Abortion - Can we come to a bipartisan consensus?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I did some checking on this Georgia abortion law and the left is doing some hyperventilating. According to the bill a miscarriage that results in the death of a child could be investigated as a crime.
First, it says a miscarriage COULD be investigated and not the legal term SHALL BE. So if it is obvious what caused a miscarriage or the woman has a history of difficult pregnancies then I would expect any investigation to be short lived. Kind of like finding a dead body in your backyard. The moment they discover the unopened parachute, your part in the investigation is complete. Section B, (2) of the bill exempts a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage from oversight unless it can be found that human interaction resulted in the miscarriage. I suppose that means if your boyfriend punches a woman in the stomach with the express purpose of causing a miscarriage, they can be charged. Same thing if, in the commission of another crime, a woman aborted because of the stress caused by a criminal act. And yes, if a doctor prescribes or performs an abortion they can be charged in the state of Georgia. Leave the state.
The second part is the definition of child since that us what the bill addresses. Now this is a bit of a problem as the states life begins at conception. No word if someone beats a woman in the stomach not knowing whether she pregnant or not. In fact, she may not know she is pregnant. So it's not Armageddon as the left would have you believe but it is going to come down to enforcement. It also means that a smart criminal might want to rethink any potential harm to a possibility pregnant woman.
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2019, 05:01 PM
RU 486, also called mifepristone, is a drug used to induce abortion in early pregnancy. ... Within a few hours of taking the second drug, uterine contractions will empty the uterus, ending the pregnancy, Dr. Dunn explains. This experience is similar to an early miscarriage, usually causing cramping and heavy bleeding

The morning after pill - can be effective up to 5 days post unprotected intercourse.

Levonorgestrel is a hormone that can be used for emergency contraception. Emergency contraception should not be used as a routine method of birth control.
Levonorgestrel can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. People sometimes call it the "morning after pill." But you don't have to wait until the morning after sex to take it. In fact, levonorgestrel is more effective the sooner you take it. It is a one-dose regimen: you take one pill. The pill contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is used in lower doses in many birth control pills.
Levonorgestrel brands include Econtra EZ, My Way, Next Choice One Dose, Plan B One Step, Preventeza, and Take Action.
How Does Levonorgestrel Work?

Depending upon where you are in your cycle, levonorgestrel may work in one of these ways:
  • It may prevent or delay ovulation.
  • It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.

It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.
Levonorgestrel is not the same as RU-486, which is an abortion pill. It does not cause a miscarriage or abortion. In other words, it does not stop development of a fetus once the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. So it will not work if you are already pregnant when you take it.
How Effective Is Levonorgestrel?

If you take it within 72 hours after you've had unprotected sex, levonorgestrel can reduce the risk of pregnancy by up to 89%. If you take Plan B One-Step within 24 hours, it is about 95% effective.

But you should know that Plan B One-Step is not as effective as regular contraception. So don't take it as your main form of birth control. And, it does not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases. Think of it as a backup -- not for routine use. That's why it's called Plan B.
How to Take Levonorgestrel

Levonorgestrel can be purchased over the counter at drugstores without a prescription or proof of age. Because it is most effective when taken as soon as possible (up to 72 hours after sex), consider having a ready supply in your medicine cabinet. Better yet, use a reliable form of birth control, and plan for a backup method of birth control.

For readers FYI
lovingcamela's Avatar
Okay, I'm back I can't stay away.

Okay....this is the real deal. What they don't mention is that RU 486 is dangerous. It all sounds very light and easy because there is no surgery, just take a pill.

"This experience is similar to an early miscarriage, usually causing cramping and heavy bleeding."

They don't tell you that she will need someone with her 24 to 48 hours, the cramping may be excruciating painful and the bleeding may be so heavy that she cannot leave her home. She may even bleed for a week or more. Hard to prove this, but her hormones will be all jacked up for up to maybe a year or more. And you, her loving partner will have to stand by and watch powerless to help her.

It's time for the men to unite and demand healthy birth control for woman and MEN! Come on guys! 'Snip It' clinics on every corner. Double layered condoms! Even better NO MORE INTERCOURSE!! End the need for abortion now. Save the women.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The effects of RU486 were graphically illustrated in the movie UnPlanned. They didn't call it by name but the woman thought she was dying even after her friends at PP told her that affects would be mild. Yes, she worked at PP as a counselor.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
RU486 = artificial miscarriage.

its dangerous? sounds like they need to weaken the drug or something.
lovingcamela's Avatar
It's interesting and terribly uncomfortable talking about women's issues with conservative men. Just to let you know...I am embracing this challenge to have an understanding.

When I was younger Planned Parenthood was a godsend. My friends and I all got our birth control there, our STD testing, STD educations and pap smears to detect early HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. Sure, women get abortions there. The RU486 mind boggles me, but I am still a supporter of PP.

If you watched Unplanned, why not also watch Trapped documentary. You can learn about the laws that closed down many of the PP's. Regardless of my stance on abortion, I found the way these laws passed unsettling. What's next?
lovingcamela's Avatar
Okay, I did some checking on this Georgia abortion law and the left is doing some hyperventilating. According to the bill a miscarriage that results in the death of a child could be investigated as a crime.
First, it says a miscarriage COULD be investigated and not the legal term SHALL BE. So if it is obvious what caused a miscarriage or the woman has a history of difficult pregnancies then I would expect any investigation to be short lived. Kind of like finding a dead body in your backyard. The moment they discover the unopened parachute, your part in the investigation is complete. Section B, (2) of the bill exempts a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage from oversight unless it can be found that human interaction resulted in the miscarriage. I suppose that means if your boyfriend punches a woman in the stomach with the express purpose of causing a miscarriage, they can be charged. Same thing if, in the commission of another crime, a woman aborted because of the stress caused by a criminal act. And yes, if a doctor prescribes or performs an abortion they can be charged in the state of Georgia. Leave the state.
The second part is the definition of child since that us what the bill addresses. Now this is a bit of a problem as the states life begins at conception. No word if someone beats a woman in the stomach not knowing whether she pregnant or not. In fact, she may not know she is pregnant. So it's not Armageddon as the left would have you believe but it is going to come down to enforcement. It also means that a smart criminal might want to rethink any potential harm to a possibility pregnant woman. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

When I read this the first thing I thought was not, "Oh, what a relief!". I thought FOSTA looked good on paper too. I am increasingly weary.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Unfortunately this country is still governed by a patriarchy in too many places. If we had gender parity in state and federal legislatures I guarantee these kinds of bills wouldn't be passed. More women need to vote for women and more women need to run for office.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you suggesting that women will always vote one way on an issue because they are women and men the opposite?
bamscram's Avatar
You never read the book?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Are you suggesting that women will always vote one way on an issue because they are women and men the opposite? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I'm suggesting that more women than men would vote to keep government out of their uteruses.
Unfortunately this country is still governed by a patriarchy in too many places. If we had gender parity in state and federal legislatures I guarantee these kinds of bills wouldn't be passed. More women need to vote for women and more women need to run for office. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Most everyone is free to run for office. 45% of the white women voted for President Trump instead of...an old white woman. The psycho women who want abortion on demand aren't going to be voted in 90% of the country. You just don't like conservative women. I wonder what Rep Omar's stance on abortion is?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm suggesting that more women than men would vote to keep government out of their uteruses. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
FYI, Men don't have a uterus.
A good example of the absurdity of the Democrats argument is the bring out the dead scene in the Meaning of Life.

The problem wasn't anything that a 2X4 couldn't fix.

It really starts at 1:00 minute.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar