Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Let's take it from the top. Shall we?

JLIdiot's initial recomendation was for his fellow Idiot (IBIdiot) to hold the money. He soon followed that highly questionable recommendation by going after another Idiot, this time TrendingIdiot. (We all know how quickly either of those dubious selections would have become a clusterfuck).

On the other hand I'va's suggestion was actually my first recommendation. That being an impartial Moderator, in this instance dearhunter. My suggestion quickly fell upon deaf ears!

JLIdiot has clearly shown that he is not searching for impartiality. Instead, he wants a deck stacked full of Idiot's. The more the merrier!

How fuk'n convenient!

How about it JLIdiot? Assuming it is not a violation of Board Rules, shall we try to find a mutually agreeable, impartial Moderator to hold the money and sort out the gory details?

I'm all for it! Originally Posted by bigtex
Look, BigTexIdiot, I've stated what I will accept. If you don't like it, tough shit.
Look, BigTexIdiot, I've stated what I will accept. If you don't like it, tough shit. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Look JLIdiot, I've clearly stated the parameters for the wager. I have insisted upon fair and equitable standards. The standards that I have set are not heavily weighted for one side over the other.

Yours, much less so!

It is very clear that I insist that the playing field will be level. Nothing more, nothing less! Something that you are obviously opposed to.

With that said, I do not blame you for only wanting to wager with the conditions heavily stacked in your favor.

After all is said and done, an unlevel playing field is the only way that you can win.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Somebody finally calls BigAssSux on one of his stupid wagers, and he runs for the hills. All hat, no cattle.

Somebody finally calls BigAssSux on one of his stupid wagers Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did COIdiot get his itty bitty feelings hurt because I offered someone other than him a wager offer. Normally he is the one making ridiculous remarks and when called on it, he runs like the coward he us.

Perhaps COIdiot now sees the error of his ways and wants part of the action?

I would be more than happy to cover yours and all Idiot Klan, errrr Clan bets on this matter. Same rules, conditions and level playing field apply. It doesn't matter which Idiot jumps in.

How much are you in for, COIdiot?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing, BigAssSux. You're a dishonest blowhard. You'd find a way to back out, just like you did with JL. FACT JACK!
dearhunter's Avatar
I would be willing to hold the money and verify the issue in question.

If my ability to see all is in question, I can turn off your access to the site to set your mind at ease in that regard.
rioseco's Avatar
IGnorant racist fuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Stupid fucking race baiting sheep !
I would be willing to hold the money and verify the issue in question.

If my ability to see all is in question, I can turn off your access to the site to set your mind at ease in that regard. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Sounds good to me!

How about you, JL?

As near as I can tell, the issue revolves around whether I actually received points from a post that I made and JL took issue with. Apparently, my statement bothered JL so much, that he chose to RTM. Those were his actual words, not mine! ( See post #78 of the "Je Suis Nigeria" thread)

JL's claim appears to be that his RTM led to an infraction of the rules, thus resulting in points being given to me. I obviously dispute his claim!

JL previously asked that I publicly post my infractions page, which I do not mind doing. However, I did tell him that I would only do so if it was not a violation of board rules and there was a wager involved.

JL appears to be somewhat agreeable to a $500 wager figure but we have thus far been unable to agree upon the proper person to hold the $1,000, pending verification of whether or not I actually received points for this specific incident.

Either way, I am willing to publicly post my infractions page, for verification purposes only. I am also willing to allow dearhunter to post my infractions page, once he has collected the $1,000.

In the event it is not allowable to publicly post the page, I am willing to grant dearhunter the authority to hold the money until he can determine whether or not I actually received points that resulted from this specific incident.

JL, the ball is in your court!

On a related note, it could be that COG might want in on the action. I am good for $500 for him too! How 'bout it, COG?

Are there any other takers?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Sounds good to me!

How about you, JL?

As near as I can tell, the issue revolves around whether I actually received points from a post that I made and JL took issue with. Apparently, my statement bothered him so much, that he chose to RTM. Those were his actual words, not mine! ( See post #78 of the "Je Suis Nigeria" thread)

JL's claim appears to be that his RTM led to an infraction of the rules, thus resulting in points being given to me.

JL previously asked that I publicly post my infractions page, which I do not mind doing. However, I did tell him that I would only do so if it was not a violation of board rules and there was a wager involved.

JL appears to be somewhat agreeable to a $500 wager figure but we have thus far been unable to agree upon the proper person to hold the $1,000, pending verification of whether or not I actually received points for this specific incident.

Either way, I am willing to publicly post my infractions page. I am also willing to allow dearhunter to post my infractions page, once he has collected the $1,000. In the event it is not allowable, I am willing to do what is necessary to grant dearhunter the authority to hold the money until he can determine whether or not I received points that resulted from this specific incident.

JL, the ball is in your court!

On a related note, it could be that COG might want in on the action. I am good for $500 for him too!

Over and out! Originally Posted by bigtex
OK, I will let COG hold the money for the 500 dollar fee as you suggest.. You talked me into it. Also, last 60 days of infractions. I am unaware of the moral character of the mod in question, but I trust COG. Put up or shut up, BigAssSux!
OK, I will let COG hold the money for the 500 dollar fee as you suggest.. You talked me into it. Also, last 60 days of infractions. I am unaware of the moral character of the mod in question, but I trust COG. Put up or shut up, BigAssSux! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

JLIdiot, be careful when your backing up. You might trip a land mine!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not holding any money, and I'm not in on the bet. I never questioned the points, and even if I did, I don't expect BIgAssSux to be honest.
[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1056325746]I'm not holding any money, and I'm not in on the bet. I never questioned the points, and even if I did, I don't expect BIgAssSux to be honest.[/QUOT

Don't let dull knife hold the funds, he will blow it on firewater and hookers.
hey fuckwad that picture in itself is racist. so you are a racist if you think it has any purpose other than to extend the racist agenda of Obammy and his ilk.

you aren't even a whore fucker. what are you even doing here? i recall you were going to leave. LEAVE. faggot.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
WTFuckwad and Asswipe have got to be brothers
I am unaware of the moral character of the mod in question Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JLIdiot has the audacity to question a Mod's moral character. That's a laugh! Especially since JLIdiot has no character, moral or otherwise!


Why is "moral character" an essential ingredient on a friggin' hooker board? Duh!

Setting moral's aside: As it relates to dearhunter's character, he does have Mod status on this Board. That should be good for something!

Hmmm, both dearhunter and boardman have a certain degree of Mod status. They are also occasional posters in this forum, with no dog in this fight.

Why not let the two of them jointly hold the $1,000 and hopefully helping resolve the dispute, fairly and equitably?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1056326176]
I'm not holding any money, and I'm not in on the bet. I never questioned the points, and even if I did, I don't expect BIgAssSux to be honest.[/QUOT

Don't let dull knife hold the funds, he will blow it on firewater and hookers. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, yeah. That too.