Leoman... The new DOC HOLIDAY?

tpepsi's Avatar
Originally Posted by Leoman
... have a nice day ... im not with the drama ... goodbye

Originally Posted by Leoman
... im not with the back and forth ... goodbye

Originally Posted by Leoman
... we said our parts lets end it at that ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... can we go our ways ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... i dont have anything else to say ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
well on the brightside ...

HAHAHAHA, that is so funny. I was thinking the same thing. This guy just can't stop.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Originally Posted by Leoman
... have a nice day ... im not with the drama ... goodbye

Originally Posted by Leoman
... im not with the back and forth ... goodbye

Originally Posted by Leoman
... we said our parts lets end it at that ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... can we go our ways ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... i dont have anything else to say ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
... We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends ...

Originally Posted by Leoman
well on the brightside ...

HAHAHAHA, that is so funny. I was thinking the same thing. This guy just can't stop. Originally Posted by tpepsi
This seemed APPROPRIATE :


https://youtu.be/TCXRdHU19-o&fs=1&hd=1" width="858" height="508">https://youtu.be/TCXRdHU19-o&fs=1&hd=1" />https://youtu.be/TCXRdHU19-o">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=https://youtu.be/TCXRdHU19-o
tpepsi's Avatar
Breaking news!

I was wondering why Secret Encounters was fawning so much over outing Italia:

Secret Encounters and Italia - the hidden connection

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Now now lets stay on topic ��.. ?
Talk about digging into my past.. 7 yr old post..

Whatever issue she has with italia is none of my business nor concern.

Enjoy your evening ��❤
tpepsi's Avatar
"No drama" Secret Encounters just sent me a drama filled PM asking why I was stirring the shit.

tpepsi's Avatar
"No drama" Secret Encounters just sent me a drama filled PM asking why I was stirring the shit.

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Yes asking you if you have an issue with me bc ur stirring the pot. Ive said my apologies to her for hitting below the belt & she responded & thought we moved fwd.

I am not drama & im defending myself bc now you are bullying me for what reason i do not know.. I got caught in the cross fire. Ive known italia for 10yrs & what she does is none of my business. Even if ive ever had any kind of issue with her i would not post bc its not lady like nor would she. Im speaking for myself & noone else.
So since u prefer to do it in an open forum can u answer my question.. ??

Ive had several roomates & they all know how i conduct myself.

So im moving fwd & so should you.
Don't you have another threAD to create?

I thought all of your latest threads were ridiculous but do you see me jumping on there too bash you? NOPE... I just stayed in my own lane...

If this is not an important topic TO YOU than DO NOT OPEN this thread.. It is called SELF CONTROL... Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

Hey cakes, I did read all of this. I wanted to make sure that before I asked this, that it wasn’t written clearly elsewhere. But I was wanting to know what secret said in her initial post towards you... came across as bashing? I genuinely just was curious. I read the banter between you two but was trying to figure out why it (the initial reply) offended you? A few posts before hers state similar opinions but this one you replied to w that. ^^^^. Was it just honest banter between you guys after that or is there really a problem? I could state the obvious, but I’m sure many ladies just want to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes in real world opportunities/collaborating etc.

Also, would you or anyone care to elaborate on the Italia comment? Or maybe link me to something or email me. I’m sorry I am behind on info but I haven’t followed all of the mess diligently I have heard a few things but nothing detailed. Just trying to stay aware that’s all. I recently met her and she was nice but again nothing more than superficial introductions. What was said seemed serious to me and would like to make a formal judgement... to know better and steer clear or “enter at my own risk” if you will. Lol. Nope not trying to derail... however it was stated right here in this thread hence my concern and question.

My 2 cents: if a girl says a guy is pushy and problematic, even if his entire profile comments and refs say otherwise, if ONLY one girl says he’s too much to deal w and has a gut feeling that leads to a no, I ALWAYS will side w her. Unfortunately (for gents) w me, one hiccup.. one sour message... and it’s a big fat no from me as well. There’s a quote from a podcast I religiously listen to, “Ladies, stay weird and stay rude.” I can elaborate and even share the link to explain it but the link itself could possibly out me IRL. lol. Ladies, I’m happy to email you the story/link behind it. Essentially, when you have a gut feeling about a guy, in email, on the streets, on the phone, elevator etc, many try to be polite and ignore that feeling for fear of being wrong, weird, or rude (or in our case fear of losing business) ...putting themselves in vulnerable positions. 3 days later they turn up bound gagged and dead. Stay weird and stay rude ladies. ��
Just getting caught up here slave, so this is the one you were telling me about?

So what’s to be said? You only get so many chances to make a first impression on the Internet, and when the opinion is formed sometimes people just don’t want to know more. I guess it’s hard for some people to accept that.

Why is it so hard to just be nice? When you are nice people call you things like sweetheart, and baby and, and honey .... and you have nice and pleasant conversations, and then have massages and 69 — How hard is this?
Ok just read the latest post from secret. I’m gonna be real babe, we have had our drama but despite this you HAVE INDEED changed dramatically (pun intended) from 8 years ago Hahahah. You have always made things better when you are at fault and from what I have deciphered you are quick to hold yourself accountable once the damage has been done. You’re not perfect. None of us are. But I can attest to you always trying to stay peaceful w most of these ladies including myself. . I have no clue what’s happened w you guys but just throwing out that in my personal experience w you , you are quick to apologize own it and make it better. No one is drama free. No one who participates in this board. With that being said, when it comes to this world we all love a good page turner. But you my dear have been a joy to catch up with, work with, and yes fight with. (Kidding guys) I still love ya , even if your expertise IS in writing threADS. Lmao.

Slave, Ive never met but has always been great at getting back w refs and has always given it to me straight regarding the fellas.

Appreciating both of you.
"No drama" Secret Encounters just sent me a drama filled PM asking why I was stirring the shit.

LOL. Originally Posted by tpepsi

Hahahah. The question, Why are you stirring drama (between me and another lady) is dramatic? Oh my. I think I need a refresher course from the subject itself. ����

Shoot, I think I was on my period that day and causing a scene in the hallway crying and yelling and putting on an entertaining show for the teenage boys who were calling me dramatic when I missed that topic in class. Hahaha.

Just fuckin with you. Wink wink.
OOOOH! Ok ok ... I did a little more research outside of this board and found some more and saw it directly link to the answer to my question to slave. Sooo never mind. My question was answered. I was trying to figure out why she felt the way she did But she explained a bit more elsewhere.

Also the italia stuff was answered. Sorry I thought I had read it all but I had to go back a few times then redirect myself. My bad. There was a lot to read. Hahaha.

Never mind. Lol.
Some of you are out of line. And you have been around long enough that I do not need to explain it to you.

I'm dealing with real life problems of real life people...with families and some people want to act like children themselves. Not cool, y'all.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-24-2019, 10:46 PM
No it is not cool at all.

Get back to the original topic of this thread. Get back to it now.

Any post after this one that is off topic or contains any animosity or otherwise is in violation of the guidelines will be rewarded with points.

So, you all each have two options here...

Stop the petulant behavior or point yourself to a three month ban.

The choice is yours.