I concede that if you are thinking in that way, it would be germane( NOT german). However, the thread is meant to discuss how to get PA approval, not how to keep from having the review marked fake.
1.If a review template is not filled in completely, then it is subject to being rejected. 2.If it is disputed, then an inaccurate written review could potentially labeled as fake. These are two different lines of questions.
Wouldn't you lose/not receive PA for a review deemed fake?
Improve on filling out the review completely and truthfully. When asked questions, answer truthfully and fully to the best of your knowledge. For discretion sake, the exact date is not required. The date should be within a week at least.
Originally Posted by Pistolero
Also I think because this thread was started by a mod you're using your position to pigeon hole this into as narrow a discussion as possible
:Off Topic:
Where's SpaceCowboy?
Bitch, ain't mowed my lawn in a month & it's getting kinda tall