Lowest Unemployment Since Eisenhower

adav8s28's Avatar
Strange. I had it twice, never got pumped full of that shit, and am pretty sure I’m still alive. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What I posted in post #50 and what you posted in post 59 can both be true statements. The death rate for SARS_CoV2 is around 1%. Which means the survival rate is 99%. You not getting the shot and surviving twice means you are in the 99% percent group.

If all 330,000,000 people in the USA got infected with CoVid aprrox 3,330,000 would die, the other 326,000,000 plus would survive without the taking the shot.

Post #50 is saying of the 1 million plus CoVid deaths so far, the one common factor was that most of the deaths were UNVACCINATED people. There are a VERY FEW number of BREAKTHROUGH deaths, relative to the number of citizens in the USA who got the shot, about 65% of the population or 214,000,000 got the shot.

Have a nice day.
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