I love S.A.!

Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Something tells me Candi is back home and won't read any of this, or if she does she's ROFL at what she started.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hey Mikaela, I got a buck fitty...what say?

I apologize. I couldn't resist




Lasvegas...it's not just about a NCNS...it's about a provider who OPENLY STATED she NCNS'd a hobbyist ON PURPOSE! YOU, of all people, would have to agree...it's just plain RUDE! If she wasn't comfortable or just didn't want to go through with the session...how difficult is it...to make a phone call? It has nothing to do with money...it's simple CONSIDERATION...that some people just don't get.

Wise words from Up. I don't like NCNS as much as the next guy, however my attitude is similar to what Up describes. This is a hustle any female out there can do it. The ones that do better are the ones that have better TCB skills but i've had appointments with long time providers that keep getting postponed or just don't happen. Sometimes i am let know it will not happen, sometimes there is just no answer. And these are well respected mature, have been in the "business" for a long time providers.
Chuck12...I'll stand up to the plate on this one. Just to clarify...the appointment you're talking about was something we discussed for a Paesano's gift card. I apologized to you back then...and, will again, as you don't seem to have gotten over the situation...although, it's partially your fault.

The appointment was rescheduled...for a legitimate reason and with enough notice. YOU never got back to me on the days/times I had available for the upcoming weeks. You have to realize that I had already donated free time...to help support one of our SA ladies...and, I had to prioritize my normal schedule. A barter for a gift card (that I was going to give away at the Christmas charity event) was a lower priority (as far as scheduling) than meeting commitments to some of my current friends.

So, please don't make random misleading statements. Yes, I've had a few issues where I royally screwed up...but, I always strive to be fair and offer solutions. If a hobbyist *chooses* to not followup on my offer for solutions...how is that my fault?
i really doubt it!!! its going to have to wait til the 15th when he gets his next check... or if your open to a post dated check? can you help a brutha out?
nikki... point taken... my rant is these idiots are not with out blame in many areas themselves , there is an attitude that something is owed to them... they love to jump on the band wagon and bash one person if you look back at the thread , she took the first couple shots and then expressed herself... so really, does it really need to be said? if they are NCNS"D why bitch about it... move on... never call them again??? as for the rest of your post i got a bit lost... i dont know what your talking about , or if that was even directed at me... i've sent you pm's about your avail at late night ,but i dont think we've ever schedule anything???
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Las Vegas you are some bad boy. You even attack with 5 year old misinformation from a disillusioned provider who stole a lot of money from me many years ago. And attack like some kind of big shot because you stole your former employer's customers to start a business. I wonder what your cable customers would think of you if they could read your angry mean-spirited posts on this board. Or about you bragging what a "big spender" you are.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-09-2012, 01:20 PM
The pissing match stops now.

Points may be distributed later.

We are done here for now.