US gave Syrian rebels Sarin Gas

I B Hankering's Avatar
You condemn yourself every time you post.

Moron. Originally Posted by Old-T
"All the king's horses and all the king's men" cannot put your moronic, straw man argument together again, Old-Twerp.
No, you are far to cowardly to state something directly--your whole game is about misdirection, sleaze, and quarter truths. I never said you SAID it, I just pointed out that you inferred it with your typical guilt by association posts.

Read post #11 again. Remember what you said:


Originally Posted by I B Hankering
the article supports the contention that the rebels are manufacturing and employing Sarin....the U.S. is backing the rebels....hence, the U.S. is guilty by association.

Your words, all I did was highlight the appropriate part so even a moron like you might remember what YOU said. Or are you now claiming the mods are conspiring against you.

Originally Posted by Old-T
I B (is a) Idiot has his ass handed to him once again.

Just another day in the political forum!
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  • Old-T
  • 07-26-2013, 07:36 AM
"All the king's horses and all the king's men" cannot put your moronic, straw man argument together again, Old-Twerp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I do have to commend you, that was far more creative than your typical C&P.

You're still delusional and wrong, but when someone (you) is starting from a very low rung any progress should be praised. So IB, here's to you:
I do have to commend you, that was far more creative than your typical C&P.

You're still delusional and wrong, but when someone (you) is starting from a very low rung any progress should be praised. So IB, here's to you: Originally Posted by Old-T
I B (is a) Idiot is the only Political Forum poster who can make Trendaway appear halfway intelligent, by comparison!

Indeed, it is an extremely low bar!
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I B Hankering's Avatar
I B Idiot Originally Posted by bigtex
I B Idiot Originally Posted by bigtex
Tsk, tsk, BigKoTex. Two acts of contrition in the same thread in one morning.

I do have to commend you, that was far more creative than your typical C&P.

You're still delusional and wrong, but when someone (you) is starting from a very low rung any progress should be praised. So IB, here's to you: Originally Posted by Old-T
Here ya go, Old-Twerp! A gallon isn't near enough to help you glue that straw man argument back together, but it should keep a deluded simpleton like you amused and misbelieving you're accomplishing something.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-26-2013, 04:41 PM
IB, I thought for a moment there was a ray of hope for you.

I was wrong.

You are and always will be a moron.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB, I thought for a moment there was a ray of hope for you.

I was wrong.

You are and always will be a moron. Originally Posted by Old-T
While you're scrambling to resuscitate that moronic straw man argument of yours, Old-Twerp, stir in a couple of eggs as cracked as you are; then you'll have yourself a fine Egg-go Fuck You'self omlette for supper, moron.
While you're scrambling to resuscitate that moronic straw man argument of yours, Old-Twerp, stir in a couple of eggs as cracked as you are; then you'll have yourself a fine Egg-go Fuck You'self omlette for supper, moron. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B, I would agree with you but then we'd both be an "Idiot!"