What kind of economy do you want?

London Rayne's Avatar
I would not lump them into one group just because of the ignorance of one, being that would not be the mature thing to do lol. You know it's like when a friend of ours says something, and we are treated badly as if WE could control it.

The next time I hear about ALL over 40 providers being the "mature" choice, I am going to vomit all over the place because far too many have disproved that right here. The mature thing to do would be to shut your darn pie hole when no one is talking to you!

Now I am sure all the WK will come out the wood work to defend the "fairy" princess, but it's obvious I did not stick MY nose in a thread that had nothing to do with me! If you don't want the backlash, mind your own business for ONCE!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I would not lump them into one group just because of the ignorance of one, being that would not be the mature thing to do lol. You know it's like when a friend of ours says something, and we are treated badly as if WE could control it.

The next time I hear about ALL over 40 providers being the "mature" choice, I am going to vomit all over the place because far too many have disproved that right here. The mature thing to do would be to shut your darn pie hole when no one is talking to you! Originally Posted by London Rayne

I know. I am very good friends with a few of them. Those few have a no BS approach to things and keep it real. As for the others, I try to ignore them. That's like me coming in here and saying "Lauren why don't you shut the fuck up?" It wouldn't make sense being that she wasn't talking to me and plus It's just plain rude. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
London Rayne's Avatar

I know. I am very good friends with a few of them. Those few have a no BS approach to things and keep it real. As for the others, I try to ignore them. That's like me coming in here and saying "Lauren why don't you shut the fuck up?" It wouldn't make sense being that she wasn't talking to me and plus It's just plain rude. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Or much else!

You are mature enough not to just bash Lauren because she had an argument with a friend of yours...others should follow that logic. I have no issues with Lauren to tell you the truth. I thought that exchange was quite funny.
John 8
1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. 3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” 6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.
7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” 8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”
11 She said, “No one, Lord.”
And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Originally Posted by Sisyphus
To add to what Sisyphus quoted and to clarify since there seems to be some confusion on a couple of things, it is written ‘sin is pleasurable for a season’ as is it written in By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.” (Heb.11:24-25 NKJV) while it is also written ’The wages of sin is death...’ (Romans 6:23, NIV).

Yes, we are our brother’s keeper, if one is a real Christian, since all Christians are commanded to take an interest in their fellow man and to share his burdens in the way that Christ took on the suffering and shouldered the burdens of all mankind. In kind, we are charged with helping the Widows and Orphans of the world such as:

"Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan.", Exodus 22:22

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.", Deuteronomy 15:11

To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”, (Jam 1:27, NIV)

This is about service and charity to others and there is no mention of degrees or specification of anything outside of someone having less than another. It is only the human side of things, i.e. greed, pride, gluttony, envy, lust, anger, sloth that allows for nit-picking as to who is deserving of charity, service and respect versus who is not. If we had more of what is written towards others in this world, this place would be a far better “garden” to live in than it is now.

This is just my dos centavos to all of this... can we sing Kumbaya now?
London Rayne's Avatar
I am not arguing what the Bible says...I am simply saying you can't force others to do it. If the Government could force all of us to give our tax money to charity instead of them, I am sure we would and they would be even more broke. Saying because one person is rich that it's their job to take care of those who are not is ludicrous. Nice, but ludicrous. If that's the case toss me a few hundred grand because I am far less fortunate than a billionaire. See how crazy that sounds? I have the ability to work in most any job I choose. I am not limited by a physical or mental disability, nor am I a victim. I can't expect someone else to give me money just because they have more than I do...and neither can anyone else.

I fully believe in helping those who CAN'T help themselves. I will not however help someone who has used that help as a means to keep on doing drugs, getting drunk, and going to casinos rather than paying the light bill they told me it was for. I have an elderly lady I would always help. I gave her money, bought her groceries, took her out to dinner etc. All the while she was blowing her SS checks at Boomtown Casino. I cut her off because that is NOT the kind of charity I believe the Bible was talking about. Had I kept helping her, she would have never helped herself. To this day she thanks me for the tough love I gave her as she is now free of her addiction.

Technically if you do believe in God and the Bible, then you should be tithing. If you do that, he guarantees your finances will be taken care of. Problem is not many people want to part with their money, yet want it to keep coming in. It does not work that way. You give and it's given back. You can't put your faith in any human if you are going to preach Christ. It does not line up.
London, you know I like 'ya so don't take what I wrote beyond the way I wrote it. There are too many ways that discussion could go down and it would not matter in the least since the one, overriding thing that is the most important in that discussion is:

If one was Righteous and walking in the Word with The Lord’s covering, they would not be in the P4P world to begin with.

Everything else is just window dressing until the foregoing is dealt with.
London Rayne's Avatar
London, you know I like 'ya so don't take what I wrote beyond the way I wrote it. There are too many ways that discussion could go down and it would not matter in the least since the one, overriding thing that is the most important in that discussion is:

If one was Righteous and walking in the Word with The Lord’s covering, they would not be in the P4P world to being with.

Everything else is just window dressing until the foregoing is dealt with. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
You are my hero!

Lauren you need to learn to read seriously! Where did I say anything about people in shelters? I didn't, so don't put words in my mouth. If you did not choose to be there and were a victim, then that's not what I am talking about. Why does it always feel like I have to break things down on a first grade level for some people? Geez!

." Originally Posted by London Rayne
(lol).... I have been living on the street for a year too, have been abused by my stepmother and me and my sister even went to court against our own parents, and i still do agree with everything you stated. There are people out there emotionally blackmailing others and their enviroment on a constant base talking about their screwed up childhood when all they did was living in paradise. I - sorry - truly hate that. When something really bad happens to you you have no other choice than to get your ass out of the gutter. Or kill yourself. Everyone else always blaming others for their shortcomings are in my eyes ridiculous. I assume that is what London is talking about.

I have had to work all my life and gain what sometimes comes to other people naturally. No one told me to go to university.

People talking about human dignity who otherwise think that some people "don`t deserve their existence to be acknowledged" or similar chasticing stuff like that about other people kind of make my toes curl.

Some people might also say that sex for free is a human right so why are people charging for it?

I think healthcare is a big issue in the USA and i find the approach that people pay less taxes and insurances are not state-organized very very problematic.
@London and Naomi

Dayum, I went to bed too early. I could have been watching these posts as they went up. It was too much fun to get up and read them...

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

When it comes down to the issue of "they need to get a job like the rest of us," having a job just doesn't pay. See Marcia Nelson's "When Hard Work Doesn't Pay," The Christian Century, which can be found http://www.religion-online.org/showa...asp?title=2709.

Instead of throwing around theories, let's deal a little with facts (from http://www.scribd.com/doc/26743067/P...re-Myths-Facts):

Most people who are poor are lazy and don’t want to work.

Most people who are poor get welfare, so they aren’t really suffering.

Most people who are poor are better off than the rest of us because the government pays them to lie around and have more babies. But we ordinary taxpayers can’t afford to have more kids because the government won’t subsidize us like they do the “welfare queens.”

Families on welfare eat better than those of us who work for a living. If they didn’t buy all the junk food and steaks they do and managed their money better, they wouldn’t be poor.


In 2008, 64% of people who are poor in the U.S. were not able to work due to their age (too young or too old), disability, or the lack of jobs.1,2 All of these are circumstances are beyond the control of the individual.

Most people who are poor do not receive aid from the government, either because they are not eligible, not willing to apply, or do not know that they are eligible.

In Alabama, only a minority of welfare recipients receive ANY cash aid at all. Those who do receive TANF payments were paid a maximum of $215/month and $2580/year for a family of three.3 Compared to the income tax deduction of $4150 per child, middle class families may have more government-supplied incentive to have kids than the poor
do.4,5 In fact, the total number of children women on public assistance have is significantly less than the total number of children all US women of child bearing age have each year.6

The average food stamp allotment in 2002 was 83 cents a meal per person.7 For a poor person, no amount of “good management” can result in sufficient nutritious meals throughout the month while on Food Stamps. We imagine what we see someone buy on food stamps is what they buy every week, but most food stamp recipients do one big shopping trip a month and try to make it last through the month.

Why Do Myths Persist?

The media perpetuate mythic images of “welfare queens” by running the same tired stories, and presenting as the norm a black family with four kids, all conceived by different fathers and all of them born while the mother was on welfare. The next time you see a welfare story in the newspaper or on TV, look critically at the images they are presenting to you. Absent are the laid-off workers, the sick and disabled, and the
unemployed workers who are poor and need help.

We want to believe myths. We are not mean-spirited people, but we all fear the possibility of being poor. By demonizing the poor, it allows us to believe that “We will never be poor, because we are NOT like THOSE people.” But in fact, we are. In a 25-year study of the American families done by the University of Michigan, at some moment in those years fully one-quarter of all families experienced poverty.8

Politicians profit from encouraging myths. When is the last time a politician got elected for telling a truth we did not want to hear? In the case of welfare myths, politicians can balance the budget on the backs of the poor, and we will support this.

More Facts on Poverty

Most recipients of welfare are NOT black, contrary to our myths. While people of color are disproportionately poor in the U.S., they are not the majority of the poor, nor are they the majority of welfare recipients.

Most people are poor because they have experienced the loss of a job, reduced wages, or the loss of a wage earner in the family. Divorce, desertion, health crisis, job loss, and unemployment are the most common reasons people in the U.S. are poor.

Most welfare spending in the U.S. has been health care assistance to the aged poor and disabled (the majority of Medicaid spending), and not to poor families in general.

Getting a job will not end poverty for most people in the U.S. because many of them already work. They just don’t earn enough to stop being poor. Workfare is not a solution to the problem of part-time, low-wage jobs that do no pay enough to support the families of their workers. When workfare stops subsidizing childcare after the first year on the program, not many moms will be able to keep those low-wage jobs without the
subsidized childcare.

Most welfare recipients are not teenage moms, as the media hype and myth-driven welfare reforms tend to indicate. In fact, no more than 6.4% of the Alabama welfare families are headed by a teen mom.9
I doubt that either of you will take the time to digest the facts. You've already made your minds up and you're young enough to believe that you're always right and that you know sooo much more than your elders. And far be it from me to dissuade you with actual facts when you cling so desperately to your opinions.

Now, let's turn the subject to Ansley. I don't know, or have any idea, what you have against her, but the two of you ganging up on her is not attractive at all, and is really beneath you (I think). To go after her because she's older than you is like slashing your own tires. You're going to be there someday, and when you get there, it'll seem to you like you tranported through time because it happened so fast.

And, you accuse her of butting in on a conversation. Well, news to you, this is a hooker board. You post a comment in the public area, and anyone can respond. It is not a private conversation. If you want it to be, use the phone or go to a private chat room, or pm each other. But to complain because she posted a comment in response to one of yours only shows you as petty and ungracious.

And the two of you further harm your independent opinions because you seem to ALWAYS agree with one another. Sheesh. What London says, Naomi backs up and vice versa. Don't you have an independent, intelligent and original thought between the two of you? Oh, it's obvious you've become best buds, but really, isn't there something other than the desired age of your clientele that you can disagree about?

And your responses to Lauren weren't much better. She very objectively stated her case and why. You (mostly London) trashed her for her opinion. You got really personal. Not cool. We can have disagreements on this board, even emotional ones, but making it personal is taking it much too far. London, some leeway can be given if this is somewhat due to the visit of your Aunt, but only some.

As far as the religious subjects are concerned: don't bring them up if you can't take the heat. IMHO, London, you almost veered off the map over the Christianity issue. It's apparent that you have strong beliefs. But if you're going to put them out on the board, be big enough to fade the heat if someone takes potshots at them.

Now, I've said my piece. Getting back to my box of popcorn to see where this goes from here.
If you consider yourself talking to a brick wall why don't you shut the fuck up sometimes? Originally Posted by Ansley
Or perhaps you could take your own advice, on all of your cheeky one liners...You love to spout shit out in D&T though because of your little WK friends will come and take care of you right?

Or since your handing out advice tonight, perhaps I'll hand some off to you...You might reconsider that pic of you in the blue dress in your Eros ad , it really shows how you're aging (there are procedures you can have done about those lines around your mouth love), which hmm let me guess, are from smoking for years and years whilst at the bar taking shots & boozing it up?..Or is it just bad genes?...Oh and if you can't recall which picture I'm referring to just let me know, I'll happily post if for you if you'd like?

Now go and fetch the meow mix crew to come and defend you

You know Ansley, that's what I would expect from you, but that's ok. You just blew your own cover lol. Have another drink. You just ooze class "mature lady" lemme tell ya. It's funny how nice you were before Naomi and I became friends. So freaking high school of ya. Geez no wonder lmao. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Oh let's be honest London, she's never been nice to many people ....And she certainly doesn't like any other woman coming in here and stealing any attention from her .....Maybe that's why she resorts to sucking up and friending the handful of knobstains from the Houston board who can't spell correctly and post pictures of cats all day?...Do you have that little respect for yourself Ansley? Really?....I mean, I know it must be depressing for you being in your mid 40's and still sucking c*ck
Yea right. Just another poser exposed. Such an HDH trait to tell someone to stfu. Trashy. Ever since "someone" posted a blog, she has projected her bs onto us. Get over it already! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Obviously the blog hit a nerve .....and she's always projected her bs onto us!...
@London and Naomi

[COLOR=Blue]Now, let's turn the subject to Ansley. I don't know, or have any idea, what you have against her, but the two of you ganging up on her is not attractive at all, and is really beneath you (I think). To go after her because she's older than you is like slashing your own tires. You're going to be there someday, and when you get there, it'll seem to you like you tranported through time because it happened so fast. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh Charlie, all sorts of people gang up on others on this board, don't even act like you're shocked....It happens to all of us, ya get over it...

And no one's going after her because she's "OLDER" (you said it that time lmao), but because she was being a **Censored**...

Yes Charlie, we all know we'll be there, (old & menopausal) someday, but as of now, we're not....However, when I do get there, I can tell you I won't still be in this biz....
Yes Charlie, we all know we'll be there, (old & menopausal) someday, but as of now, we're not....However, when I do get there, I can tell you I won't still be in this biz.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Good luck on that. There are lots who have said the same and failed to achieve it.
Alright everybody [insert mod annoyed brackets] Knock it off. I have no idea whats going on but in 12 hours there are 73 posts/five pages of lord knows what. I am just reading it now. Don't you guys sleep? I gotta leave the house in ten minutes. So I am not locking it yet until I can get through. Can you all not post for three hours? Really. I mean it. [/remove mod annoyed brackets]
And your responses to Lauren weren't much better. She very objectively stated her case and why. You (mostly London) trashed her for her opinion. You got really personal. Not cool. We can have disagreements on this board, even emotional ones, but making it personal is taking it much too far. London, some leeway can be given if this is somewhat due to the visit of your Aunt, but only some.


dear charles. i remember you stating that London is uneducated in this same thread? So if i were you i`d be looking at your own advice very closely. And as far as entering discussions and not being able to take the heat i assume there are many more on this board that work like that .
It seems to me that you are very biased in your support of people while i at least try to discuss with people - even you - about opinions. You are downtalking Naomi and London on every occassion for doing the same that the providers you "protect" are doing. Getting personal? Where have you been when Naomi and me were accussed of antisemitism? I mean seriously? And that happening to me ??? A person whose long term ex boyfriend / now friend is Jewish with parents surviving concentration camps?? I mean how ridiculous. I do hope so. We are all stating POVs and its per se personal. You are not above that.

as far as young people pretending to know it all, it seems to me that many young providers suffer from this inflated sense of self. Naomi and London are not the only ones. I am not as old as Ansley is, but i am in my 30ies and i can mostly only roll eyes about some arrogance of young people who believe everything someone tells them.