A record Black Friday!!

winn dixie's Avatar
Just sayin here....

"black" friday feels racist in todays world.

Another phrase that might get cancelled?
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 08:04 PM
Just sayin here....

"black" friday feels racist in todays world.

Another phrase that might get cancelled? Originally Posted by winn dixie
If they can rename the Washington Redskins, take Abraham Lincoln's name off of schools in San Francisco, and get all pissy when Lauren Boebert says something hilarious about my future wife Ilhan Omar, then they can damn near cancel just about anything.
bambino's Avatar
Correct Tiny, but Bambino has a hard time not changing his focus so he will stick with the amount of shares I own to call me a fraud, so I'll quote myself on 11/19 because he believes over means exactly.

Now does it make sense Bambino how I made a little over 6 figures in one day from these two stocks? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You would have had to buy over 5000 shares. But you didn’t say that. If you’re going to lie, at least go big.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You would have had to buy over 5000 shares. But you didn’t say that. If you’re going to lie, at least go big. Originally Posted by bambino
Look dude, if you insist on making yourself look completely foolish because you don't understand simple math and the fact that you obviously have no clue how the market works, keep going. It's becoming sad and pathetic at this point that you are being so jelly.

I'm not going to explain to you how you don't need to have 5,000 shares to make what I said I did. At your advanced age, you should have enough sense to figure that simple math out on your own once you figure out the current stock prices of both stocks from Wednesday close to Friday close. It's not that complicated but nice futile attempt at trying to go the fraud route as usual when you don't like a result. Just be smarter about it next time with me.

Anyway, I'm done with this silly discussion with you in this forum. There is no need for me to get points in here because you don't know what you are talking about because you don't even know 5th grade math.

They are from lawyers trying to get money out of the investment bankers like Goldman Sachs. When the stock collapsed after Mr. Hwangs fund got margin calls. and couldn't meet them, the lawyers are saying the public should have been informed at the same time as the investment bankers....hence accusing Goldman and the other brokers of doing insider trading. Meantime stock went from 100 to 40. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Well, I did say repayment and transparency because I don't keep up with Viacom and that's usually the fuck up in a stock drop like this. The problem they have is that investors don't care why it went down. They just want their money back. Those lawyers will sue both Goldman and Viacom and let them fight with each other about who is going to pay the most in damages. They don't give a shit who pays. They just want the money for their clients and their fat contingency fee by suing two corporations with deep pockets.
bambino's Avatar
Look dude, if you insist on making yourself look completely foolish because you don't understand simple math and the fact that you obviously have no clue how the market works, keep going. It's becoming sad and pathetic at this point that you are being so jelly.

I'm not going to explain to you how you don't need to have 5,000 shares to make what I said I did. At your advanced age, you should have enough sense to figure that simple math out on your own once you figure out the current stock prices of both stocks from Wednesday close to Friday close. It's not that complicated but nice futile attempt at trying to go the fraud route as usual when you don't like a result. Just be smarter about it next time with me.

Anyway, I'm done with this silly discussion with you in this forum. There is no need for me to get points in here because you don't know what you are talking about because you don't even know 5th grade math. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You do the math. Just lie about how many shares you own. You can come up with a six figure gain. Even a 5th grader can. It might take you longer than a fifth grader. 1000 shares of each stock (Pfizer, Moderna) will put you well short of a 6 figure gain. But $63,000 isn’t bad, just not 100k
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 08:57 PM
You do the math. Just lie about how many shares you own. You can come up with a six figure gain. Even a 5th grader can. It might take you longer than a fifth grader. Originally Posted by bambino
This is BOring. Get over to WTF's Rittenhouse thread and tell me why Lin Wood isn't a hypocrite.
bambino's Avatar
This is BOring. Get over to WTF's Rittenhouse thread and tell me why Lin Wood isn't a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Tiny
Already did.

Just a reminder for those that complained that Black Friday and Thanksgiving sales numbers would be in the tank.

They weren’t. Actually they were essentially the same as 2020. Possibly with more sales since people thought they couldn’t wait for items and bough them in October as well.

The economy isn’t as bad as some idiots keep crying that it is.

“ Sales for the three big U.S. shopping days were flat or slightly lower from last year. It’s not surprising since retailers encouraged consumers to shop earlier due to expected product shortages and shipping delays. Buyers heeded the suggestion — a survey by the National Retail Federation revealed that 61% of U.S. consumers had purchased holiday gifts before Thanksgiving Day.

Adobe Digital Insights — which analyzes more than 1 trillion visits to U.S. retail websites, representing over 100 million items in 18 product categories — reported that American consumers spent $109.8 billion online from November 1 – 29, an increase of 11.9% over last year.

However, during what Adobe calls Cyber Week — Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday — U.S. online consumers spent just $33.9 billion, which is 1.4% less than last year. Shoppers shelled out an average of $301.27 for online purchases, below the $311.75 spent in 2020 and $361.90 in 2019, according to NRF.”

Surely don't sound like a rousing success, now does it?
Sleepy Joe's on now... The fellow who was gonna
Shut Down Co-vid!

Glad to see the shopping season Didn't Tank...

#### Salty

Surely don't sound like a rousing success, now does it?
Sleepy Joe's on now... The fellow who was gonna
Shut Down Co-vid!

Glad to see the shopping season Didn't Tank...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nor a failure considering the original premise and the market forces during this “down economy” or so it’s been claimed by the ECCIE Economic Council.

Might want to quote the entire paragraph since they go together and I’m sure you have no desire to be misleading.

“It’s not surprising since retailers encouraged consumers to shop earlier due to expected product shortages and shipping delays. Buyers heeded the suggestion — a survey by the National Retail Federation revealed that 61% of U.S. consumers had purchased holiday gifts before Thanksgiving Day.“

There ya go. 61% seems like a lot of pre-Thanksgiving shopping. Would likely have made Black Friday gangbusters had people waited.
... Like I mention - Glad to see the shopping season didn't tank.

### Salty