Mississippi’s flag

Look at the murder statistics in Atlanta, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle and tell me who’s lives matter... yeah, no cops will surely help
Save the mosquito flag !
... it would definitely make a cool license plate , too
Missisippi has a higher murder rate than New York City
What’s your point, old friend?
Are ya thinking of moving to NYC to get away from crime? I think you have been watching “Blue Bloods” too much ...
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
You are comparing a whole state to NYC? Apples and oranges. No, more like apples and giraffes.

Murder rates in Mississippi are not monolithic. They vary depending on demographics in each city.
Mississippi's murder rate is MUCH higher than New York state's murder rate
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Mississippi's murder rate is MUCH higher than New York state's murder rate Originally Posted by oldfriend2004
You missed my point. There are very safe places in each state. As with real estate values, its, location, location, location.

And that means cities, local zip codes or metro areas. One cannot generalize.
I hate Yankees and snow...
Guitar's Avatar
SteelW, your as funny as Basscat. You heard what Basscat said about the Mason Dixon Line, did't ya. Anyone North of I10 is a Damn Yankee. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think I am nearly as funny as Basscat, I really hope he comes back, I miss him already...
Mississippi's murder rate is MUCH higher than New York state's murder rate Originally Posted by oldfriend2004
OF, please if your from NY, stay there, if not go back
Hell yeah, Hawkone, I am with ya on that one, brother
It’s not too late to avoid hurricane season, I have lived with them my whole life...I am kinda used to it
Back to the original discussion, does anyone have a favorite out of the new flags proposed?