
No, natural immunity has always been recognized. It does offer some temporary protection. But there are people who got Covid who got it again. It is not a permanent solution. Originally Posted by brasil
There are also people (including a friend of mine) that have had a shot, gotten covid, gotten a second shot AND the booster and THEN caught covid a second time. He had a rough time of it BOTH times.
And it was in that order.

He said the only thing he knows for sure is that nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about -- ESPECIALLY Fauci.
...the only thing he knows for sure is that nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about -- ESPECIALLY Paulie!! Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
There - That's more like it!!
fuckin Ed.....
Gave ya a like!

And yes, that friend has told me many times that I don't know WTF I'm talking about....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
On Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc, the vaccination/mask debate is going on everywhere. It's been a constant for the past two years and hasn't slowed down.
The cluster-fuck at the border is arguably more important and has more dire long-term circumstances. It's just not on as many people's radar. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
No idea about twitter, been permanently banned for over a year, actually regret ever participating there.

I do believe that leftist media deliberately avoids topics like the southern border and crime.

Redistricting is another massive electoral issue that these creeps stay as far away from as possible.

Coronavirus is probably covered more extensively because even though Dementia Joe's numbers are well under water on it, they're not as pitiful as they are on the other issues.

Still hugely divisive, but you're probably right - the sheep prefer talking about this because it was more comfortable for them 15 months ago.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Countries that are 99% jabbed or higher are having more problems with C19 than in the USA. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
No such country exists sir. China is the closest and is estimated at 86%. Stop fear mongering.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
No such country exists sir. China is the closest and is estimated at 86%. Stop fear mongering. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
seems your not counting some countries
CryptKicker's Avatar
seems your not counting some countries Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
How about you name them? I got the info from USA Today.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How about you name them? I got the info from USA Today. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
site I was using was DELETED so oh well
CryptKicker's Avatar
site I was using was DELETED so oh well Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
How convenient. I'm not a big fan of the vax but try to keep your one-sided argument at least a little bit factual.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this link shows UAE the most fully vaxxed with China 6th at 85%.

UAE shows 93%.

a bit surprised China is as "low" as 85% given they are an authoritarian regime. of course UAE isn't exactly liberal either ...
CryptKicker's Avatar
Good info! Thanks! Still no 99% and certainly not "many countries" over 99%. LOL
You are restating the same thing Dr Fauci and the post said. Science = Dr Fauci

By the way how is the application of " The Science" going for the United States. Looks to me like the science is producing a lot of carnage. Originally Posted by sexman333
The science produced the vaccine which has saved thousands of lives. The overwhelming majority of people dying of Covid are people who have not been vaccinated.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Good info! Thanks! Still no 99% and certainly not "many countries" over 99%. LOL Originally Posted by CryptKicker
100% of players in the NHL submitted to the vaccine, the league is constantly canceling games due to players coming up hot for coronavirus.

Not a country, but a controlled group of extremely healthy individuals.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How convenient. I'm not a big fan of the vax but try to keep your one-sided argument at least a little bit factual. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
happens a lot when when trying to read the new from other countries

And for sure I do not believe USA Today at all

Off topic a bit I was reading a story that was thinking another thread
US military in Alaska poof its gone.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The science produced the vaccine which has saved thousands of lives. The overwhelming majority of people dying of Covid are people who have not been vaccinated. Originally Posted by brasil
for sure when ya add in the dies with as died of

NYS numbers are all a fucked up lie