Annie @ Christophers

whatafunman's Avatar
I miss Houston and the easy availability to get a room and have fun. What I don’t miss is all of wakeups useless posts. He never added any value to the board only his inflammatory posts. He’s an instigator that gets pleasure from others feeding his ego.

While Annie runs an agency with a long history of quality girls. She speaks her mind runs a tight ship.

Annie offers a lot more value to this board than wakeup ever will.
Think of all that money since the girls give her 1/2. Or did Houston Riley pull that figure out of the air. Originally Posted by LA Man
I wonder how HR thinks she knows what the $ percentages are at CC's ?

Hello and welcome! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
LA Man's Avatar
I wonder how HR thinks she knows what the $ percentages are at CC's ? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

I don’t know but she sure has been quiet lately! Someone needs to pull a good drunk and try their gas at writing a Annie post while we are waiting!
I wonder how HR thinks she knows what the $ percentages are at CC's ? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
BECAUSE someone was trying to gain favor by trying to "Pillowtalk" with a provider, and she ran to the board and couldn't wait to tell what she "Heard"...

Loose lips Sink ships!!

Ladies it is none of your Gotdamn business how another lady or Agency runs their business....

When you are a client don't engage in gossip about other providers or (Agencies).....

(It always finds a way to get back when you gossip)...Quick fast and in a hurry!!

HR you came into our little community in NOLA trying to stir the shit pot, now be a good girl and lick the spoon...


HR I'd recommend you worrying about your own purse and not Annie's purse.

Newbies pillow talking will not get you free pussy!

Hello and welcome! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
You're right. No pussy is free, in the hobby and out
costello's Avatar
This has been become a truly interesting thread. While I have never met Annie or used her agency, I cannot reply to anything negative or positive said about her. I do find her posts quite funny, and I may one day use her agency. I have seen HR, and quite enjoyed the experience. Whether her comments are off base or not, let the reader make his/her own decision after reading the “on topic” posts.

While I understand coming to Annie’s defense, HR’s post sounded more to me a general comment about agencies more so than Annie’s agency. She’s new to the area, so how would she know Annie’s business anyway…

But as I read MM’s comments, she seems to presume to know everything. What Annie thinks, what clients are doing (pillow talking to providers), everyone subscribes to CC’s newsletter? Etc,etc. Do you know these things as fact? What I can’t stand is someone acting so high and mighty and thinking that we should believe everything they spew out of their mouths! And btw, stop telling us clients what we should or should not do.
You say you want a fair fight, but it seems all you really want to do is make yourself feel good, and discredit someone for disagreeing with you.

My advice is to reread P’s comment #42. That’s the most sensible post in this thread!

BTW, I haven’t talked to HR about the situation, and in fact I really don’t care about the whole thing.
My issue is that too many times I read threads where providers think they know everything, bash every other provider to make themselves look better, and tell everyone what they should or shouldn’t do…….

Have A good one!
I don’t know but she sure has been quiet lately! Someone needs to pull a good drunk and try their gas at writing a Annie post while we are waiting! Originally Posted by LA Man
Write like Ms. Annie....LOL

This has been become a truly interesting thread. While I have never met Annie or used her agency, I cannot reply to anything negative or positive said about her. I do find her posts quite funny, and I may one day use her agency. I have seen HR, and quite enjoyed the experience. Whether her comments are off base or not, let the reader make his/her own decision after reading the “on topic” posts.

While I understand coming to Annie’s defense, HR’s post sounded more to me a general comment about agencies more so than Annie’s agency. She’s new to the area, so how would she know Annie’s business anyway…

But as I read MM’s comments, she seems to presume to know everything. What Annie thinks, what clients are doing (pillow talking to providers), everyone subscribes to CC’s newsletter? Etc,etc. Do you know these things as fact? What I can’t stand is someone acting so high and mighty and thinking that we should believe everything they spew out of their mouths! And btw, stop telling us clients what we should or should not do.
You say you want a fair fight, but it seems all you really want to do is make yourself feel good, and discredit someone for disagreeing with you.

My advice is to reread P’s comment #42. That’s the most sensible post in this thread!

BTW, I haven’t talked to HR about the situation, and in fact I really don’t care about the whole thing.
My issue is that too many times I read threads where providers think they know everything, bash every other provider to make themselves look better, and tell everyone what they should or shouldn’t do…….

Have A good one! Originally Posted by costello
Matter of fact I do.....for a fact know these things. I don't speak unless I know something for sure...

IF the said provider HR, wouldn't have pillowtalked with a newbie client and listened to 3rd party hearsay he said he learned from another provider he saw from an (agency), then none of this would be an issue in the 1st place...

I have known Ms. Annie for almost 20 years, and you don't think I know her?? lol

Clients may feel free to pillowtalk if they like, but it only makes them look stupid when the things they say in a session with a provider about another provider or (agency) get's re-said on the open forum..

Are you there to f'ck and suck or are you there to gossip and pillowtalk about others in this industry??

BTW I don't take pleasure in this at all. I just think it is unfair for HR to make a DIRECT comment (#30 post and quote Lordalan) towards CC's Agency since that was the ONLY agency being talked about in this threAD...So it was NOT a general comment but rather a DIRECT comment...

  • A1.
  • 01-15-2018, 07:06 PM matter how empassioned some people are about defending someone’s “honor” on the Interwebs...

#freeAnniespoorwhores Originally Posted by Wakeup
I am not defending someone's honor, speaking up the women that didn't do anything wrong.
You made your point, it had to be about "WakeUp" without any redeeming qualities for the Innocent bystander getting caught in the firing squad. Hostages didn't ask for this treatment. Thought you was better than that, proved me wrong.
costello's Avatar
I'm not buying what your selling MM.You can call it the facts, but I have been around long enough to know better.
I believe you enjoy all of this!!!!! It makes you feel good

My point is: If you believe its unfair, say your peace and be done with it.

You must spend a lot of time talking to clients and gathering information. You are quite the detective...

And you believe everything a client tells you? Maybe he wants something for free. I can figure out how you know all these facts. I can talk to a hobbyist I know who knows a provider whose cousin knows a hobbyist that's friends with a guy who's next door neighbor of a provider who can verify your "facts". Gimme a break.

Reading your posts and reply reminds me of an old saying: Don't argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Thanks for the good laughs!
Have a great evening!!
^^^Well....Put me on ignore if you don't like to hear the truth..The truth hurts sometimes but oh well. And BTW stop trying to hijack my Sharing the Transformation thread by asking am I posting an ad...

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids... SMDH

costello's Avatar
There are two sides to every story, not just your side...
Ignore - maybe. But I enjoy reading you bashing anyone who doesn't agree with you, and telling us all what to do and not do...
And it looks like a continuous provider ad with monthly pics and everything!

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids... SMDH I already know who the child really is....

Happy hunting!
I subscribe to Annie's newsletter!!

Matter of fact I do.....for a fact know these things. I don't speak unless I know something for sure...

IF the said provider HR, wouldn't have pillowtalked with a newbie client and listened to 3rd party hearsay he said he learned from another provider he saw from an (agency), then none of this would be an issue in the 1st place...

I have known Ms. Annie for almost 20 years, and you don't think I know her?? lol

Clients may feel free to pillowtalk if they like, but it only makes them look stupid when the things they say in a session with a provider about another provider or (agency) get's re-said on the open forum..

Are you there to f'ck and suck or are you there to gossip and pillowtalk about others in this industry??

BTW I don't take pleasure in this at all. I just think it is unfair for HR to make a DIRECT comment (#30 post and quote Lordalan) towards CC's Agency since that was the ONLY agency being talked about in this threAD...So it was NOT a general comment but rather a DIRECT comment...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
There are two sides to every story, not just your side...
Ignore - maybe. But I enjoy reading you bashing anyone who doesn't agree with you, and telling us all what to do and not do...
And it looks like a continuous provider ad with monthly pics and everything!

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids... SMDH I already know who the child really is....

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by costello
Well if it bothers you so much, STOP looking at it. Hell the sun hurts my eyes, and I damn sure am not going to stare at it if I know it hurts my eyes...

So don't look at my stuff if you don't like it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you look. YOU look because YOU choose to do so...

You bought a ticket to the train wreck honey, ain't nobody made you board this train- wreck...
