Thank you SCOTUS

new york has that law. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
new york has that law. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

... Are these sorry Liberal Lads asleep??

How did they miss that? ...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The Republicans will win the midterm because of inflation, higher intrest rates...

But with abortion off the table a lot of inbred Christians will not be motivated to vote. They didn't even vote in 2018. will move the motivational needle left but not as far as most progressives would like Originally Posted by WTF
This is completely backwards. The supposed ruling, if it stands, will actually let the people decide if they want abortion in their states by electing representatives that align with their views. Both pro and anti abortion sides should celebrate the opportunity to have a voice. That’s called democracy, why are you so against it?
You'll have to improve your reading skills to even stay in the US under the "We feel sorry for this aboriginal Australian" Act enough to let this guy in under the "Even our losers need a foreigner they can look down on" Act.
But there are no freebies. You will have to translate the graffiti we have you cleaning off the walls.
The only reason you get to stay is because dilbert thinks you can make it to "Unbelievably stupid mother fucker" status.
Hope you're right dilbert.
... Are these sorry Liberal Lads asleep??

How did they miss that? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thread now being littered Originally Posted by VitaMan
Don't be a litter bug. BTW: VS is littering up the joint. Best go set VS straight.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You didn't actually read your fact check. Did you? But then again, you had to get someone else to do your own thinking again. Trust me, we are not surprised and in your case, they can't do any worse than your own thoughts.

The law permits abortions after 24 weeks if a health care professional determines the health or life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is not viable.

The RHA removes abortion from the state’s penal code altogether

New York’s new law does not explicitly define “health.”
So the mother, yet oddly enough - not the father, can say it gives them the vapors (mental health) and terminate the child on the day of delivery. Interesting presumption is that the Doctor somehow has a supreme power to say; tough shit beotch, you are having it. I mean.. if you are dumb enough to believe that is what other people will believe. Of course the law does not state what a mother is, which is odd since men can now get pregnant. So much so, that there is even an emoji for it.
On the delivery date, a fetus would be viable.
Since it takes a health care professional to approve an abortion after 24 weeks,what health care professional is going to abort a clearly viable fetus?
The one thing you were right about was there's no definition of the word health. A woman with the "vapors" or any other reason still has to have the approval of a "HCP" to abort after 24 weeks.

You're an asshole and a stupid one at that.

Where would you find a doctor who would abort a 42 week fetus with nothing wrong with it? The "HCP" has a set of standards and practices (unlike someone such as yourself) they have to follow.
Did you catch that moron? Not mom or pop. Only a "HCP" can decide if a late term fetus needs to be terminated.
From the link.

"Modern abortion techniques do not result in live birth; however, in the great unlikelihood that a baby was born alive, the medical provider and team of medical support staff would provide all necessary medical care, as they would in the case of any live birth,” he wrote in an email. “The RHA does not change standard medical practices. To reiterate, any baby born alive in New York State would be treated like any other live birth, and given appropriate medical care. This was the case before the RHA, and it remains the case now.”
Just because you don't read whole article doesn't mean others don't.

You didn't actually read your fact check. Did you? But then again, you had to get someone else to do your own thinking again. Trust me, we are not surprised and in your case, they can't do any worse than your own thoughts.

So the mother, yet oddly enough - not the father, can say it gives them the vapors (mental health) and terminate the child on the day of delivery. Interesting presumption is that the Doctor somehow has a supreme power to say; tough shit beotch, you are having it. I mean.. if you are dumb enough to believe that is what other people will believe. Of course the law does not state what a mother is, which is odd since men can now get pregnant. So much so, that there is even an emoji for it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The abortion argument about what is a baby and what isn't a baby is very much like the slavery argument from 200 years ago. The future democrats said that slaves were not people. They had no rights just like their favorite hunting dog. The future republicans ask when someone was someone with rights. The democrats came up with the idea of the octaroon (1/8 black) and that was good for some. Other, more radical, democrats liked the "one drop" rule.
So the same people are arguing that a baby who has not been born (no mention of C-sections) is not a person, a human, a life deserving of protections. Ask Barack Obama, Ralph Northam, and Andrew Cuomo. They all supported or signed legislation that allowed government sanctioned deaths of children even AFTER (in the case of Northam) birth. What a bastardly bunch.
You're a lying piece of shit...again. Do you still wonder why the Navy boosted you out with no benefits?
You're a disgrace to the uniform

Fact check: Virginia governor’s 2019 comments about abortion bill are missing context.

"A meme shared by over 70,766 on Facebook misrepresents comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam in 2019 when he was asked about a bill that, among other things, aimed to ease restrictions for third trimester abortions in the state. The meme falsely suggests that Northam is in favor of legalizing infanticide by leaving out some key contextual references in his remarks. The meme appears to inaccurately quote the remarks made by Democrat Ralph Northam during an interview with a local radio station in 2019 when asked about Bill HB 2491.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated."

The abortion argument about what is a baby and what isn't a baby is very much like the slavery argument from 200 years ago. The future democrats said that slaves were not people. They had no rights just like their favorite hunting dog. The future republicans ask when someone was someone with rights. The democrats came up with the idea of the octaroon (1/8 black) and that was good for some. Other, more radical, democrats liked the "one drop" rule.
So the same people are arguing that a baby who has not been born (no mention of C-sections) is not a person, a human, a life deserving of protections. Ask Barack Obama, Ralph Northam, and Andrew Cuomo. They all supported or signed legislation that allowed government sanctioned deaths of children even AFTER (in the case of Northam) birth. What a bastardly bunch. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
... Hey Munch - you should head over that-way.
Northam and the butchers there might let you watch them KILL babies!

### Salty
Do you know how a link works? I guess when someone lies as much as you do links make no difference.
You're just an, make that a lying asshole.

Did you notice the bottom fell out of your Ray Epps bullshit story? Just another time you're on the wrong side of stupid.
Is it alright if I change it to Stupid lying asshole?
Thank you.
... Hey Munch - you should head over that-way.
Northam and the butchers there might let you watch them KILL babies!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... "bottom fell out of the story"?? ... sayes the New York Times?

Yeah, they got credibility... .... They're on par with you.

... Hey Munch - is Northam a racist for wearing blackface??

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
On the delivery date, a fetus would be viable.
You're an asshole and a stupid one at that...
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Doctor VS weighs in with both feet. What about the day before?
What about the day after? You have a much higher opinion of me than I do of you. I guess the point goes to you.

Where would you find a doctor who would abort a 42 week fetus with nothing wrong with it?... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Komifornia, NY etc...
...Did you catch that moron?... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You have a much higher opinion of me than I do of you.
..."Modern abortion techniques do not result in live birth; however, in the great unlikelihood that a baby was born alive, the medical provider and team of medical support staff would provide all necessary medical care, as they would in the case of any live birth,”... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Even if you retreated to your Baily about a live birth. What is your interpretation of the least viability date? It is far, far earlier than 42 weeks. But you know that already, which really crushes your own viability. Or is this the part where you hope to make some asinine determination between a live birth and going in to snip it's spinal cord before you suck it out with a Hoover vac?
Just because you don't read whole article doesn't mean others don't. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Reading is step one. Step two involves comprehension. Step three involves thinking. You are on step -6, TDS.