True, but those aren't the men who schedule multiple hours. The mentally healthy men just want to get laid. They have family, friends and SO for their emotional needs [and for free!]. They pay for sex [in a friendly atmosphere], not companionship....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Wow... I think that's inappropriately judgmental, and unfortunate to read.

I would suggest that the mentally healthy men who hobby can also understand sexuality as a whole experience, that can include more then the physical act of ejaculation. As such, they want to be inspired in mind and spirit, thus making the physical moment all the more intense, and holistic. There's something to be said for wanting to experience your paid Companion as a whole human being rather then just limit it to a polite "piece of ass".

I would even suggest that BECAUSE they have friends, SO's, and others in their life they deeply value as whole human beings, it makes it difficult for them to approach a provider as anything less, because they understand us as having people who love and care for us too, and as such would never want us to be treated with anything less then the utmost in consideration and human value. Therefore, like their friends and SO's, we have aspects in our beings worthy of exploration beyond the pleasure and beauty the body has to offer.

It's not unhealthy to want to get laid, and it's not unhealthy to seek companionship along with getting laid. That's a typical and unfortunate case of two people who are different looking at the other and assuming there's something "wrong" with others for understanding things in a way that does not reflect their own personal experience.

Because someone seeks a different experience then yours, does not make them mentally unhealthy or unstable, or pathetic, or wrong.

Like the men who want more then purchasing an orgasm, some of the women are seeking more then a depthless exchange as well. I too seek more then just the exchange of physical activity for money, life is too short and I believe in sucking the marrow out of what life has to offer, delighting in every indulgence and opportunity to learn and grow available. I'm grateful for the variety in male motivation, as it opens the doors to a variation of females to participate, allowing all kinds to find pleasure in all the ways that pleasure exists.

The only unhealthy people are the ones who are cold, insensitive, abusive or manipulative.
So you think the only men who are mentally healthy has to see us only as ASS FOR SALE signs in order to get laid? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
No. The mentally healthy men understand this is your chosen J-O-B....they don't go looking to get their emotional or ego needs met by you because they have family, friends and SO to take care of that.....doesn't mean they disrespect you....what service are you selling? I thought ladies were trying to sell sexual services in a friendly and safe environment...I didn't think they were trying to sell relationships
Wow... I think that's inappropriately judgmental, and unfortunate to read.

I would suggest that the mentally healthy men who hobby can also understand sexuality as a whole experience, that can include more then the physical act of ejaculation. As such, they want to be inspired in mind and spirit, thus making the physical moment all the more intense, and holistic. There's something to be said for wanting to experience your paid Companion as a whole human being rather then just limit it to a polite "piece of ass".

It's not unhealthy to want to get laid, and it's not unhealthy to seek companionship. That's a typical and unfortunate case of two people who are different looking at the other and assuming there's something "wrong" with others for understanding things in a way that does not reflect their own personal experience.

Because someone seeks a different experience then yours, does not make them mentally unhealthy or unstable.

Like the men who want more then purchasing an orgasm, some of the women are seeking more then shallow exchange as well. I too seek more then just the exchange of physical activity for money, life is too short and if I can get more out of an interaction then that, life is blessed. I'm grateful for the variety in male motivation, that allows for variation of females to participate, allow all kinds to find pleasure in all the ways that pleasure exists.

The only unhealthy people are the ones who are cold, insensitive, abusive or manipulative. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

your views sound so "new agey"....I have no doubt you honestly believe them.....

Since I'm a man and you are not, I can say that I've always found healthy men to be simple and straight forward, even when it comes to how they view sex...it definitely is not "new agey"....you certainly cannot rely on what men tell you because men won't necessarily be honest with a woman they're getting sex from [or want to get sex from]...the men you don't have sex with will disagree with you much more than the men you do have sex with.....

All opinions are judgments....my opinion is unbiased....there's no financial or other benefit to me that coincides with my held opinion.....
Naomi4u's Avatar
We all have our own way of viewing this thing. There is really no right or wrong answer. Marshall has some pretty strong beliefs. I, for one, cannot argue with him and you know I love to argue . However, I agree with everything Ms. Jameson has posted so far.
Because someone seeks a different experience then yours, does not make them mentally unhealthy or unstable, or pathetic, or wrong. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

Naomi's date wanted an experience different from mine....
growler's Avatar
Wow... I think that's inappropriately judgmental, and unfortunate to read.

I would suggest that the mentally healthy men who hobby can also understand sexuality as a whole experience, that can include more then the physical act of ejaculation. As such, they want to be inspired in mind and spirit, thus making the physical moment all the more intense, and holistic. There's something to be said for wanting to experience your paid Companion as a whole human being rather then just limit it to a polite "piece of ass".

I would even suggest that BECAUSE they have friends, SO's, and others in their life they deeply value as whole human beings, it makes it difficult for them to approach a provider as anything less, because they understand us as having people who love and care for us too, and as such would never want us to be treated with anything less then the utmost in consideration and human value. Therefore, like their friends and SO's, we have aspects in our beings worthy of exploration beyond the pleasure and beauty the body has to offer.

It's not unhealthy to want to get laid, and it's not unhealthy to seek companionship along with getting laid. That's a typical and unfortunate case of two people who are different looking at the other and assuming there's something "wrong" with others for understanding things in a way that does not reflect their own personal experience.

Because someone seeks a different experience then yours, does not make them mentally unhealthy or unstable, or pathetic, or wrong.

Like the men who want more then purchasing an orgasm, some of the women are seeking more then a depthless exchange as well. I too seek more then just the exchange of physical activity for money, life is too short and I believe in sucking the marrow out of what life has to offer, delighting in every indulgence and opportunity to learn and grow available. I'm grateful for the variety in male motivation, as it opens the doors to a variation of females to participate, allowing all kinds to find pleasure in all the ways that pleasure exists.

The only unhealthy people are the ones who are cold, insensitive, abusive or manipulative. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Very elegantly stated ++++
I believe in sucking the marrow out of what life has to offer, delighting in every indulgence and opportunity to learn and grow available. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

Then you shouldn't charge for sucking....just think of all that marrow you deny yourself because you won't take the marrow unless it comes with money.......
Then you shouldn't charge for sucking....just think of all that marrow you deny yourself because you won't take the marrow unless it comes with money....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Unfortunately Marshall, woman cannot live by marrow alone.
Like the men who want more then purchasing an orgasm, some of the women are seeking more then a depthless exchange as well. I too seek more then just the exchange of physical activity for money, life is too short and I believe in sucking the marrow out of what life has to offer, delighting in every indulgence and opportunity to learn and grow available. I'm grateful for the variety in male motivation, as it opens the doors to a variation of females to participate, allowing all kinds to find pleasure in all the ways that pleasure exists.

The only unhealthy people are the ones who are cold, insensitive, abusive or manipulative. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
The activity and interaction in which we choose to engage is perhaps the most personal, emotional thing two people can do together (usually). I am not a serial sampler and I am very particular with whom I choose to indulge. I can not completely dismiss the feelings that are deeply personal to me when I do choose to indulge - but I can keep them in perspective. Fortunately, maturity, experience and my continuing ECCIE education will keep me from straying into the "creepy zone".

This may be one of the best discussions I've witnessed here...Thank you all....please continue!!
Naomi, GingerDoll and SugarBeth: You didn't have clients, you had stalkers!! I've read what you had to say here about emotional vampires and your personal situations regarding them, and all I can tell you is these men were no crushy clients, you were all dealing with a stalker! I think that emotional vampires have many of the same traits as stalkers. Talk about the devil in disguise. Stalkers will use every manipulation tactic in the world to control you. Sick just sick. Too many men think this is match.com! They just don't get it. It's better to cut these people off sooner rather than later.

I had a client who got all clingy on me last year. I finally cut him off. 2 months later he requests an appointment. I told him no. He said that I'm a whore and he has money so whats the problem? I told him, I'm a human first who puts my well being before monetary gains. He was very offended and called me every name in the book. He said he hopes I end up dead. I told him to never contact me again. A few months later he texts me on New years Eve, saying Happy New Year Baby! As if we were old friends. I was going to tell him to screw off, but I decided it was best to ignore and delete the message. I swear, some of these men do not see us as human beings with feelings. They just view us as toys. Why did the client text me Happy New Year? Did he forget all the things he said to me a few months earlier?

A better text would have been: I'm truely sorry for all the horrible things I said to you in August. I hope you have a happy new year.

But again, emotional vampires do not see us as humans with feelings. We are just toys for them to feed off of.
Therapists of all kinds, doctors, artists, writers, police officers, social workers, EMTs many many occupations involve dealing with money, people, services, and aspects of life. This is is no diffrerent then us.

Does that mean they are cold capitalists, that their only interest is financial gain? Many enter such occupations because of what it can offer above and beyond financial comfort, because they are passionate about people and life.

Do all of these people have to work for free to be sincere? No. Because if you dedicate your life to something, you need to earn a sustainable living, or you can't do it. And those who would be most talented won't get involved because they will want a standard of living that reflects their passion and dedication. The ability to earn an income as a companion is not in and of itself proof of insinsereity. It is however, proof of expertise when one is successful in their chosen path.
Naomi4u's Avatar
The activity and interaction in which we choose to engage is perhaps the most personal, emotional thing two people can do together (usually). I am not a serial sampler and I am very particular with whom I choose to indulge. I can not completely dismiss the feelings that are deeply personal to me when I do choose to indulge - but I can keep them in perspective. Fortunately, maturity, experience and my continuing ECCIE education will keep me from straying into the "creepy zone".

This may be one of the best discussions I've witnessed here...Thank you all....please continue!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Are you wanting to divorce me now ? LOL
Unfortunately Marshall, woman cannot live by marrow alone. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Sorry to hear you ladies have to settle for the grade D marrow.........
EJunkie's Avatar
Naomi, GingerDoll and SugarBeth: You didn't have clients, you had stalkers!! I've read what you had to say here about emotional vampires and your personal situations regarding them, and all I can tell you is these men were no crushy clients, you were all dealing with a stalker! I think that emotional vampires have many of the same traits as stalkers. Talk about the devil in disguise. Stalkers will use every manipulation tactic in the world to control you. Sick just sick. Too many men think this is match.com! They just don't get it. It's better to cut these people off sooner rather than later.

I had a client who got all clingy on me last year. I finally cut him off. 2 months later he requests an appointment. I told him no. He said that I'm a whore and he has money so whats the problem? I told him, I'm a human first who puts my well being before monetary gains. He was very offended and called me every name in the book. He said he hopes I end up dead. I told him to never contact me again. A few months later he texts me on New years Eve, saying Happy New Year Baby! As if we were old friends. I was going to tell him to screw off, but I decided it was best to ignore and delete the message. I swear, some of these men do not see us as human beings with feelings. They just view us as toys. Why did the client text me Happy New Year? Did he forget all the things he said to me a few months earlier?

A better text would have been: I'm truely sorry for all the horrible things I said to you in August. I hope you have a happy new year.

But again, emotional vampires do not see us as humans with feelings. We are just toys for them to feed off of. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I agree stalkers not clients; maybe bordering on psychopaths.

I’ve recommended this book as a resource for women before: “Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work”. In part because I found it to be a fascinating read and in part, that a lot of the gents are successful business people.

It’s a bit dry in parts, but the science is solid. One of the authors, Robert D. Hare, is the creator of the psycho-diagnostic tool most commonly used to assess psychopathy.

The book examines the links between today’s measures of excellent business performance and the telltale signs of psychopath’s.

If nothing else, it provides insight to identifying psychopaths earlier.

EJunkie, I will look for the book. I've dealt with plenty of weirdos so anything that helps to identify a weirdo sooner is worth reading.