Is this Okay Married/boyfriend/girlfriend/fun buddy

Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm sorry but this guy definitely crosses boundaries. I don't know the situation between these two but I know that this guy has stalker like tendencies and doesn't listen to the word no. I have no dog in this fight as I only know from my personal experience. I also am not one just to post bullshit about someone unless I indeed know for sure. I don't make shit up and I'm blunt as hell with the truth.

This guy got super pissed that I declined to see him when he first moved into to town. He went off because I wouldn't drop what I was doing to accommodate him last minute not to mention after he was being a pain in the ass when it came to screening. He sent rude/ hostile messages after I declined. He then got so pissed that he was blocked and removed from following my hobby Twitter that he came on eccie to cry about it. After the fact I received messages from both providers and hobbyists that I know/ have seen that he personally sent them messages asking about me and sessions etc. You don't need to be sharing/or asking about another provider/hobbyist personal lives. Which I know he does. Thats creepy asf and way over the line. That's stalking. He continued to send me private messages after I told him I had no interest in meeting and to stop. He didn't. So I called him out on his post. He then went so far to beg to offer 2 times my rate to see me. Again NO! Clearly he doesn't understand what that means. He went on and on. He even popped up at a local social and was creepy as fuck. A provider he knows approached me and told me he was there. She even mentioned that he asked her if she thinks he should try to reach out again and try to see me. I removed my self and haven't been to one since.

If you saw him and had no problems that's great. However there are numerous bad apples over the years who act completely normal with a girl or two and then go fucking looney with the others. They have got to atleast have that one girl who will vouch for them.

I always say be careful in the hobby and always trust someone. Some people are good in the beginning and can turn with no warning. I know from personal experience as I and a few other girls many years ago saw an atx hobbyist (multiple times) and never had any problems then all of a sudden he was plastered in the news for snapping and killing a craigslist hooker.
I think she crossed boundaries taking him home to her family's house at thanksgiving. If he over stepped boundries maybe its because she invited him into her personal life. Hard to cry wolf about that. Business is business. Its a little hard to play victim here or call someone all types of profiles if you never met them. The hobby is full of weirdos. Including providers.
Hopefully Jess you won't ever have to get on here and confirm what a scumbag he is.

If he is not free to get on this thread to defend himself without getting banned, then he can start a new thread.
I think she crossed boundaries taking him home to her family's house at thanksgiving. If he over stepped boundries maybe its because she invited him into her personal life. Hard to cry wolf about that. Business is business. Its a little hard to play victim here or call someone all types of profiles if you never met them. The hobby is full of weirdos. Including providers. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Surprised to see a woman say that. The details of how she came to be unconscious in a room with him are totally irrelevant, no matter how poor her judgment was about ending up there. If she was unconscious and he fucked her when she was too fucked-up to consent, that's rape.
Jess, how can you say that she crossed boundaries by offering him a Thanksgiving meal at her home?

This is victim shaming. She invited a human being to share a Thanksgiving meal and she's the one at fault? No, that's not right.

I think she crossed boundaries taking him home to her family's house at thanksgiving. If he over stepped boundries maybe its because she invited him into her personal life. Hard to cry wolf about that. Business is business. Its a little hard to play victim here or call someone all types of profiles if you never met them. The hobby is full of weirdos. Including providers. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Treetop78759's Avatar
Surprised to see a woman say that. The details of how she came to be unconscious in a room with him are totally irrelevant, no matter how poor her judgment was about ending up there. If she was unconscious and he fucked her when she was too fucked-up to consent, that's rape. Originally Posted by Txcruiser
She never ever was unconscious or she would have called the police.

If she didn't try and stop him from doing it again she would be a really terrible person.

There is absolutely no way this happened because if this was true it would be reported because nobody can be that worthless of a human.

At least I didn't say she deserves and who gives a fuck because terrible and sub humans don't really matter.

There is absolutely no way this happened because if this was true it would be reported because nobody can be that worthless of a human.

At least I didn't say she deserves and who gives a fuck because terrible and sub humans don't really matter. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I assume he's not one of them type of people for you to defend him like this?
Treetop78759's Avatar
I assume he's not one of them type of people for you to defend him like this? Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
I have no idea if he is one of them type people.

Ask 10 random women what would they do if something like this happened to them.

They would all say they would call the police.

If he did this once he will do it again. Just maybe she was not the first and the reason this happened to her was because the first person was a chicken shit and didn't report it.

The alleged behavior is inexcusable and deadly. Reporting it would probably prevent it happening again.

How can any of you possibly be okay with her letting him do this with impunity?
I have no idea if he is one of them type people.

Ask 10 random women what would they do if something like this happened to them.

They would all say they would call the police.

If he did this once he will do it again. Just maybe she was not the first and the reason this happened to her was because the first person was a chicken shit and didn't report it.

The alleged behavior is inexcusable and deadly. Reporting it would probably prevent it happening again.

How can any of you possibly be okay with her letting him do this with impunity? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Who's okay with what he did?

Maybe this is just a normal night to you people?
Having your way with a drunk,unconscious woman then sleeping like a baby without a care in the world?
Nobody can be this worthless of a human being?Well according to Op he fucking is!
All of a sudden you need a Jury trial first before you pass judgment?
He's not them type of people, so he has got to be innocent, right?
You don't believe it happened because it wasn't reported to the Police?
Are you serious?
Britttany_love's Avatar
I think she crossed boundaries taking him home to her family's house at thanksgiving. If he over stepped boundries maybe its because she invited him into her personal life. Hard to cry wolf about that. Business is business. Its a little hard to play victim here or call someone all types of profiles if you never met them. The hobby is full of weirdos. Including providers. Originally Posted by TexasJess
I said he over stepped boundaries with me and we had never met. I don't know what really happened between him and her and neither do you. If they dated that is between them, if they were together and she invited him to thanksgiving that's kind of what couples do but again that's on both parties, he didn't have to go. Just because they met in the hobby, decided to take things to another level (which is always a very horrible idea) does not give one the right to violate them when they have been drinking. Nobody with a sane mind should ever do anything sexual with someone who is clearly so drunk they cant consent nor know what they are doing. You help that person to bed and let them pass the fuck out. Nothing good will ever happen and the potential consequences are way worse then getting a little pussy. You wanna get some you wait til the next day when they are awake and coherent girlfriend, wife, hookup.. whatever.

Babe you are basically saying that if he over stepped his boundaries it is because she allowed him to? That's not really fair. Just because she's a provider and he is hobbyist that she deserves what happened. How would you feel if in the real world you started dating someone one, thought he was cool, safe, sane. You invited him in your life to meet your friends and family. One night your out had only a couple drinks, maybe yours gets spiked, you get home feeling frisky, things get a little rough etc. Is that your fault? I ask because I have been drugged before, not in the hobby and while watching my drinks. I never take one from a stranger and it was somebody I knew and trusted. So in the real world it is a crime but here it is not?

I'm not sure why thanksgiving is being made the highlight of alert. The alert was made saying someone she has been in a relationship with (who happened to be a hobbyist) possibly drugged her, sexually assaulted her, has been stalking her, showing up with out permission at her home and contacting family members after she has told the gentlemen to leave her alone.

Of course she didn't report it. Fuck see how everyone is victim shaming her here. Saying they were dating and she did it to herself. Damn if a group of hookers and johns think this about her why in the hell would anyone in the real world believe her. Victim shaming at its finest and thats truly sad.

I'm sorry but rape happens in the hobby world a lot. It happened to a provider the other day and she won't post because of fear and embarrassment. I'm glad she didn't because I would be heart broken seeing her attacked and pulled apart here by fellow members like what is happening now.

No hookers will not go to the police and report a rape when we are still in a country where it is illegal. Your life will be over. Your friends, family, job and you life etc will be all made public. Why do you think the guys here who get robbed violently by a pimp with a gun etc don't report it to the police. Hmm because their wife, so, work etc are gonna find out that they are fucking around with hookers. Rape in the real world is almost never reported because of fear, embarrassment, guilt, victim shaming etc so why would someone do it that is already doing a profession that is illegal. Fear a jury would take one look and say well she fucks for money so she put herself in that dangerous position so it is not rape. She fucks for money so as long as she got the money the sex was consensual.
I think she crossed boundaries taking him home to her family's house at thanksgiving. If he over stepped boundries maybe its because she invited him into her personal life. Hard to cry wolf about that. Business is business. Its a little hard to play victim here or call someone all types of profiles if you never met them. The hobby is full of weirdos. Including providers. Originally Posted by TexasJess
So wait, just because she crossed some personal boundaries by letting this man into her life, that somehow gives him the right to commit a felony? And she shouldn’t say shit about it because hey, she was asking for it. Victim blaming and shaming from another woman. Wow. Just wow. I’ll bet you think it’s fine for a husband to rape a wife, too. Because after all, she invited him into her personal life...
I also am not one just to post bullshit about someone unless I indeed know for sure. I don't make shit up and I'm blunt as hell with the truth. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Truer words have never been spoken on this board. If Brittany says something, you can take it as gospel truth.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Truer words have never been spoken on this board. If Brittany says something, you can take it as gospel truth. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Ah dunno. She toldt meh oncest Ah wuz good-lookin'. But she had bin drinkin'. An' Ah thinck she mighta bin sarcastic.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Ah dunno. She toldt meh oncest Ah wuz good-lookin'. But she had bin drinkin'. An' Ah thinck she mighta bin sarcastic. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
If I say it I mean it alcohol or not . If I have a couple of drinks. You get an even more raw unfilitered truth
winn dixie's Avatar
I said he over stepped boundaries with me and we had never met. I don't know what really happened between him and her and neither do you. If they dated that is between them, if they were together and she invited him to thanksgiving that's kind of what couples do but again that's on both parties, he didn't have to go. Just because they met in the hobby, decided to take things to another level (which is always a very horrible idea) does not give one the right to violate them when they have been drinking. Nobody with a sane mind should ever do anything sexual with someone who is clearly so drunk they cant consent nor know what they are doing. You help that person to bed and let them pass the fuck out. Nothing good will ever happen and the potential consequences are way worse then getting a little pussy. You wanna get some you wait til the next day when they are awake and coherent girlfriend, wife, hookup.. whatever.

Babe you are basically saying that if he over stepped his boundaries it is because she allowed him to? That's not really fair. Just because she's a provider and he is hobbyist that she deserves what happened. How would you feel if in the real world you started dating someone one, thought he was cool, safe, sane. You invited him in your life to meet your friends and family. One night your out had only a couple drinks, maybe yours gets spiked, you get home feeling frisky, things get a little rough etc. Is that your fault? I ask because I have been drugged before, not in the hobby and while watching my drinks. I never take one from a stranger and it was somebody I knew and trusted. So in the real world it is a crime but here it is not?

I'm not sure why thanksgiving is being made the highlight of alert. The alert was made saying someone she has been in a relationship with (who happened to be a hobbyist) possibly drugged her, sexually assaulted her, has been stalking her, showing up with out permission at her home and contacting family members after she has told the gentlemen to leave her alone.

Of course she didn't report it. Fuck see how everyone is victim shaming her here. Saying they were dating and she did it to herself. Damn if a group of hookers and johns think this about her why in the hell would anyone in the real world believe her. Victim shaming at its finest and thats truly sad.

I'm sorry but rape happens in the hobby world a lot. It happened to a provider the other day and she won't post because of fear and embarrassment. I'm glad she didn't because I would be heart broken seeing her attacked and pulled apart here by fellow members like what is happening now.

No hookers will not go to the police and report a rape when we are still in a country where it is illegal. Your life will be over. Your friends, family, job and you life etc will be all made public. Why do you think the guys here who get robbed violently by a pimp with a gun etc don't report it to the police. Hmm because their wife, so, work etc are gonna find out that they are fucking around with hookers. Rape in the real world is almost never reported because of fear, embarrassment, guilt, victim shaming etc so why would someone do it that is already doing a profession that is illegal. Fear a jury would take one look and say well she fucks for money so she put herself in that dangerous position so it is not rape. She fucks for money so as long as she got the money the sex was consensual
. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Well said Ms. Britt, especially the highlighted part