What is "The Conference Room?"

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2015, 08:17 AM
I posted here. No response. No invitation. Must only be for members who agree with Moonbat. Now he has his own little kingdom, where he remains unchallenged. Good for him. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Or maybe it is for folks who show some patience. I'm sure if you want in , you'll get in and then be one of the first to start insulting. Its just your nature.
If this room has such esteemed discussion; then why not let the thread be visible for people to read the great information that is being exchanged?

The whole idea of a private discussion group, in which members are selected and discussion heavily moderated is a repulsive idea to me.

There are plenty of great open web blogs one can dig into if one is inclined for elevated discussion on a particular topic.

If find it interesting that the OP hasn't responded to any comments (or questions) with the exception of the single post by JackieS. Some are worthy of a response. But I guess the more answers provided ruins the mystique behind the green curtain of Oz.

I gave this thread a One Star rating. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well done, Whirlaway. Not every day does one see such a finely crafted impression of a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum when he thinks he might be unjustly denied a shiny new toy that may be enjoyed by others.

You would do well to actually learn a thing or two about how this site works before popping off with another clueless rant. Supplemental forums can be created under the "Clubhouse Forum" option for discussions of things such as finance, markets, and investments -- or whatever other issue may be of interest to its members. As you might guess, the service is not free. Websites are businesses, not public service agencies. Last fall, I talked to a few ECCIE site members in Dallas who shared my interest in this topic, and thought a lot of guys would be interested in a platform wherein market views and experiences -- and related matters -- could be shared. People in the "hobby" world do seem to enjoy a fair degree of camaraderie. But "Clubhouse Forum" owners cannot simply say "open to all." That's not even an option, and it's not the way the forum structure works. I have to send the site member number of each applicant to the site admins.

I am open to the possibility of adding people who have engaged in an awful lot of juvenile B.S. in The Political Forum IFF (if and only if) I have assurances that they'll knock off all that crap in The Conference Room, and stay on topic. But I hear you loud and clear, Whirlaway, and think I can safely put you down as "not interested." Then you can go back to whining about how your free speech rights are being infringed. Or something.

I posted here. No response. No invitation. Must only be for members who agree with Moonbat. Now he has his own little kingdom, where he remains unchallenged. Good for him. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Very impressive.

Not every day does one see someone ask whether he can be included in a discussion group, and then turn right around and direct a childish insult at the forum's host. Must be a persuasive new salesmanship technique not familiar to us oldsters!

An attractive lady of my acquaintance had a 3-day weekend due to the MLK holiday and persuaded me to take her to a place I have that's deep in the central Texas countryside -- way out in the boonies. Internet access there is shaky (and that's putting it mildly). I thought I could get on over the weekend and post a reply here, but it wasn't to be.

I haven't even had a chance to reply to a couple of posts that interest me in The Conference Room, and haven't posted anything there since my January 15th "introduction" posts. Later today I will get to that, and also to a number of PMs I received over the last few days.

In the meantime, and undoubtedly to Whirlaway's consternation, I may post something in this forum from time to time if it has more to do with politics than with finance or markets.
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  • WTF
  • 01-20-2015, 10:44 AM
If you allow whores in, I would love an invite. Thanks. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
We're all whores in some form or fashion...just some of these ignorant fucks do not realize it!

I vote you in Ms NurseyPoo
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is that a "no", Moonbat? Lol. I've already proven that I can host a civil thread with you. It was my idea because you would not calm down and be rational. Must be nice to have your own forum where you can choose minions who never challenge you.
Is that a "no", Moonbat? Lol. I've already proven that I can host a civil thread with you. It was my idea because you would not calm down and be rational. Must be nice to have your own forum where you can choose minions who never challenge you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If I had my ass handed to me as many times as CM does to you, I suppose that I would be trying to discredit him, as well!

You are a confirmed lightweight, especially as it relates to the markets.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
We're all whores in some form or fashion...just some of these ignorant fucks do not realize it!

I vote you in Ms NurseyPoo Originally Posted by WTF
Every now and then you get one right, WTF.
Every business is just a different manifestation of a whorehouse.
Some are picky, some are not. Some have a good product, some don't.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I remember the Sandbox when it wasn't just a mud pit and people conducted logical debates on real issues.

Then suddenly someone assigned everybody disrespectful nicknames and the game changed. Debate became debase, and the result, years later, is what we have here now: a forum that promotes street gang tagging, narcissism and ignorance.

I applaud your effort, CM, along with everybody here who believes that there should be a place for honest discussions that don't include personal attacks and name calling.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you in, AssupLiar?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I remember the Sandbox when it wasn't just a mud pit and people conducted logical debates on real issues.

Then suddenly someone assigned everybody disrespectful nicknames and the game changed. Debate became debase, and the result, years later, is what we have here now: a forum that promotes street gang tagging, narcissism and ignorance.

I applaud your effort, CM, along with everybody here who believes that there should be a place for honest discussions that don't include personal attacks and name calling. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wow - I don't remember it ever being so civil. I'm sure that with you in it, it was highly civilized, until your lesser antagonists came in, forcing you to have an avatar with a "Republican" with his head up his ass. You were forced to do it, I'm sure!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You obviously weren't around during the days to which I refer, JL.

In fact, we never had a "schtupp the Goyim" thread in here (or anywhere else I can remember) before you joined.

Your point of reference is invalid.
Is that a "no", Moonbat? Lol. I've already proven that I can host a civil thread with you. It was my idea because you would not calm down and be rational. Must be nice to have your own forum where you can choose minions who never challenge you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you think I was the one who couldn't "be rational," you're hopelessly delusional. All I did in that long FairTax discussion was point out all the wild exaggerations and ridiculously over-the-top disingenuity proffered by its supporters' website -- and in a perfectly polite and civil manner, I might add -- until you started in with all the insults. Thereafter, all you did was incessantly prattle on about how I "sounded stupid" and "needed to learn something." All the while, you never demonstrated any interest in learning anything at all about the topic. I don't think I've ever discussed an economic policy or tax policy issue with anyone who had a poorer understanding of the subject than you do.

It's hard for me to believe that you seriously have an interest in discussing finance, markets, or investments, and that you are sincerely interested in joining a forum such as The Conference Room. I'm afraid you would just come in and piss all over the floor. You seem to simply revel in all the name-calling and shit-slinging.

I'm open to letting almost any of you guys participate, even those with something of a history of less-than-civil posting, but I do have limits.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You obviously weren't around during the days to which I refer, JL.

In fact, we never had a "schtupp the Goyim" thread in here (or anywhere else I can remember) before you joined.

Your point of reference is invalid. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your sex partner of preference is an invalid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your sex partner of preference is an invalid. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Happy anniversary, btw.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you think I was the one who couldn't "be rational," you're hopelessly delusional. All I did in that long FairTax discussion was point out all the wild exaggerations and ridiculously over-the-top disingenuity proffered by its supporters' website -- and in a perfectly polite and civil manner, I might add -- until you started in with all the insults. Thereafter, all you did was incessantly prattle on about how I "sounded stupid" and "needed to learn something." All the while, you never demonstrated any interest in learning anything at all about the topic. I don't think I've ever discussed an economic policy or tax policy issue with anyone who had a poorer understanding of the subject than you do.

It's hard for me to believe that you seriously have an interest in discussing finance, markets, or investments, and that you are sincerely interested in joining a forum such as The Conference Room. I'm afraid you would just come in and piss all over the floor. You seem to simply revel in all the name-calling and shit-slinging.

I'm open to letting almost any of you guys participate, even those with something of a history of less-than-civil posting, but I do have limits. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Your view is quite distorted. Did we not have a civil thread at my behest? Yes, we did. Tell the truth, Moonbat. You want a forum where you won't be challenged, even in a civil manner. You can't handle it, so you are going to take your ball and run home. Good luck! Enjoy your little kingdom. Oh, btw, you still sound stupid.
I will participate in a "forum" that has zero tolerance for personal attacks. But only if it is an open thread, visible to all who want to read or participate.

Closed "Conference Rooms" disguised as elevated discussion areas on weighty topics is of no interest to me. For that kind of conversation there are better blogs/web sites to participate.