Republicans Well On The Way To Destroying Your Healthcare!

bambino's Avatar
That is because you got 8 years older. It was going to happen no matter what Originally Posted by BigLouie
But wait a second Big Schmooie, what happened to the $2500 reduction in premiums Obama promised? Never happened Big Schmooie. It was all a lie from the jump Big Schmooie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The GOP plan will raise the average price per year by about 1500 NOW and 2500 by 2020.

What's your point?

Single payer continues to be the only sane alternative.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But wait a second Big Schmooie, what happened to the $2500 reduction in premiums Obama promised? Never happened Big Schmooie. It was all a lie from the jump Big Schmooie. Originally Posted by bambino
That's pretty good EATLER, channeling IBIdiot's penchant for annoyingly repeating someone's made-up nickname, EATLER, up to four times in a sentence, EATLER. Whaddya think about that EATLER?

Or did you eat it, EATLER? I know you didn't find it hiding beneath the folds of gelatinous goo where your mousy little nuts are entrapped EATLER.

Maybe you should try and be as creative with your content as you are EATLER with EATLER your EATLER plagiarism. Maybe people would have reason to read your flaccid point of view, EATLER.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you want the taxpayers to subsidize your premiums.

That is simply NOT TRUE. The ONLY REASON the "mandate" was passed was as an attempt to FORCE PEOPLE to purchase health care coverage. Do you know what that means?

One has to remove from the exaggerated numbers of "uninsureds" those persons who didn't want to buy health insurance coverage, not those who couldn't afford it. The dumbass concept of FORCING PEOPLE to pay for something they didn't want in order to "spread the costs" to the carrier among those who DIDN'T NEED INSURANCE was the kind of stupid thinking Liberals apply to humanity.

That's why premiums increased ... to spread the costs of benefits among THOSE WHO CAN PAY ... and SUBSIDIES with taxpayers' money ... added to it ... the costs for those who WERE ABLE TO PAY ... either through job coverage or open market coverage. The stupid part is .... the fine was less than the premiums.

Here's a perfect example: Toll roads and "EZ Tags" ... if the FINE & COSTS of sneaking onto the Toll Road was less than a charge on the EZ tag account ... no one would get an EZ TAG!

But Liberals don't understand "human nature"! They try to "engineer" it! Originally Posted by LexusLover

bambino's Avatar
The GOP plan will raise the average price per year by about 1500 NOW and 2500 by 2020.

What's your point?

Single payer continues to be the only sane alternative. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah, let's go to single payer. Your slovenly, pathetic carcass would be rationed and you would die sooner. Hitler worshipping, cocksucking PIG
Nope never had Odumbocare, but I did have Blue Cross Blue Shield all the years I worked until retirement ..... and if I didn't have any insurance and Ofuckedupcare was my only option ..... I'm sure I'd gladly elect to pay the fine ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Yep me too. My Co-pays are 25-50, Rx are a fraction of their original cost, and my Deductible is 500.00, luckily for me, I stay pretty healthy. I have yearly checkups and haven't sustained any injuries. My premium cost went up a little from 365 to a little over 400.00 a month since about 2012. I am pretty confident that my plan would reasonably cover any expenses if I sustained a serious illness or injury.

flghtr65's Avatar

There is no fixing Obamacare...

If they quit paying for the poor....which it looks like Trumpcare is trying to do, then we will go back to folks going to the ER. That is why hospitals are already against Trumpcare.

The biggest hospital groups, the American Hospital Association and the Federation of American Hospitals, have also said they have serious concerns with the proposal
“We cannot support The American Health Care Act in its current form,” the American Hospital Association, which represents about 5,000 U.S. hospitals, said in a March 7 letter to Congress. The Federation of American Hospitals, which represents for-profit chains including HCA Holdings Inc. and Community Health Systems Inc., also said it had “significant issues” with the plan.
“We want to make sure that whatever comes out of this change really supports particularly those low-income Americans, who frankly don’t have the resources to afford coverage,” Chip Kahn, CEO of the hospital federation, said Wednesday at the health insurance forum in Washington.
Originally Posted by WTF
With the "American Health Care Act" in its current form, funds for the Medicaid expansion in the 31 states that took it, goes away in 2020. So, families of 4 that make > $16,000 and < $24,000 will lose their Medicaid coverage and will return to the ER when they get sick. This is what Mr Kahn is alluding to.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With the "American Health Care Act" in its current form, funds for the Medicaid expansion in the 31 states that took it, goes away in 2020. So, families of 4 that make > $16,000 and < $24,000 will lose their Medicaid coverage and will return to the ER when they get sick. This is what Mr Kahn is alluding to. Originally Posted by flghtr65

flghtr65's Avatar
But wait a second Big Schmooie, what happened to the $2500 reduction in premiums Obama promised? Never happened Big Schmooie. It was all a lie from the jump Big Schmooie. Originally Posted by bambino
In the individual market ( the health insurance companies like UHC and Aetna found that claims paid out far exceeded premiums collected. That is the last thing an accounting department at a health insurance company wants to see. When that happens the cost of insurance is going to go up in the zip code where the policyholder lives. It does not matter what any president predicted or promised. United Health Care simply stopped selling health insurance on the government exchange ( Aetna reduced the number of states it sells health insurance in from 15 to 4 for year 2017. The health insurance companies are not going to sell insurance in a Negative risk pool, plain and simple.
flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
When you get White List Referrals on TER then come back and talk to me. Since you have a strong affinity for the AMP, that may not happen for you. Question for you Waco, can you fuck on a bed at the AMP or they just have tables? LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In the individual market ( the health insurance companies like UHC and Aetna found that claims paid out far exceeded premiums collected. That is the last thing an accounting department at a health insurance company wants to see. When that happens the cost of insurance is going to go up in the zip code where the policyholder lives. It does not matter what any president predicted or promised. United Health Care simply stopped selling health insurance on the government exchange ( Aetna reduced the number of states it sells health insurance in from 15 to 4 for year 2017. The health insurance companies are not going to sell insurance in a Negative risk pool, plain and simple. Originally Posted by flghtr65
but Obama promised they would .. remember "if u like your Doctor .. u can keep him? if u like your policy u can keep it?"


the former liar in Chief lied and u believed him bahhha well .... the Lord Emperor Donald will fix this shit!

he will mandate lobotomies for all libtards .. and u are at the top of the list!!

it's all good .. it will be covered! so when the men in white suits come to take u away .. don't resist! it won't make any difference! you will be dragged off to the "treatment center" to be lobotomized!

enjoy it!

flghtr65's Avatar
Yep me too. My Co-pays are 25-50, Rx are a fraction of their original cost, and my Deductible is 500.00, luckily for me, I stay pretty healthy. I have yearly checkups and haven't sustained any injuries. My premium cost went up a little from 365 to a little over 400.00 a month since about 2012. I am pretty confident that my plan would reasonably cover any expenses if I sustained a serious illness or injury.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Do you get health insurance from your employer or are you in the individual market? Your premium went up by $35 dollars in 4 years. Are you complaining? It looks like the ACA didn't hurt you.
flghtr65's Avatar
but Obama promised they would .. remember "if u like your Doctor .. u can keep him? if u like your policy u can keep it?"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The ACA law DOES NOT control which doctors are in which networks! The health insurance companies control that. They sometimes drop doctors from their network to maximize profits. It's called capitalism. This has nothing to do with the ACA law. You should take a break and go see Hana at your favorite AMP. I'll see Kristen Kindle the girl in my avatar, the next time she tours in my town.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The ACA law DOES NOT control which doctors are in which networks! The health insurance companies control that. They sometimes drop doctors from their network to maximize profits. It's called capitalism. This has nothing to do with the ACA law. You should take a break and go see Hana at your favorite AMP. I'll see Kristen Kindle the girl in my avatar, the next time she tours in my town. Originally Posted by flghtr65


please refute the words of the former liar in chief!!!!


u can't and u know it bitch!
flghtr65's Avatar
So you want the taxpayers to subsidize your premiums.

That is simply NOT TRUE. The ONLY REASON the "mandate" was passed was as an attempt to FORCE PEOPLE to purchase health care coverage. Do you know what that means?

One has to remove from the exaggerated numbers of "uninsureds" those persons who didn't want to buy health insurance coverage, not those who couldn't afford it. The dumbass concept of FORCING PEOPLE to pay for something they didn't want in order to "spread the costs" to the carrier among those who DIDN'T NEED INSURANCE was the kind of stupid thinking Liberals apply to humanity.

That's why premiums increased ... to spread the costs of benefits among THOSE WHO CAN PAY ... and SUBSIDIES with taxpayers' money ... added to it ... the costs for those who WERE ABLE TO PAY ... either through job coverage or open market coverage. The stupid part is .... the fine was less than the premiums.

Here's a perfect example: Toll roads and "EZ Tags" ... if the FINE & COSTS of sneaking onto the Toll Road was less than a charge on the EZ tag account ... no one would get an EZ TAG!

But Liberals don't understand "human nature"! They try to "engineer" it! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The individual mandate was put in for one reason and one reason only, to achieve balanced risk pools. Romneycare in Mass has the individual mandate. In the state of Mass over 90 percent of citizens are in insured and is ranked #1. In Texas you have one of the lowest insured percentage rates.

You have gone full circle with ACA. First, it was the insurance being sold on was "Not Real Insurance" now the complaint is they didn't make the fine high enough.

The ACA law has insured more people. Before the law was passed 80% of all citizens under age 65 were insured. Now it's 90% of all citizens under age 65 are insured. If you can't balance out the risk pools, then the only thing you can do is what Dalilama was alluding to in another thread and that is put the people with pre-existing conditions into their own single payer system, handled by the government. Everyone else would be in the "Free Market" and this would eliminate the severe spikes that were caused by the people who were already sick.

Removing expanded Medicaid for the poor, which is what the bill that Ryan is pitching now will do solves nothing.