What Biden done for the good of the country

VitaMan's Avatar
And who knows what the Chinese were going to do with those cranes. Probably convert them into robots that will take over America so they won't have to shed a drop of blood when they mount a land invasion. Originally Posted by Tiny

For education:

“Our Committees’ investigation found vulnerabilities in cranes at U.S. ports that could allow the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] to not only undercut trade competitors through espionage, but disrupt supply chains and the movement of cargo, devastating our nation’s economy,” Rep. Mark Green, the Republican chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, said.

“Without a swift sea-change, we will continue to gift the CCP with an easy means of infiltrating our critical infrastructure on their quest for global dominance.”

In the Coast Guard’s inspections of Chinese-made cranes, “we have found … openings, vulnerabilities that are there by design,” Rear Admiral John Vann, head of the Coast Guard Cyber Command, told lawmakers.

Owners and operators of over 200 Chinese-made container cranes at U.S. ports will be subject to new cyber-risk management requirements aimed at reducing China’s ability to spy on America’s domestic supply chains.
I never said I am an expert on border security. You seem to be. I also never said Biden was my hero, or that I support him. Please do not try to turn these discussions into personal attacks...as you seem wont to do.

What I did say is border security is a complex issue. And then the right leaning wingers on this site start attacking. They immediately focus on illegal immigration, and forget the complexity of the entire issue. I don't support illegal immigration. Who does ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

And who do you think is the responsible for all the illegal immigration issues at the border? I can sure tell you that Greg Abbott has done more to protect the Texas border than that clown Biden has done. Perhaps you should get out of that concrete jungle sometime and go visit the area and see firsthand for yourself instead of believing what the left spoon feeds you loyal followers to do. You just might walk away with a different perspective.

And yes I for one have a firmer grasp on this issue than most poster's here do. Maybe a first hand view would do some of you lefties a better picture of what your hero Biden has allowed to happen with his open border policy.
VitaMan's Avatar
The problem existed before the Biden administration, and the problem will exist long after the Biden administration. Mr. Trump said he would solve it. That ended with his chief strategist Steve Bannon siphoning off most of the money. You remember Steve, right ? He has been in the news quite a bit lately....mostly about jail time.

The point is Republicans did not solve it, and the Democrats have not either. Border security is a complex issue with no easy solution.

Biden is no hero here.
The problem existed before the Biden administration, and the problem will exist long after the Biden administration. Mr. Trump said he would solve it. That ended with his chief strategist Steve Bannon siphoning off most of the money. You remember Steve, right ? He has been in the news quite a bit lately....mostly about jail time.

The point is Republicans did not solve it, and the Democrats have not either. Border security is a complex issue with no easy solution.

Biden is no hero here. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Nope Trump did not solve it for sure but your illustrious Commander in Chief Biden only made it worse with his open border policy.

I just wonder if old Sleepy Joe had anything to say to the families of the 50 some odd illegals who crossed over and then had the misfortune of paying a coyote to smuggle them further into the US only to be locked in the trailer of an 18 wheeler during the middle of the summer and abandoned only to be found 2 days later by authorities. 100 degree plus outside so you can only imagine the heat level in the back of that trailer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no open border policy. For a change you’re swallowing the MAGA Juice.
There is no open border policy. For a change you’re swallowing the MAGA Juice. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

LMFAO your starement is laughable but not unexpected considering how you drink that lefty kool-aid so often.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LMFAO your starement is laughable but not unexpected considering how you drink that lefty kool-aid so often. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Please post a link to the official US Open Border Policy.

I’d like to see it. So would all the folks sitting in camps down on the border.

It’s bullshit like that that encourages the very thing you fear and loathe the most. Bring some proof for a change.
Budman's Avatar
The problem existed before the Biden administration, and the problem will exist long after the Biden administration. Mr. Trump said he would solve it. That ended with his chief strategist Steve Bannon siphoning off most of the money. You remember Steve, right ? He has been in the news quite a bit lately....mostly about jail time.

The point is Republicans did not solve it, and the Democrats have not either. Border security is a complex issue with no easy solution.

Biden is no hero here. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Bullshit. Trump was well on his way to securing the border despite having to fight the dems every step of the way. Dems refusing to fund the wall. Lawsuits over the wall. Biden comes in and completely stops construction on the wall even tough the materials were there and paid for. Blaming Trump for not being able to complete the job when your side did everything in their power to obstruct him his pathetic. Border security is not a complex issue at all. Immigration is more complex and requires congress to get off their ass and fix it. The POTUS cannot fix immigration on his own.
Budman's Avatar
Please post a link to the official US Open Border Policy.

I’d like to see it. So would all the folks sitting in camps down on the border.

It’s bullshit like that that encourages the very thing you fear and loathe the most. Bring some proof for a change. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

What a crock of shit. Just because that POS Biden doesn't have a written open border policy doesn't mean the border isn't open. Anyone with half a brain can see it. Millions of illegals pouring into our country without and valid background checks is an open border. The entire Biden administration is a bunch of lying mother fuckers and people like you that keep spreading the bullshit says a lot about you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I beg to differ sir. The crock of shit is certainly your constant and vulgar upon false accusations, misinformation and lies.

The rest of your post are just insults based on the justifiable frustration that comes with trying to make any sense out of your cult of ignorance. I get it. You don’t understand why you’re so angry all the time. That’s something you should work on because the world keeps spinning and Trump is never going to be able to stop it.

There is no such open border policy. Period. You got suckered again.

Do not ask by whom the crock of shit fills. It fills from thee….
Budman's Avatar
I can see you have less than half a brain
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Dude, you’re gonna pop!

Guess you picked the wrong week to stop insulting fellow posters.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bullshit. Trump was well on his way to securing the border despite having to fight the dems every step of the way. Dems refusing to fund the wall. Lawsuits over the wall. Biden comes in and completely stops construction on the wall even tough the materials were there and paid for. Blaming Trump for not being able to complete the job when your side did everything in their power to obstruct him his pathetic. Border security is not a complex issue at all. Immigration is more complex and requires congress to get off their ass and fix it. The POTUS cannot fix immigration on his own. Originally Posted by Budman
Bullshit. Trump was keeping children in cages. The wall was a campaign gimmick that was never going to be finished.

And you’re lying again. Period.

You should tap out before you get your own thread closed.
Budman's Avatar
You have swallowed the left's BS hook line and sinker. The cages were obamas and I don't give a shit if they are kept in jails. Don't come here illegally.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you for that admission.

I do give a shit that Trump put children in cages. You don’t.

Who’s the American and who’s the cultist?

Tap out.