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  • WTF
  • 03-12-2010, 12:02 PM
You thinking of making some kind of change? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I sure as hell hope I don't have to start sub'ing that job out!

It all depends on who is pulling my tail; I meant hair; no wait no I didn’t……………..You can pull my tail anytime. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And a helluva tail to pull!

Why do you want to know this?

Are you into threesomes; FMF that is? Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
Not really....one at a time is all I can handle.

The only reason I asked was because some ladies say things like you have to have a vagina to really know what to do. I never believed that caca!
TexasGator's Avatar
DG, unless you are following me around and posting behind me I am going to ignore you and your kind. It is really pretty simple. I had said in my orginial post that I do not even know how to use the ignore feature. I will not ignore you if you keep following me around pulling my tail.

So if you want to be ignored by me, quit posting in my shadow. If you do not care for me warning my brothers from Houston to be very careful posting in this forum as there are some trigger happy RTM posters and I THINK, you are one of them. Then I guess you can RTM me. I see nothing wrong with what I did.

I think I have found the new definition between a conservative and a liberal. A conservative and libertarian will fight their own battle on the internet. I knew I was always a fiscal conservative. A Barry Goldwater type, one that had no interest in worrying about what others did privately. Had I known that that liberal social view would spawn the thought in liberals that they should then be able to regulate truth, I would have had to think twice about that social stance. Your type has almost single handedly pushed me over to the bible thumping GOP.


YOU PULL THE ''i though you were ignoring me card.'' Originally Posted by WTF
Holy crap! Didn't mean for this shitstorm to ensue. Thought we were talking about barbecue and DATY, my two favorite meals.

But, FWIW, I will heed your sage advice, brother WTF, AND I am grateful for it. At the risk of inheriting a cyberstalker of my own, I don't know what your problem with WTF is, dg. I don't agree with him politically, and some of his posts shock even me, and I've known him a while. He's singlehandedly responsible for the loss of 2 keyboards and one monitor (TIP: Do not read WTF posts while drinking coffee).

But in the end, it's a damn message board. As he said in his last post, "I like to joke around and have fun on the board not worry about hurting somebody feelings at every turn." If you can't get along with WTF, you're in the minority.

I am also among those who like to joke around here. If you're not of that ilk or are thin-skinned, that is your right, but let me give you some unsolicited advice - STAY AWAY FROM HOUSTON CO-ED! This is a sandbox compared to that place!

I'm just saying...

Carry on!
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
The only reason I asked was because some ladies say things like you have to have a vagina to really know what to do. I never believed that caca! Originally Posted by WTF
Nothing is further from the truth. I enjoy it when a man pleases me immensely and vice verse.

I say lick it as if your life depended upon it.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Holy crap! Didn't mean for this shitstorm to ensue. Thought we were talking about barbecue and DATY, my two favorite meals.

But, FWIW, I will heed your sage advice, brother WTF, AND I am grateful for it. At the risk of inheriting a cyberstalker of my own, I don't know what your problem with WTF is, dg. I don't agree with him politically, and some of his posts shock even me, and I've known him a while. He's singlehandedly responsible for the loss of 2 keyboards and one monitor (TIP: Do not read WTF posts while drinking coffee).

But in the end, it's a damn message board. As he said in his last post, "I like to joke around and have fun on the board not worry about hurting somebody feelings at every turn." If you can't get along with WTF, you're in the minority.

I am also among those who like to joke around here. If you're not of that ilk or are thin-skinned, that is your right, but let me give you some unsolicited advice - STAY AWAY FROM HOUSTON CO-ED! This is a sandbox compared to that place!

I'm just saying...

Carry on! Originally Posted by TexasGator
Not jumping on anyone's bandwagon.

In layman's term, he's BLUNT, or he puts his at times. The art of "tact" is lost to him, makes you want to him and ask WTF?!
I was going to say it's because WTF picks apart posts and doesn't know how to drop things. He's a pit bull, once he sinks his teeth into something he doesn't let go. Hmm, that might be a good quality, minus the teeth.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I was going to say it's because WTF picks apart posts and doesn't know how to drop things. He's a pit bull, once he sinks his teeth into something he doesn't let go. Hmm, that might be a good quality, minus the teeth. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Bad girl.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2010, 01:19 PM

I say lick it as if your life depended upon it. Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
LOL....now that is some good advice!

My God , I prayed to the last one. It was amazing, had me talking in tongues! I almost forgot all about my weenie.


btw, thank you TG and you two ladies are funny bunnies. I just may have to invite you two to WTF's next DATY contest. A true liberal contest where there in fact are no losers...a contest where the winner get a tongue lashing and the loser gets a weenier!

discreetgent's Avatar
If you can't get along with WTF, you're in the minority. Originally Posted by TexasGator
I beg to differ on that. That may be the case on Houston Co-Ed but I'm not sure you'll find the same view point in this forum. More than once people have stopped posting either in ASPD and now here because of at the very least low level harassment. Go take a look at his pointer to ASPD; if one thread is locked it starts in another one, if one board becomes too hot he tries to start it on another board. (I was not planning on posting on eraps in any case so that point is moot here).

Did you know WTF was banned from the HDH forum on ASPD for a period of time? he has now stated that he has received points here. So either there is a cabal out to get him (and you would have to wonder why, after all this is just a message board) or there is a pattern.
I pick pattern. ding, ding, ding, did I win?

Nothing personal WTF, but you do bring a lot of it upon yourself.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Let's get off off of the personal diatribe. Use the PM system. - JB
Women have smoother chins. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Women have LOTS of smooth parts, not just their chins. I make sure I shave really closely when I have a meeting (SB or Courtesan). Just in case I might get up close.
TexasGator's Avatar
I beg to differ on that. That may be the case on Houston Co-Ed but I'm not sure you'll find the same view point in this forum. More than once people have stopped posting either in ASPD and now here because of at the very least low level harassment. Go take a look at his pointer to ASPD; if one thread is locked it starts in another one, if one board becomes too hot he tries to start it on another board. (I was not planning on posting on eraps in any case so that point is moot here).

Did you know WTF was banned from the HDH forum on ASPD for a period of time? he has now stated that he has received points here. So either there is a cabal out to get him (and you would have to wonder why, after all this is just a message board) or there is a pattern. Originally Posted by discreetgent
This has nothing to do with the thread. Let's get off off of the personal diatribe. Use the PM system. - JB

I pick pattern. ding, ding, ding, did I win?

Nothing personal WTF, but you do bring a lot of it upon yourself. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Absolutely! No question about it. I won't tell you what I thought about his political and religious beliefs based on his posts before I first met him. I still disagree with him, but they are views and opinions - that's all. We havce the right to both have and express them in this country.

I'm sure a few here in this HDH section are above reproach, but newsflash: there's something a little "different" about everybody here when you get right down to it. Maybe if you met the guy, you'd feel differently. I know I did, as have many others.

I recall a debate he and a former friend of mine were having over "sexual preference" vs. "racial prejudice" on aspd, or maybe it was Home 2 - can't remember. It got heated and I thought they were going to slug it out over the inetrnet. I suggested, since I knew and was friends with both that they meet. After they met, they hit it off fine; in fact, they still get along and it is I who no longer talks to the unnamed former board member (for wholly unrelated reasons).

Now, I'm not suggesting we all get together for a group hug, and a few choruses of Kum-ba-yah; don't get me wrong. All I am saying is when someone is passionate about their beliefs, and all they have is a typewriter to express it, much gets lost (and oft misinterpreted). Absent intonation, inflection, facial expressions, and the like, we have all misinterpreted the tone or tenor of an email before. Haven't you?

I used to loathe reading MRHAPPY's posts on aspd. It was the same ol, same ol, time after time, ad nauseum. He and I didn't agree on much. But I respected him (admittedly more after his death when some of his views proved to be true in contrast to my initial beliefs). But you couldn't fault him for his beliefes. And, when I first joined aspd so many years ago, TheDaliLama told me about the MRHAPPY rule, which I will attempt to describe.

You can argue, disagree, fight, yank each other's chains in these forums, but if the time comes you ever meet face to face, all discussions of politics are temporarily dropped, and the only argument is which if you has the privilege of buying his/her adversary the first drink. (I'm paraphrasing).

I never thought I would want to meet many of the people whose board personae I didn't care for, but in every instance when I did (social events, friend introduces, etc.), I at least saw them differently. I didn't become their friend necessarily, but I could almost always form a better understanding of the person behind the keyboard.

I guess what I meant to say is I don't know many people who have ever met WTF who dislike him, even those (like MRHAPPY) who vehemently disagreed with him on the boards. In fact, I don't know any, although I am sure some exist. (Then again, he usually picks up the check, so I'm probably a biased WK).

Ansley, care to chime in here now that you met the forum whipping boy?

Just my $.02, which I understand won't go very far in a forum bearing this one's name.

BTW, I really don't give a diamond or tuxedo whether you ever like the guy or not - just respect his right to post his opinion, and don't be overly sensitive. Or put him on IGNORE!! RTM button should be used ONLY when someone is outed, or on the verge of it. But that's just my view. Anything else that can be worked out without mod intervention keeps mods around - I'm just saying
discreetgent's Avatar
Absolutely! No question about it. I won't tell you what I thought about his political and religious beliefs based on his posts before I first met him. I still disagree with him, but they are views and opinions - that's all. We havce the right to both have and express them in this country.

I'm sure a few here in this HDH section are above reproach, but newsflash: there's something a little "different" about everybody here when you get right down to it. Maybe if you met the guy, you'd feel differently. I know I did, as have many others.

All I am saying is when someone is passionate about their beliefs, and all they have is a typewriter to express it, much gets lost (and oft misinterpreted).

Just my $.02, which I understand won't go very far in a forum bearing this one's name.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Let's get off off of the personal diatribe. Use the PM system. - JB Originally Posted by TexasGator
Of course anyone has the right to state their opinions. And if you stick around - try it you might enjoy it - I think you'll find out that there are members on this forum who do not fit in the "HDH category" at all. The attraction of this forum, among other things, is that pretty much any topic will fly and for the most part the moderators give it a very wide reign. Of course people get passionate about their beliefs and needle each other (check out a few posts from RK that referenced me lately lol). The question becomes where the line gets drawn between passionate and inappropriate.
This has nothing to do with the thread. Let's get off off of the personal diatribe. Use the PM system. - JB

I do have a very silly question since I seem to be accused of it, what the heck is RTM? It's the triangle 1 icon below your avatar.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
We don't care for pointed harassing and badgering.
...what the heck is RTM? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Representative Town Meeting? (it's a New England thing).
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Remove The Mutha***

This has nothing to do with the thread. Let's get off off of the personal diatribe. Use the PM system. - JB