OH! I had it all wrong. According to Susan Rice Benghazi is a "false controversy".

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point?

Obama will lose in 2014? 2016? 2018?

LexusLover's Avatar
What's your point?

Obama will lose in 2014? 2016? 2018?

OK. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No he won't "lose" .... he'll still be on the government tit doing nothing productive for us.

We lose ... meaning the taxpayers in the country.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-27-2013, 03:49 PM
And Zimmerman will be found guilty. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL you do realize that it is my opinion. That is why I am putting it out there before the fact. Do you think Bengazi will be a major factor in the 2016 Presidential election? I'm on the record as saying no.
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  • WTF
  • 12-27-2013, 03:52 PM
No he won't "lose" .... he'll still be on the government tit doing nothing productive for us.

We lose ... meaning the taxpayers in the country. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just like Bush I and II are still on the government tit and Clinton and Carter. ...
I B Hankering's Avatar
If it did not drag Obama down in 2012, I'm not sure what makes you guys think it will drag Hildabeast down in 2016. Folks had already moved on from that storyline in Nov 2012. Hilliary's problem will be her age, same with Biden's and even Kerry if he runs. The Dem's seem to have no up and comers. The GOP has Walker and teamed with the NM Gov would make a tough team to beat. The GOP's problem is their primary. If you elect nuts that scream about Benghazi instead of a current 2016 event, they will lose. The GOP base is pushing the party to far right for the indy's to vote for. The fact of the matter is that if the Dem's do not get healthcare fixed, they are in a heap of trouble , unless you boys keep pushing this Benghazi shit. Originally Posted by WTF
Not only did Odumbo and Hildabeast lie, the Kool Aid dispensing lamestream media knowingly aided and abetted them in their lies. But things have changed. No longer does the "blame it on a video" story mesmerize the masses. Since the 2012 election, Odumbo and Hildabeast have been proven to be demonstrable liars by every network except MSNBC.
First, until there is agreement on "who" and "why" our people were attacked, it is IMPOSSIBLE to discuss how it could have been "prevented" or if "increasing security" would help in the future. Because ...

as long as "the film" is to blame the "solution" is simple ... ban all "inciteful" films.

And that is what the administration attempted to do .....

........... by searching for and arresting the film maker. Once the administration admits they were lying about what was the "cause" of the attack then "prevention" can be discussed.

Just like once the administration quits lying about the ACA then a solution can be found. Signing people up for nothing is no "solution." Originally Posted by LexusLover
So using that logic, when 9/11 happened there was no immediate need to discuss how to prevent another attak or a need to shutdown air traffic. So, we first have to find out the "who" and "why" before we talk about how to prevent another benghazi? Again, what difference does it make what Obama called it? Your argument makes no sense!!
The fact is that Odumbo and Hildabeast colluded and lied in order to obscure who should be held accountable for what happened at Benghazi. They lied their collective asses off in order to win elections: 2012 and 2016. Odumbo is responsible in that his foreign policy of appeasing Islamic extremists left Stevens without sufficient security in Benghazi; hence, vulnerable to attack. Hildabeast is directly responsible for ordering Stevens to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 without adequate protection. This matter goes to the heart of trustworthy leadership. As CC remarked above, if Hildabeast plans to run in 2016, this Benghazi issue will justifiably stay in the forefront of issues discussed. It is but one of the millstones around her neck that will drag her down.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I don't mean to sound insensitive, but do you really think people are going to care about Benghazi in 3 years or whenever Hillary decides to run. I don't know if i would vote for her, but I can't see how going on about some fake conspiracy while she was SOS five years in the past(by then)is really going to bring her down. To many leaps to get the average voter to care. Most can't comprehend past the latest sound bite let alone five years ago and who said what and when... The only ones that truly think this is a conspiracy and was planned by her and Obama and wouldn't vote for her are more than likely, people that wouldn't have voted for her anyway... They are also probably the same people that thinks Obama wasn't born in Hawaii either.

I admit, i am a democrat and frankly I hope you guys keep bringing this stuff up. It makes you look well, "less than sane". You will make the next election a cakewalk for any democrat(even if she is beat out in the primary by someone else). Same with the IRS scandal or any fake scandal from the last couple years. Unless someone has a "smoking gun" or some other direct evidence it won't matter and she can keep saying, "what difference does it make".
Simple fact is that as long as we have people voting from both sides that don't truly know the difference between either side and frankly don't care. They are just voting their way because someone said something about this candidate that sounded bad or they don't like someones hair, then we are stuck with whomever makes the lowest common denominator happy......
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can't wait for another eight years of whining from these no-pussy-chasing-dick-smoking-crybaby-whining bitches.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't mean to sound insensitive, but do you really think people are going to care about Benghazi in 3 years or whenever Hillary decides to run. I don't know if i would vote for her, but I can't see how going on about some fake conspiracy while she was SOS five years in the past(by then)is really going to bring her down. To many leaps to get the average voter to care. Most can't comprehend past the latest sound bite let alone five years ago and who said what and when... The only ones that truly think this is a conspiracy and was planned by her and Obama and wouldn't vote for her are more than likely, people that wouldn't have voted for her anyway... They are also probably the same people that thinks Obama wasn't born in Hawaii either.

I admit, i am a democrat and frankly I hope you guys keep bringing this stuff up. It makes you look well, "less than sane". You will make the next election a cakewalk for any democrat(even if she is beat out in the primary by someone else). Same with the IRS scandal or any fake scandal from the last couple years. Unless someone has a "smoking gun" or some other direct evidence it won't matter and she can keep saying, "what difference does it make".
Simple fact is that as long as we have people voting from both sides that don't truly know the difference between either side and frankly don't care. They are just voting their way because someone said something about this candidate that sounded bad or they don't like someones hair, then we are stuck with whomever makes the lowest common denominator happy...... Originally Posted by mikeylikesit69

Any and every serious candidate -- Republican, Dimretard, etc., -- running against Hildabeast will keep Benghazi on the front burner. Here are a few sound bites that have already started and that will be resonating in voters' ears throughout the campaign:

BTW, anyone that votes for Hildabeast would be less than sane.
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  • 12-28-2013, 02:05 AM
Not only did Odumbo and Hildabeast lie, the Kool Aid dispensing lamestream media knowingly aided and abetted them in their lies. But things have changed. No longer does the "blame it on a video" story mesmerize the masses. Since the 2012 election, Odumbo and Hildabeast have been proven to be demonstrable liars by every network except MSNBC. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It seemed not to matter in in 2012 but I doubt it will carry over to 2016, not in the general anyway.

But it will resonate in the primary. Bottom line will be the economy.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL you do realize that it is my opinion. That is why I am putting it out there before the fact. Do you think Bengazi will be a major factor in the 2016 Presidential election? I'm on the record as saying no. Originally Posted by WTF
I see you have now crafted your statement of opinion .... or should I say .. RE-CRAFTED.

And like your "jury selection" bullshit ...

.... how in the hell will anyone be able to prove or disprove ... your "opinion"!

Improbable, if not impossible.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It seemed not to matter in in 2012 but I doubt it will carry over to 2016, not in the general anyway.

But it will resonate in the primary. Bottom line will be the economy. Originally Posted by WTF
If the lamestream media had done due diligence before the election rather than after the election it could have influenced 2% to 3% of the electorate against Odumbo and thrown the election to the Republicans. CBS covered up Odumbo's revealing remarks during an interview; plus, CNN cheated for Odumbo by giving him more time in the debate and Crowley out and out lied for Odumbo during the debate.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL you do realize that it is my opinion. That is why I am putting it out there before the fact. Do you think Bengazi will be a major factor in the 2016 Presidential election? I'm on the record as saying no. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF: Here is what you said: "Benghazi will not be an issue in 2016."

So now you morph it to "major factor"!

Hedging? Crawfishing? Bullshitting?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-28-2013, 02:24 AM
WTF: Here is what you said: "Benghazi will not be an issue in 2016."

So now you morph it to "major factor"!

Hedging? Crawfishing? Bullshitting? Originally Posted by LexusLover
What difference at this point does it make?”
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  • WTF
  • 12-28-2013, 02:25 AM
If the lamestream media had done due diligence before the election rather than after the election it could have influenced 2% to 3% of the electorate against Odumbo and thrown the election to the Republicans. CBS covered up Odumbo's revealing remarks during an interview; plus, CNN cheated for Odumbo by giving him more time in the debate and Crowley out and out lied for Odumbo during the debate.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Politics IB.

Coulda , shoulda , woulda