Racism and Hate alive and well. Black woman set on fire.

  • game1
  • 10-23-2012, 02:04 PM
[QUOTE=joe bloe;1051786308]White people are dramatically more likely to be victimized by blacks than the reverse. Eighty five percent of violent interracial crime is black on white.
Blacks are also far more likely to be victimized by other blacks than by whites.

Yes, MLK was a Republican. Most blacks were Republicans until the 1960's when the Democrats cranked up the welfare programs.

You talk about "violence over the years." What about today? Who's being violent right now? Blacks are tremendously more likely to commit violent crime than any other race. Very often, the victims are white.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
  • Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
  • Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
  • Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
http://www.colorofcrime.com/colorofcrime2005.pdf[/QUOTE I wasnt going to commit, about the merits of what race does more of what, but i found this interesting, because i dont know how they got there stats, but i find that hard to believe, since most crimes that are commited by blacks, are normally done in thereown communities. But mark is correct, most blacks dont report a lot of those types of crimes because we feel nothing is going yo be done aboit it anyway.
markroxny's Avatar
Again I ask.

So i wanna be sure what you are implying here people....

Black people are more violent and left wing? Is that the argument? Originally Posted by markroxny
Dont wast your time. The promise still stands. Any of you fuckers who want to come see me or try to hurt me are welcome to come try. You all talk shit on this board but are pussies outside of it, I don't have that problem.

I won't start violence, but I will damn sure end it if you fuck with me.

Got it? Originally Posted by markroxny
Mark you sound like a High School student. Move on and get a grasp on whats going on in the world. Don't let race be an issue and don't construe stupid crap on here as a threat, cause it isn't. Nobody has incinuated in any possible way they would do harm to you if they could. You just want to project a tough guy image. Tough Guys don't sell the idea to others that they are tough. Go back to the drawing board and reinvent yourself.
markroxny's Avatar
Mark you sound like a High School student. Move on and get a grasp on whats going on in the world. Don't let race be an issue and don't construe stupid crap on here as a threat, cause it isn't. Nobody has incinuated in any possible way they would do harm to you if they could. You just want to project a tough guy image. Tough Guys don't sell the idea to others that they are tough. Go back to the drawing board and reinvent yourself. Originally Posted by acp5762
Who the fuck are you? Kiss my black ass.

You don't like my persona, hit the ignore switch. Otherwise you can eat a dick too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If it's true that African-Americans are more violent than others, it is because of years of racism perpetrated against them, and exacerbated by liberal programs and handouts, rather than education of others and demanding responsibility from all. Illegitimacy among African-Americans is at epidemic proportions. Children who grow up with irresponsible role models, or no role models at all cannot be expected to be productive members of society.

The left continues to victimize African-Americans, and other groups, by treating them as a voting bloc, and awarding more and more handouts to buy their votes. This allows people to cede their personal responsibility to the government.

African-Americans have brains, creativity, and all the basics needed to succeed. It is reprehensible for the left to keep them down, so they can maintain political power.

Sorry if the truth hurts, but that's the way it is. Our society is broken. It includes far more than just the African-American community, but that was all you were discussing. Those white people that attacked the woman are part of the same dysfunction.

Racism, drugs, and the exploitation of "victimhood" will bring this country to it's knees before the economy does. It's not a good looking future.
joe bloe's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
If it's true that African-Americans are more violent than others, it is because of years of racism perpetrated against them, and exacerbated by liberal programs and handouts, rather than education of others and demanding responsibility from all. Illegitimacy among African-Americans is at epidemic proportions. Children who grow up with irresponsible role models, or no role models at all cannot be expected to be productive members of society.

The left continues to victimize African-Americans, and other groups, by treating them as a voting bloc, and awarding more and more handouts to buy their votes. This allows people to cede their personal responsibility to the government.. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Here we go with this "personal responsibility" bullshit. 47% redux.

You people have never spend any real time around black people or in a black community, it's obvious. The majority of black people are very hard working, take responsibility for their lives. Stop getting your opinion of black people from the news!

joe bloe's Avatar
The police need to know that she was actually attacked. There have been accounts (and I posted a link to two of them) where committed fanatics or mentally ill people injured themselves, sometimes seriously, in order to get attention or to lob charges against some people.

Remember about eight months ago where a boy called the police and said that a couple of other kids had set him on fire. It was a hoax. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And don't forget, Tawana Brawley, who falsely accused six New York City police officers of gang rape, and the black "exotic dancer" that falsely accused the Duke lacrosse team of gang rape. And don't forget the black maid that falsely accused the French IMF director of rape, a few months ago.

The only time you ever hear about white on black rape is when it's falsely alleged. That's because, it almost never happens.
markroxny's Avatar
The only time you ever hear about white on black rape is when it's falsely alleged. That's because, it almost never happens. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You have lost your fucking mind. WOW.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You have no idea of my experience with the African-American community. Since you don't, STFU.
markroxny's Avatar
You have no idea of my experience with the African-American community. Since you don't, STFU. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I know if you believe that bullshit you posted, you don't know jack about black people.

I am one, I know.

So you STFU CowardlyOldBitch.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

  • game1
  • 10-23-2012, 02:58 PM
And don't forget, Tawana Brawley, who falsely accused six New York City police officers of gang rape, and the black "exotic dancer" that falsely accused the Duke lacrosse team of gang rape. And don't forget the black maid that falsely accused the French IMF director of rape, a few months ago.

The only time you ever hear about white on black rape is when it's falsely alleged. That's because, it almost never happens. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Dont forget susan smith who said a black man stole her car with her kids in it, only to find out she droened them, dont forgrt about thr lawyer a few years back who shoot himself and killed his pregnant wife for the insurance money, and blamed it on a black man, dont forget about the women who accused kobe bryant of rape, who had like three different men sperm in her panties, and is far as white men not rapeimg black women, i know of three women, that was raped by a white man.
joe bloe's Avatar
Here we go with this "personal responsibility" bullshit. 47% redux.

You people have never spend any real time around black people or in a black community, it's obvious. The majority of black people are very hard working, take responsibility for their lives. Stop getting your opinion of black people from the news!

Unbelievable. Originally Posted by markroxny
If the majority of blacks took personal responsibility for their lives, they wouldn't have a 70% illegitimacy rate; this is in spite of the fact that the majority of black pregancies end in abortion. Blacks have children out of wedlock and expect the rest of society to be responsible for them.

Black women have a 2,000% higher rate of HIV infection, than white women, due to their irresponsible behavior; for black men it's only 760% higher.

joe bloe's Avatar
I know if you believe that bullshit you posted, you don't know jack about black people.

I am one, I know.

So you STFU CowardlyOldBitch. Originally Posted by markroxny
You don't know jack about white people. I am one; I know.

It's a white thang; you wouldn't understand.