So Just What Is The Tea-Party's Grand Plan?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-14-2014, 06:41 AM
Actually the last 15 seconds will be the key to the next Prez election. Regarding immigration. Hillary, who never met a h1-B visa she didn't like and will work to create more for her silicon valley buddies - vs. a populist TP repub - she will get decimated. Originally Posted by Submodo
Let the betting begin...Ted Cruz vs HRC.

Straight up bet ....all you money is on Hilliary. Just like it was on the Spurs!
What are y'all talking about?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What are y'all talking about?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Oh shit! You caught him, Slobbrin!

String him up!

WTF wants even money......big time stepping up for Hillary!

You are a blustering joke, expecting even money in a Cruz Clinton line up...shows how little you know about politics....
WTF wants even money......big time stepping up for Hillary!

You are a blustering joke, expecting even money in a Cruz Clinton line up...shows how little you know about politics.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This was brought to you by the same Trendy Trendaway who knew so much about politics that he repeatedly projected the following:


Despite his repeated bold proclamations, Trendy didn't have the balls to take me up on the bets that I repeatedly offered that Obama would win re-election in 2012. Hell, he had a standing bet that he totally ignored for the 6 months prior to election day 2012. Now I see that Trendy is already trying to back away from bet offers for the 2016 elections.

Trendy's a WUSS!

It is safe to say that Trendy is all MOUTH and no SUBSTANCE.

Shhh, don't tell anybody but Trendy has No BRAINS either!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 07:20 AM
WTF wants even money......big time stepping up for Hillary!

You are a blustering joke, expecting even money in a Cruz Clinton line up...shows how little you know about politics.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Then take that bet....I'll tell you what. I will bet you even money Teddy Cruz does not get the GOP nomination.

But if he does and if Hilliary does....Clinton will trounce him or you will be calling Teddy a RHINO!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Ya got anything else're boring us.
You dumb shit; why would I?

I don't think Cruz is running; and I don't think he could win the the nomination, if he did declare. And I don't think he could win against the Clinton machine, if he did get the nomination.

So why are you even floating Even Odds on such a stupid bet...

You are a fucking rooster crowing when the sun is setting.......cockadooodle doo look at me, look at me...I am offering a bet only a moron would take !

You boasting dumbshit.

Then take that bet....I'll tell you what. I will bet you even money Teddy Cruz does not get the GOP nomination.

But if he does and if Hilliary does....Clinton will trounce him or you will be calling Teddy a RHINO! Originally Posted by WTF
Then take that bet....I'll tell you what. I will bet you even money Teddy Cruz does not get the GOP nomination.

But if he does and if Hilliary does....Clinton will trounce him or you will be calling Teddy a RHINO! Originally Posted by WTF
I can tell you from personal experience, Trendy does not have the balls to take you up on the bet. He loves to brag about how smart he is politically and how dumb everyone is who disagrees with him.

But when it is time to put up or shut up, he slithers off and hides like the weasel that he is.

And his Klan, errr Clan cousin's JD & IB are not any better. They are weasels just like Trendy. It must run in the Idiot Family.

At the very least, we should blame the Patriarch for helping to pass along the Idiot and/or Weasel genes.

Tell us once again, who was it that repeatedly made the following claim:

I B Hankering's Avatar
I can tell you from personal experience, Trendy does not have the balls to take you up on the bet. He loves to brag about how smart he is politically and how dumb everyone is who disagrees with him.

But when it is time to put up or shut up, he slithers off and hides like the weasel that he is.

And his Klan, errr Clan cousin's JD & IB are not any better. They are weasels just like Trendy. It must run in the Idiot Family.

At the very least, we should blame the Patriarch for helping to pass along the Idiot and/or Weasel genes.

Tell us once again, who was it that repeatedly made the following claim:

WISCONSIN & AMERICA ARE "TRENDING" ROMNEY. Originally Posted by bigtex
Good to see you're still getting some limited form of exercise by *jumping* to erroneous conclusions, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
Let the betting begin...Ted Cruz vs HRC.

Straight up bet ....all you money is on Hilliary. Just like it was on the Spurs! Originally Posted by WTF
I know nothing about Cruz... but a true populist who is against amnesty for illegals (and their kids) will beat a liberal corporatist Hillary in a landslide. If the Rs run another Chamber of Commerce spokesman (Romney) then Hill will win.

I gotta research Cruz before I get the wallet out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know nothing about Cruz...

I gotta research Cruz before I get the wallet out. Originally Posted by Submodo
probably a good idea...