Thanks Houston =/

dearhunter's Avatar
Maybe Houston65 needs a second job as a hobby.......then, he can get that Mercedes.....and a mechanic closer to home.......then, he can NCNS for some other reason.
dearhunter you are relentless. Remind me to keep you on my side.
dearhunter's Avatar
I use what you give's all good.......peace
So are we going to find out who is giving Houston a bad rep with the cancellations. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I know who and why....and it isn't me.
I was curious.

I know several ladies who say they have the same problem with Houston men. I was wondering when somebody was going to spill the beans and let the other ladies know.

Are they Eccie members.
Bp dudes.
P411 dudes.
dearhunter's Avatar
I know who and why....and it isn't me. Originally Posted by Houston65
Pray, do tell..........
I was curious.

I know several ladies who say they have the same problem with Houston men. I was wondering when somebody was going to spill the beans and let the other ladies know.

Are they Eccie members.
Bp dudes.
P411 dudes. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Herein lies the rub Lisa-- and why I've changed my booking policy. I know the gents had to see me either from here or from P411 this time, because I simply did not advertise anywhere else. However, I allowed them to book via email and they were screened via email/phone numbers rather than handles. I've decided to no longer accept any email bookings due to the ease of email spoofing and the issues such as this one where its nigh impossible to call someone out properly.

The two guys who PM'd me from Eccie are the two that I don't really feel were involved (and yes, that includes Houston65, though the lady doth protesteth too much). The others were quite synchronized in both their methods and timelines.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Here goes.... there is guy who post and reviews here that NCNS about a month or so ago.
He bears the initial TI(one word). He called,texted and emailed one day for an appt. I agreed,screened him and said okay. He was still working so we agreed on 530pm in the Northwest Freeway area. I was leaving an appt and heading home but I showered at the incall and headed that way. Meanwhile he keeps calling to make sure I'm en route and that he was running a little late as there was traffic so i said ok. I get in the vicinity of said place and call him,no answer. I get there and call and text,no answer. I then sit and wait thinking he may be stalled in traffic so I give him 20 minutes and call again. needless to say he never texted,called,or apologized.
I was furious and left him a message that if something came up i understood but if not and he just NCNS it was very inconsiderate and rude! He never responded back so I took the actions we providers do when that happens so it wont happen another lady. As of last night this same guy called me and I didn't answer (you're in my phone as "NCNS douche")and i'm sure he planned on it again. Im not an out of town lady though and I heard he did this to other ladies as well. If you're traveling i suggest you check that cities Alerts to steer clear of certain guys. xoxo all