gets the right to vote and petition the government for change through elected representatives.

Once we passed a law against discrimination, set up the legal process to sue for your rights and ensure the right to vote, we have done everything a government can do to fix what was inequitable in the beginning.

One thing that can change is school choice. How in the hell can a law that says you can choose the school you want to send your child to, be wrong? The only reason to be against this IMHO, is to keep intact teachers unions putting teachers needs above the needs of parents and children.
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 01:05 PM
Not to mention HF - the teachers Unions and their marxist indoctrination , flagrant "Racism" eduation that whites are irredeemably racist - and only race warfare can establish equality.

we hired these Marxist idiots to destroy our public schools.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not to mention HF - the teachers Unions and their marxist indoctrination , flagrant "Racism" eduation that whites are irredeemably racist - and only race warfare can establish equality.

we hired these Marxist idiots to destroy our public schools. Originally Posted by oeb11

White parents can look forward to this being "required" reading along with many companies mandating it's reading.


If you are White, you are racist whether you have ever had a racist thought or committed a racist act. Bullshit!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
First steps first. Admit the country was founded on inequality.

Here we go again. You decide for yourself what it means then tell me what you think. IMHO it means fear-based impunity.

No. 18-2142

Reasonable assumption is the key issue.
Once we stipulate a systematic change is necessary for equal justice under the law, then we can work together towards a favorable revolution. But it needs to happen fast. I am extremely encouraged by your seemingly eager goal of an end to this.

Thank you, sir.

The SCOTUS should have deliberated. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so are you actually claiming that all these incidents are due to white officers are "in fear" of blacks?

so .. they shot them because they are afraid?

if you say so!!!

winn dixie's Avatar
Seems as if munchie had a bender and is now sleeping it off
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In DC.

Protesters? Credibility?

They're rioters.

It amazes me that he's too afraid of political fallout to send the military in to Seattle.

This would be a huge win for him.

Perfect opportunity to show the country what happens when criminals unlawfully occupy parts of an American city.

But I guess this is too controversial. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

i'm sure you understand Trump can't act unilaterally and send federal troops into Seattle. or any other state or city. now if he was the dictator the left claim he is, he would have by now but he's not a dictator he's the president.

would invoking the Insurrection act be justified? in the specific case of this SPAZ zone yes. Overall in Seattle, no. the city itself is fine. So is it worth it for Trump to act? not yet. the longer this Mayor and/or Inslee the Governor wait the harder it becomes to get these criminals out of these buildings and the worse they look for their capitulation/condoning of this takeover.

upfront i'd be just as much in agreement that Trump should act and it would show a strong hand however the backlash would be immense even with the authority of the Insurrection act. the left would meltdown over it even if half of Seattle was on fire.

for now i think Trump is smarter to leave it to the States as it typically should be until they either ask for help or show that they are incapable of handling the situation.

while the initial blame is Durken's as mayor, if she either can't or won't kick out these bums then Inslee can act with the Washington National guard. what would the mayor do? tell the SPD to fire on guard troops to protect these thugs? i rather doubt she's that radical. So why hasn't Inslee acted?
LexusLover's Avatar
This revolution has EVERYthing to do with qualified immunity. The police don't even know what it is. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You don't know what it is.

The police don't need to know what it is.

"This revolution"?

What was your ignorant statement? Something about police can't defend themselves?

Did Floyd have his hands in the air?
Did the fleeing felon in Atlanta have his hands in the air?
Did the homeless guy in your opinion have his hands in the air?
Did Michael Brown have his hands in the air when he was shot?

BLM was created and established based upon an outright LIE!
LexusLover's Avatar
i'm sure you understand Trump can't act unilaterally and send federal troops into Seattle. or any other state or city. .... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The POTUS can't?

10 U.S. Code § 253:

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—
(1)so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
(2)opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.
LexusLover's Avatar
proper education is the key Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
A lack of it shows in 9500's posts.

"The revolution"!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The POTUS can't? Originally Posted by LexusLover

of course he can if he posts the notice to invoke the Insurrection act. by saying he can't act unilaterally (without the Insurrection act) he would have to be some dictator as the left already claims he is. besides .. they'll call him a dictator anyway and come up with some convoluted reason why he doesn't have the authority was the point. just like the travel bans the left will find some lackey judge to file an injunction claiming Trump doesn't have the power to act.

as of yet Trump hasn't acted. the last time it was invoked was by Bush II in the 1992 LA riots. looking at the times the act has been used i note a glaring omission in the rather long and distinguished list of presidents .. Obama. why didn't he act during Ferguson? and Baltimore?

LexusLover's Avatar
of course he can Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I understood you to post Trump "can't" ....

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i'm sure you understand Trump can't act unilaterally and send federal troops into Seattle. or any other state or city.
Now whether he wants the imagery before November is another matter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I understood you to post Trump "can't" ....

Now whether he wants the imagery before November is another matter. Originally Posted by LexusLover

it wasn't the best worded way to say the left will claim he's somehow acting without authority and technically he would be without issuing that proclamation. for now Trump should see what both Durkin and Inslee do.

and what's stopping Inslee from telling that libtard mayor to act? i bet Inslee might get forced to act if this keeps going. of course he can ask Trump to act but i think he'd rather see Seattle in ruins than ask for Trump's help.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I understood you to post Trump "can't" ....

Now whether he wants the imagery before November is another matter. Originally Posted by LexusLover
it wasn't the best worded way to say the left will claim he's somehow acting without authority and technically he would be without issuing that proclamation. for now Trump should see what both Durkin and Inslee do.

and what's stopping Inslee from telling that libtard mayor to act? i bet Inslee might get forced to act if this keeps going. of course he can ask Trump to act but i think he'd rather see Seattle in ruins than ask for Trump's help.
. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Two peas in one ignorant racist pod.

Wacky is obvious.

Lexy, your infection will out soon.