Tucker Carlson reports

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Cohen was arrested. Trump had nothing to do with his crimes. Originally Posted by bambino
Hey BamBimbo.....Cohen had everything to do with El Douche and his crimes. He set most of them up but as usual he had to carry the can for his pimp.

Trump throws everyone under the bus.
he won’t take responsibility for anything.

You need to wake up Boy, you know nothing do you ?
Just like the rest of you dildos. Zzzzzzzzz
LexusLover's Avatar
I prefer "news" personalities to show the video with audio of the person doing the talking as opposed to the "news" personality paraphrasing what was said .... and the worst .... stating what the "news" personality BELIEVES WHAT THE REALLY MEANT! The phrase "Dog Whistle" needs to be accurately revised to "Dog Shit"! Because that's what "Dog Whistle" is.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another post off the editing room to be censored.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Still peddling that bio lab conspiracy theory. Are we ? Like a dog with a bone .
So what’s this got to do with Trump incompetence?
So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November,
Trump is responsible for 34000 deaths so far

Phony FUX Fox News should be renamed Trump TV They all wallow in a chorus of lies and misinformation

Nothing credible comes out of that channel. That’s why they’re being sued for lying about the virus, claiming it was all a Hoax and giving out false hope.
We are witnessing the result.
I’d be the the first guy to tell Carlson what to do with his Govt sources.
Insert them sideways Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Yes, I could be wrong but I'm no coward like you who has never to my knowledge, sourced anything you have written and I'm wondering why? Is it because you can't take the criticism from people like yourself who will laugh at you when you tell us where you read that because if you are un-willing to tell us where you "dug that up", you are a coward.

I suspect you got it from an Alex Jones website or some such person.

So come on, prove to us that you aren't a coward. Tell us where you got that one specific piece of "intelligence" and alerted him to what exactly? That a pandemic of a virus never seen before was coming to America and that he should have ordered every state to shut down which you say he doesn't have the right to do? Or perhaps he should have ordered a billion face masks that may or may not work and many people wearing masks have died.

Trump should have been prepared when no other leader in the world was prepared?

I suspect the reason you are un-willing to debate me is because you know you can't and would further expose your "short comings".

I admit that I could be wrong about this but what I am not afraid to do is say where I get my information from and anybody that is afraid to say where they got their information from is a coward.

So once again, where did you dig this up?

So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November
HedonistForever's Avatar
Still peddling that bio lab conspiracy theory. Are we ? Like a dog with a bone .
So what’s this got to do with Trump incompetence?
So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November,
Trump is responsible for 34000 deaths so far

Phony FUX Fox News should be renamed Trump TV They all wallow in a chorus of lies and misinformation

Nothing credible comes out of that channel. That’s why they’re being sued for lying about the virus, claiming it was all a Hoax and giving out false hope.
We are witnessing the result.
I’d be the the first guy to tell Carlson what to do with his Govt sources.
Insert them sideways Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Yes, I could be wrong but I'm no coward like you who has never to my knowledge, sourced anything you have written and I'm wondering why? Is it because you can't take the criticism from people like yourself who will laugh at you when you tell us where you read that because if you are un-willing to tell us where you "dug that up", you are a coward.

I suspect you got it from an Alex Jones website or some such person.

So come on, prove to us that you aren't a coward. Tell us where you got that one specific piece of "intelligence" and alerted him to what exactly? That a pandemic of a virus never seen before was coming to America and that he should have ordered every state to shut down which you say he doesn't have the right to do? Or perhaps he should have ordered a billion face masks that may or may not work and many people wearing masks have died/

Trump should have been prepared when no other leader in the world was prepared?

I suspect the reason you are un-willing to debate me is because you know you can't and would further expose your "short comings".

I admit that I could be wrong about this but what I am not afraid to do is say where I get my information from and anybody that is afraid to say where they got their information from is a coward.

So once again, where did you dig it up?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No, actually you wouldn't. Plenty of people just like you, ignorant, hateful people have told him. I'll be waiting to hear your ignorant comments when our intelligence agencies confirm that the Wuhan virus most likely came from the Wuhan lab.

I use to think Jaxson was the biggest idiot on the board but man, you have surpassed him by a mile. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

bwk, j666 & HH are the bosom gang!

they certainly know now to dock each other.
  • oeb11
  • 04-18-2020, 05:47 PM
Nice to have bwk on ignore !
HedonistForever's Avatar
Still peddling that bio lab conspiracy theory. Are we ? Like a dog with a bone .
So what’s this got to do with Trump incompetence?
So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November
, Trump is responsible for 34000 deaths so far

Phony FUX Fox News should be renamed Trump TV They all wallow in a chorus of lies and misinformation

Nothing credible comes out of that channel. That’s why they’re being sued for lying about the virus, claiming it was all a Hoax and giving out false hope.
We are witnessing the result.
I’d be the the first guy to tell Carlson what to do with his Govt sources.
Insert them sideways Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Where did you dig that up? And what was the alert? We are all waiting to hear of your deep dig research.
Biologists who've studied the virus say it was not genetically engineered. The laboratory at Wuhan could have been studying a naturally occurring bat coronavirus, trying to develop vaccines and the like, and it somehow escaped. Supposedly U.S. intelligence is looking into this and view it as unlikely but possible. Originally Posted by Tiny
The british are saying that is wasn't a virus naturally geographically centered at Wuhan.

If you think about that for a moment, it becomes clear what happened.

Frankly, the dead stop in China of the virus spread reported by their MSM is one of two paradigms:

1) They have draconian(to a personally inconceivable level) control of their population AND new media, and therefore have limited mass deaths(there are billions of chinese), and are effectively covering up those that are occurring.

2) They have a medical response(vaccine/treatment) that is allowing them to respond effectively. This would require them to know a lot about the virus.

Either paradigm shows that their culture is incompatible with western norms.
one of them (Cohen) just got out of jail, thanks to that virus Trump failed to arrest Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The hate runs deep in this one.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Shut up and Obey! Is this China or America?


Science says the safest place to be is outside not inside

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I just don’t get all these people defending China... Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Follow da money. Simple as that. Anyone think that China is anything other that wanting to dominate the world and are restrained from any manner of graft, influence and control to get it?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Thank You j66- since You opined - according to the propaganda rules of the Fascist DPST media - your Opinion must now be a LSM "TRUTH"!

Despite no factual basis whatsoever.

Enjoy spreading Lies??? Originally Posted by oeb11
Seems yous do.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You mean like the rest of the world? Originally Posted by gnadfly
So now, yous are concerned with the rest of the world? Amazing how the hard right only seizes upon information that helps them defend their outrageous white nationalism.

It’s NEVER the US of Eh’s fault or responsibility, eh boys?
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 08:47 AM
On Ignore - no more unfounded lies from the Fascist DPST's!!
HF clearly showed what a fool their propaganda purveyors are!