well, rules say no genitals shall be displayed....The rules say not pictures of bottomless humans and you and IB have posted such.
square with that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

well, rules say no genitals shall be displayed....The rules say not pictures of bottomless humans and you and IB have posted such.
square with that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The rules say not pictures of bottomless humans and you and IB have posted such..
Originally Posted by WTF
The rules say not pictures of bottomless humans and you and IB have posted such. Originally Posted by WTFYou're lying again.
The rules say not pictures of bottomless humans and you and IB have posted such.
Originally Posted by WTF
are you trying to call the tea pot black???Effective immediately, as well as being retroactively applied, the following are the new ECCIE Image Standard Guidelines:
bahahahahahahaha!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Effective immediately, as well as being retroactively applied, the following are the new ECCIE Image Standard Guidelines:You're the one who needs the six-year remediation course in common sense. There was no nudity. Nothing was exposed. Everything of concern to eccie was censored out of view.
Members may create an Image Gallery and post photos in their Image Gallery. All images posted in the Image Gallery or in the Discussion Forums must comply with the following guidelines:Originally Posted by WTF
- Topless images, including nipples, and below the waist nudity is not allowed. Thongs, bikini bottoms, etc. are required. No exposed anus or exposed genitalia. No exceptions, even if nothing is exposed, there needs to be some sort of garment worn (e.g., underwear, bikini, thong, etc.). Butt cheeks are welcome. Additionally, images where the subject is wearing something below the waist, but still leave genitalia, the anus, or pubic hair partially exposed are not allowed. Clothing that clings to the genital region or clothing that is somewhat transparent is permitted. Common examples of what is not acceptable are nude shower photos where the lady is covered in bubbles or nude pictures of the lady kneeling even where the genital region is concealed, a garment must be worn and visible.
You're the one who needs the six-year remediation course in common sense. There was no nudity. Nothing was exposed. Everything of concern to eccie was censored out of view. Originally Posted by I B HankeringIf you read the rules.....this picture is ok.
You pictures may be censored but they do not comply with eccie standards.
or this
or this
like the above pics, they are censored as was the katie hill pic, only a dumbo like you won't admit it.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If you read the rules.....this picture is ok.
Effective immediately, as well as being retroactively applied, the following are the new ECCIE Image Standard Guidelines:
Members may create an Image Gallery and post photos in their Image Gallery. All images posted in the Image Gallery or in the Discussion Forums must comply with the following guidelines Topless images, including nipples, and below the waist nudity is not allowed. Thongs, bikini bottoms, etc. are required. No exposed anus or exposed genitalia. No exceptions, even if nothing is exposed, there needs to be some sort of garment worn (e.g., underwear, bikini, thong, etc.). Butt cheeks are welcome. Additionally, images where the subject is wearing something below the waist, but still leave genitalia, the anus, or pubic hair partially exposed are not allowed. Clothing that clings to the genital region or clothing that is somewhat transparent is permitted. Common examples of what is not acceptable are nude shower photos where the lady is covered in bubbles or nude pictures of the lady kneeling even where the genital region is concealed, a garment must be worn and visible. Originally Posted by WTF
You pictures may be censored but they do not comply with eccie standards.
I may think the standards are stupid and you may think the standards are stupid but it is right there in the rules. The pictures you post do not comply with eccie standards.
The picture below complies with eccie standards.
Originally Posted by WTF
If you read the rules.....this picture is ok.
Effective immediately, as well as being retroactively applied, the following are the new ECCIE Image Standard Guidelines:
Members may create an Image Gallery and post photos in their Image Gallery. All images posted in the Image Gallery or in the Discussion Forums must comply with the following guidelines:Originally Posted by WTF
- Topless images, including nipples, and below the waist nudity is not allowed. Thongs, bikini bottoms, etc. are required. No exposed anus or exposed genitalia. No exceptions, even if nothing is exposed, there needs to be some sort of garment worn (e.g., underwear, bikini, thong, etc.). Butt cheeks are welcome. Additionally, images where the subject is wearing something below the waist, but still leave genitalia, the anus, or pubic hair partially exposed are not allowed. Clothing that clings to the genital region or clothing that is somewhat transparent is permitted. Common examples of what is not acceptable are nude shower photos where the lady is covered in bubbles or nude pictures of the lady kneeling even where the genital region is concealed, a garment must be worn and visible.
You pictures may be censored but they do not comply with eccie standards.
I may think the standards are stupid and you may think the standards are stupid but it is right there in the rules. The pictures you post do not comply with eccie standards.
The picture below complies with eccie standards.
Originally Posted by WTF