Can Anyone Love A Hooker?

Some guys love dating a girl in the hobby. It's a very hot occupation. It's exciting to think about your SO getting fucked all day, then coming home and fucking you. My favorite thing would be to eat her pussy real slow as I was thinking about all the naughty things she did with it. I miss it!! In order to date a woman in the hobby you have to love her being in the hobby, no other way around it!
pyramider's Avatar
So you are cuck?
Of course a provider and client could fall for each other. Would I date a lady currently providing? No, but we could be friends with benefits (dinner, movies, other fun. No bill paying or diaper buying! LOL!). I'd still hobby whenever I wanted to. On the other hand, one of my favorite (now retired) providers of all time was married and her husband knew what she did. She wasn't ready to have sex with just one man. When she was, she retired or went extremely UTR. Would I date a former provider? Yes, with no problem at all. I'd be a former hobbyist and would be a total hypocrite if I held her past against her.
I have no doubt that some Providers do not enjoy this work much at all. They are single Mothers who love their children so much that they bravely endure this work in order to provide a decent life for their children. Who couldn't admire that, and perhaps even fall in Love with such a selfless person.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 01-24-2018, 09:05 AM
Yes it can happen it happened to me i was ready to uproot all that I had established with my other half then it hit me when I realized what she said , she loves me but she’s not in love with me .... that’s the difference !
I have no doubt that some Providers do not enjoy this work much at all. They are single Mothers who love their children so much that they bravely endure this work in order to provide a decent life for their children. Who couldn't admire that, and perhaps even fall in Love with such a selfless person. Originally Posted by Pooyie!
Best response ever
I met a stripper by chance a year an a half ago. I had never been in a strip club and was there only for work if you could believe it. I met a women and we became friends. We talked everyday.. everyday. When I was in town we had amazing sex. She had little means so I completely took care of her. I knew nothing of this industry and didn't really care. Well, I notice that every time after we finished having sex she would at some point write something in a note book. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was keeping track of how much I owe. I said what... We had been together for a year at this point and actually talked about getting married. I told her I didn't like it. Well to make this short, I had a money issue for two months do to a law suit and I could only pay for part of her bills then. She then made it clear we would not get married and I have never had my heart broken like that in my life. I learned about the hobby only last month and now I am trying to forget about her.. One special lady told me she is going to fuck some sense into me.. so hears to hoping.. Thanks for listens and Thanks for starting this post. I am glad I am not the only one who has fallen in love. I am still waiting for it to stop hurting everyday. Originally Posted by redlobos6

That is suuuuuuper f*ked up. I'm sorry that happened to you! I don't know how some people are able to completely turn their feelings/hearts/conscience off. My only guess is they were hurt multiple times as well? You will heal and your heart will get stronger, but don't become one of the hard hearted ones!! To live is to love

My bloody question is. Would the life, your own financial freedom be worth the change. To settle down and be Holly Homemaker to a 8-5 guy? Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun
It would indefinitely be worth it. This job is a survival method; love and family bring true joy into your life...more than mere means of survival. I have never felt that I had to turn off my humanity to function in this arena. I don't EVER want to be coldhearted, jaded, and/or disconnected from my feelings. I have learned, however, that I must be way more careful with where I place my feelings in this lifestyle. Can't wear them on my sleeve, but I don't have to vanquish them either. People take pay cuts all the time to be able to indulge other areas of their lives that contribute to their happiness.
Well...don't laugh at me, y'all...

But if I could talk to anyone about this, it's this community. And I need to talk!

I actually broke my personal rules and tried to date someone. I know I know! Real stupid! He is familiar with the hobby world (not on this site) and came to see me a lot. Always wanted to take me out, but I always politely declined, until one evening when I was having a bad day; I accepted.

Fast forward to now and he did something REALLY messed up that made it very clear that he had never thought of me more than as a whore. I'm okay with that because I am, but the time he spent treating me like a "normal girl" and being sweet to me diluted my good sense and made me believe he actually had looked past it.

Does anyone ever look past it?! I'll never make that mistake again, but I just want to know is there any hope for us ladies? Or is it best to just leave my heart in my suitcase and carry on??

Good at Hooking Bad at Everything Else
Originally Posted by Katana Kay
Ms Key:

My Darling Girl... you are what you say you are please never let me see you post again calling yourself a Whore, you're a Provider of
Priceless Sensuality. NEVER use date and Client in the same sentence they oppose one another, you are not stupid for stupid is as stupid dose. You are a Normal Girl with feelings a Heart-Soul-Beauty deeper than you're aware of. You must always be a creature of mystery... reality is the domain of their Significant Other, then and only then will you be good at what you do.

Looking forward to Your next post,
(228) 238-9257
"You must always be a creature of mystery... reality is the domain of their Significant Other, then and only then will you be good at what you do."

"You must always be a creature of mystery... reality is the domain of their Significant Other, then and only then will you be good at what you do."

Originally Posted by trainwreck+

Appreciate your giving me the Bingo... I believe it is the advantage of Former Dancers to possess this knowledge, perhaps you may be curious about this particular creature of mystery?

Looking forward to OUR time together,
My question whom in here are not damaged goods if you find love where ever does it really matter
Knights our armor is a little tarnished and has a few knicks
Damseils know the ways of the world as long as you accept the damage who are you to cast the first stone
Lovelykittykatt98's Avatar
Hello, I've been involved with someone i meet outside the hobby for about a year and a half. When I first told him it was an issue but he accepted it eventually only No Nos ive encountered is his online activities . I actually took a vow to not date the men that hobby over the fact of how we meet, just not a desirable baggage i can handle.
NoTell's Avatar
You can love a hooker!!! Bad idea though, especially when they actually refer to themselves as being a whore.

She does not love it would be a long shot if she ever loves you
imdown2's Avatar
I mean we all mess around with different people obviously, that doesn’t mean that you can’t trust someone necessarily. I would think that there will certainly have to be a discussion on what is right and what is wrong between each other. I already know I’m a hoe so instead of breaking hearts I spend the money and live it here. It’s easier, and if there comes a day where I end up falling in love with a lady here, she just needs to understand that either we both stop or we both are going to continue to grow the list but at the end of the day when it’s us 2 it is literally our time outside of the “hobby or profession” that and there will be tests done on the weekly. Other than that I don’t see why we can’t live a normal love life.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
I love mixing business and pleasure, but not as far as dating my clients.

Sorry about your bad experience,katana may.

I only date guys from outside the hobby, and I don't tell them what I do. I'll quit if they pay my bills lol