Yall better watch out...Ike is BACK!!!

dearhunter's Avatar
the over/under on SMI banning me is one week.........let the bidding begin......welcome back, dude......now that you are a mod (again), I can't be seen buying you a drinck.......I have a rep to maintain......I'm just saying.
rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 02-13-2011, 08:59 AM
Welcome back SMI. We need more Mods like you...hope we get some more from the recent poll.
pyramider's Avatar
Okay SMI has been back for 5 days. When does the banning begin?
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-13-2011, 08:11 PM
Okay SMI has been back for 5 days. When does the banning begin? Originally Posted by pyramider
SOULMANIKE is the best Mod in Houston, probably the best anywhere period! He will kindly PM you if you are misbehaving. He does not even reprimanding you, just politely steering you back on track.

Leave the banning to other "powerful" mod...
Wayward's Avatar
Has anyone told Artie Lang yet? Because he is the best living goderator in the SHMB universe and it is written in stone.