When some people drink the koolade they guzzle it. The maga crowd just mimicks their leader. Need they be reminded that Trump appointed the director of the FBI and he said he’d only get the best people…so since he supposedly delivered on everything he promised we have to assume he delivered on the best people promise too. How many classified documents did the other 44 presidents take home with them as souvenirs of their vacation in DC? None. How many did Donald take? More than 186. How many is he entitled to as a now private citizen. The same as you and I, none.
Regardless of your politics, one can’t claim to be in favor of law and order and pooh pooh the defund the police movement if they’re going to break the law and start a defund the fbi movement as their response.
Trump creates every one of the issues that he finds himself in by thinking that rules that apply to others don’t apply to him. We’ve entered the “it was a perfect call” phase of the search warrant raid. Yes, the world is just so unfair to him. They’ll make it up to him by giving him the best cell, a cell so nice that the staff of the supermax in Colorado will walk up to him in his cell as say “sir, I have worked here since the facility opened and I’ve never seen such a nice cell.” It’ll be the nicest cell probably in the history of incarceratng people in this country. But as long as he’s in it I don’t give a shit if they put drapes on the wall and paint his toilet/sink appliance gold.
Darwin would love to reach down from his eternal resting place and give you a big old kiss for not only proving his theory but for proving that it doesn’t take generations.
Don’t try to wow me with your rhetoric, wow me with your facts and proof…and if you are too stupid to not realize that “the doj is corrupt” isn’t a fact until you furnish proof then it is in fact true that you can’t fix stupid