Will George Zimmerman join OJ now?

when the civil lawyers finish with Porkys ass, he wont be able to afford two rounds Originally Posted by CJ7
Did they file a civil lawsuit against Zimmerman?
I B Hankering's Avatar
when the civil lawyers finish with Porkys ass, he wont be able to afford two rounds Originally Posted by CJ7
Didn't you just have your lame, lib-retard ass embarrassed because of your last prognostication, CBJ7? You did, but you're just too damn stupid to realize it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-14-2013, 04:25 PM
Did they file a civil lawsuit against Zimmerman? Originally Posted by nwarounder
not since the trial was over Sat night , its the weekend yanno.... Monday is a new day
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-14-2013, 04:26 PM
Didn't you just have your lame, lib-retard ass embarrassed because of your last prognostication, CBJ7? You did, but you're just too damn stupid to realize it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Yep, FL law applies to all of the citizens in FL. (?) Originally Posted by nwarounder
So true, but a lot of people don't seem to understand that, it's sortta crazy, it's like the scene in the movie the Big Red One, where they are in the french mental hospital having a firefight with the germans and a insane hospital patient picks up a gun and starts firing and yells out, I am sane just like you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, keep sleeping, CBJ7. Sooner or later -- maybe -- you'll awaken from your lib-retard fantasy world and see what a fool you've made of yourself.
bojulay's Avatar
He could of just thrown the gun at him.

Those things weigh a good what pound or so?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Just out of curiousity Dream, if it HAD happened that way, TM killing GZ with his pistol that he wrested away from him in the struggle, and the Police not arresting him for the shooting, do you think Sharpton, et al and the media would have made such a fuss as to MAKE the District Attorney bring TM to trial like they did with GZ? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Wouldn't have to TM would of been arrested on the spot, and there would of been a trial, no way in hell they would of let him walk that day.
remember GZ was a known person the the sanford police dept, TM was a unknown, they never would of took his word on the chain of events.
So true, but a lot of people don't seem to understand that, it's sortta crazy, it's like the scene in the movie the Big Red One, where they are in the french mental hospital having a firefight with the germans and a insane hospital patient picks up a gun and starts firing and yells out, I am sane just like you. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Not that crazy if you understand the law. Don't fuck with anyone unless you are prepared to die. It's actually that easy to understand.
Did they file a civil lawsuit against Zimmerman? Originally Posted by nwarounder
The Martin family filed a civil suit against the HOA and won a $1M judgement.

Now that Zim isn't going to jail they can file a civil suit against him. The NAACP President called for the Feds to pursue civil rights litigation. These two actions are what my prediction was if he walked.

I'm curious if the fired Sanford police chief will pursue civil action along with the fired FLA state IT director. There is speculation that the Martin family won't file a civil suit until Zimmerman wins a civil suit against CNN, NBC, and others as his pockets currently aren't deep.

Since Zimmerman "won" the court case I wonder if he gets re-imbursed by the state for attorney fees...probably not.

President Obama's statement today about the trial was a joke and another attempt to limit gun rights.
He could of just thrown the gun at him.

Those things weigh a good what pound or so? Originally Posted by bojulay

He was too busy screaming for help like a girl.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 04:48 PM
There you go, accurate now. Originally Posted by nwarounder
So what i said was actually proven in a court of law.

Therefore, still waiting for you to point out which part of my comment was inaccurate.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Not that crazy if you understand the law. Don't fuck with anyone unless you are prepared to die. It's actually that easy to understand. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Yes it very easy to understand, that applies to everyone, GZ, me, even you, but I guess you didn't understand my movie reference, just because it's the law doesn't mean it not it's not crazy, we got a lot of laws that need tweaking, that's why they are not written in stone.
Yes it very easy to understand, that applies to everyone, GZ, me, even you Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Hell yea, won't catch me fucking with anyone, armed only with a tea and a bag of skittles.
drsmooth1's Avatar
Just out of curiousity Dream, if it HAD happened that way, TM killing GZ with his pistol that he wrested away from him in the struggle, and the Police not arresting him for the shooting, do you think Sharpton, et al and the media would have made such a fuss as to MAKE the District Attorney bring TM to trial like they did with GZ? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Let's put the gottcha, politics, and the racial divide aside.
  • Have you forgotten a 17yr old boy was shot and killed?
  • Do you really believe Zimmerman's head was BASHED repeatedly against a sidewalk?
  • Would you have allowed Zimmerman to go home after hearing his version of events?
Your answer to my third question is the reason for the outcry, it happens far too often in the black community. A non black kills a black person and all that is needed is his version of events.